Chapter Eleven

No, I’m not dead yet…he he he…it’s Sunday morning and I’m home alone. My parents are at work right now.

~sigh~ It has been two weeks since I first laid eyes on my Jack. Gosh, I’m so obsessed with him! You can’t blame me for it!

So, ¿que pasa?

Nothing much in here. I’m still heartbroken. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this story is boring! And I know you’re asking: where the hell is the romance?

~crying like a baby~ I don't think there's romance anymore! Tragedy maybe but romance? Ugh! I’m hopeless. Nobody likes me! I don't have friends! I don't have my Jack! My dad doesn't like me. My mom even approves of me killing myself except I can’t do it right now. We can’t afford that, remember? And YOU don't like me! So what else to say?

So, feeling frustrated and depressed, I walk towards my CD player and then push the ‘play’ button.

Guess mine is not the first heart broken.
My eyes are not the first to cry.
I'm not the first to know
There's just no getting over you.

I know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you.
But, baby, can't you see
There's nothing else for me to do?
I'm hopelessly devoted to you.

But now
There's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside.

I'm out of my head,
Hopelessly devoted to you,
Hopelessly devoted to you,
Hopelessly devoted to you.

My head is saying, "Fool, forget him."
My heart is saying, "Don't let go.
Hold on to the end."
And that's what I intend to do.
I'm hopelessly devoted to you.

But now
There's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside.

I'm out of my head,
Hopelessly devoted to you,
Hopelessly devoted to you,
Hopelessly devoted to you.

Hopelessly Devoted. Yup, that’s me. Well, at least Olivia Newton-John gets her man at the end of the movie.

~sigh~ It will be really cool if I’m Sandy Olsen and my Jack is Danny Zuko…he he he…well, one thing for sure is that I’m a fool for being devoted to him but I can’t help it. I want to be with Jack. Gosh, life is hard. Poor me, I know. You’re probably thinking: "Gosh, you’re so pathetic and your life is like, uh, worse than boring! I have no life at all!" ~sobbing really loud~ I know! Give me a break, would ya?

Then, TING! I have an idea…he he he. You don’t know what it is, do you? ~_^

I walk towards my CD player, push the ‘stop’ button and then, go to my closet and change my white nightgown into a pink skirt and white top. Guess where I got ‘em...he he he...WalMart! Oh, I just love pink. I think the majority of my clothing is pink, even my underwear...he he he...I also love wearing skirts. I know I'm so girlie and I'm weird and I think that's the reason why I can't get a man.

It’s only nine forty-five and I already ate my breakfast. There’s really nothing to do cause I already cleaned the house, did the laundry, and washed the dishes. So, now I'm fixing to go outside to take a walk.

~inhaling~ Ah, don't you love the fresh air in the morning? ^_^ Well, you won't love it if you live in a place that is close to a dumpsite area. You'll be inhaling those dog crap or rotten stuff. Ew ~_^

Anyway, I am walking right now and as usual, the neighborhood is quiet as ever. Buddy, Mrs. Brinson's dog, isn't even barking. Maybe he's dead (he he he I know that's cruel). It's just I still hate him for almost biting my ass. Damn dog.

Man, my house is really really small comparing to these houses. See, our house is like located at the far end of the neighborhood so hardly any cars pass in there and almost everybody who lives there doesn't even know our little place existed. Anyway, I just want to share that with you.

At last! I am here. 'Here' means in front of Jack's house. ~sigh~ Man, when will I ever get the chance to step a foot on that house? Anyway, I came here not to see the house, but to see Jack.

I know, I know. I'm a stalker...he he he...see, if you really like a guy (in my case, "LOVE A GUY") you'll do different crazy stuffs that you wouldn't even think about doing. Anyway, I'm just gonna stand here in front of the gate and see if there's any sign of my Jack.

Nope, still no sign of him! I've been standing for forty-five minutes and small sweat starting to form on my forehead. Even his black Porsche and red Corvette are not there! ~starting to make sob noises~ Where could he be? In his room? Eating? Watching sports on ESPN? Talking on the phone? Or better yet, he's taking a hot, steamy shower. Ooh la la...he he mind is getting dirty in here! Gosh, I would probably melt if I see Jack taking a shower. Talk about the warm water running down on his hard body with steam all around him! he he he I would kill to see that naked body of his! Gosh, even take a picture of it! Okay, okay, okay, enough of this! I'll save my daydreaming later.

Anyway, where is he? Should I push the intercom that is attached to the gate and ask for Jack? And then this guy in the suit will answer and tell me that the young master is not home and tell me to come back later. But I don't think I have the guts to do it. I'm shy, remember?

So, if he's not home, where is he?

Then, my blood starting to boil and my heart starts beating faster than the usual.

"Oh, no!" I exclaim at loud. I don't care if someone hears me but I doubt that someone will. "I should have known!"

A big DUH for me! Of course he's with that bitch! He was talking with her Friday and I should have figured it out that he was asking her out! Man!

So, with my fool heart aching, I start walking. Hopelessly Devoted. That is really me. Sad but true. But I know they will eventually break up and I'm gonna be available. So no big deal! Yeah right! Ugh! Everything is not gonna be all right! It's always gonna be bad for me. Always and forever!

Click on the link below, hon, if you wanna continue reading my sorry story ~_^

Chapter Twelve