Chapter Thirteen

Jack is here! Yay! Yay! Oh my God! What the heck am I gonna do? He's there! Oh wait! He's getting out of his car! Okay, he's closing the door and then BAM! he closes it. And now, turning around, he's looking at me!

Oh, someone catch me, please...he he he...I'm going to faint. Oh, is it just me or it's really hot in here. Ring the alarm! Rose DeWitt Bukater is burning!

...he he he... He's so fine! My hunk is walking towards me and oh my, I'm very stiff right now. I can't move! UGH!

"Sup, Rose?" he asks me. Oh, how I miss his sexy voice.

"Uh..." What's the matter with me? Geez! This is not the time for my brain to go blank, "Uh...uh...uh...uh..." I probably been saying 'uh' for more than twenty times. Gosh, I'm such a dork. Why does this have to happen when my Jack is around?

"Are okay, babe?" He asks and I can see concern in his eyes! Aw, so sweet. And he called me 'babe'! I can die now. Oops! I completely forgot! My family doesn't have the money for the funeral! DUH!

"Yes, I'm okay." I say dreamily to him. I'm totally looking at his ocean blue eyes. Oh how I miss them so much.

I love you, Jack! Marry me! I want to say but...he he he...that would be embarrassing if I really ask him that.

"You sure?"

"Sure." Still lost in my own world. "Very sure."

He's looking at me right now and we're staring at each other. Oh, the background music is staring to play. Birds are chirping and everything is gone except my Jack and me. Oh, how I just love this!

Am I dreaming?

Someone slap me please!

Then, suddenly, Jack takes both of my hand and gosh, my shaking hands are sweaty! EW! ...he he he...anyway, of course, I am shock and became stiffer. Oh, why do I have to be nervous every time I'm around him? If I'm alone, I always want to see him. And now, he's here, holding my hand! What the fuck is wrong with me? (Gosh, did I just say that foul word? Gee whiz! I'm getting bad ~_^)

Anyway, where were we? Oh okay, he's now holding my hands and starts talking BUT here I am, lost in my world, looking at him dreamily.

~ Lost in my own world ~

"Rose, I know we haven't know each other but the moment I laid eyes on you after I almost hit you, I just can't take my mind off you." Jack says sincerely.

"Oh, Jack," I tell him, really touched by what he said, "Me too. I feel the same." Oh hell yeah, I TOTALLY feel the same!

"I want to ask you this question and hope that you will say yes." He says slowly.

"What is it, Jack?"

"Will you give me the honor of having you as my girlfriend?"

My blood rises up and my heart is beating faster than the usual again. I can't believe I'm hearing this from him! Oh, Jack. YES! The answer is yes! I love you and I want to be your girlfriend!

~ Back to my real world ~

"So what's you answer?" Jack asks me, looking curiously at my green eyes.

"It's yes!" I exclaim happily.

I see his handsome face forms a grin. He pulls me toward his warm and hard body. He hugs like tightly and oh god that feels good. Am I in heaven? I'm his girlfriend!

Then, he whispers in my ear, "Thanks, babe. I really appreciate you agreeing to be my tutor."

Oh, you're VERY welcome, sweetie.

Jack, you can have me whenever you want and you can--HOLD THERE! What did he say? Did I hear him right? Did he just say "agreeing to be my tutor"? What? I thought he asked me to be his girlfriend! What the heck is going on? Ugh, shoot!

I was daydreaming!


I thought it was real!

No! Please tell me this is a dream and that one was not!

Slap me, please? I want to wake in this nightmare and go back to the reality where Jack asked me to be his girlfriend!


Ow! That hurts!


Okay, stop! That's enough! I'm sure I'm awake now. Now, let's see which one is which.

"Tutor?" I ask him slowly, swallowing this big lump on my throat.

"Yeah, my tutor," He answers, looking at me with confused look, "Rose, are you okay? You're not looking so good."

"Yeah," I just simply answer. Am I really okay? No, I am not okay, dammit! And I know I don't look good and so, I don't need any reminder about that! Gosh, I want to die! Forget what mother had said! Whether we can afford it or not, I just want to die right now! She can just wrap my little body with a blanket after she finds me dead in my room from stabbing myself to death (ugh, that sounds too much painful) and dump me in the ocean so the shark can eat me! Why oh why does this have to happen to me? Why me? Why Rose, the nerd? Why, Rose, the corniest person in the world? Why Rose, the dorkiest girl in the entire universe? Why, Rose, the person who is totally in love with Jack Dawson? Why?

Get over it, loser, a voice say. You will always be lonely so don't even bother to be happy.

Shut up! Whoever you are!

Okay, okay, okay, I need to calm down now. Geez! I think I'm gonna faint. Or better yet, I think I'm gonna throw up!

And then, it happens.

I actually throw up in front of him! Oh my god! He has my puke all over his Tommy shirt, pants, and shoes!

Oh, my! I want to really die right now. My stomach hurts now and everything around me is getting darker. My head is spinning around and I'm feeling another round of puke coming out. Then, there it happens again, but this time, I turn away from Jack and puke on the grass. My dad will kill me if he sees my puke all over his green lawn. Jack is behind me, putting a comforting hand on my back, asking me if I'm going to be fine. And of course, I say 'yes' even if I'm not.

Well, I can sure send this embarrassing situation to Seventeen Magazine for trauma-rama section and get it posted in the magazine and then receive one year supply of tampons for exchange!

Why does life have to be mean towards me? Geez, instead of this happening to me, why didn't it just happen to that bitch Gisele, huh? Why me?

By the time I wipe my puke from my mouth, endless tears are falling down on my face. It's bad enough I puke on my Jack. I bet he will never come any closer to me ever again. But wait, I'm going to be his damn tutor, remember? ~sigh~ My damn life is a bitch.

How could I have thought that I have a chance with him? I'm really such a fool. There was I, thinking that he was asking me to be his little girlfriend.

Now, since I have no chance with my Jack, should I stay and love him or try to forget him?

The answer is easy.

I'll keep on loving him even though it will hurt me. I know you're thinking I'm so stupid but hey, if you're in love, you'll do anything for that person.

So anyway, I'm crying really loud right now and my face is buried in Jack's chest. He holds me close to him and comforting me with his words. I don't remember all of them because I'm busy thinking of how messed up my life is. But I heard him say, "You're gonna be all right", "I'm here for you", "Don't cry. You'll ruin your beautiful eyes." Those words kind of brighten me up but I'm still broken hearted. Jack is so sweet and it will be an honor to have him as my boyfriend. I could picture him and me walking in the park, hand in hand, laughing and kissing. Man, should I ask him?

Nah! Not in millions of years! I'm a shy, timid little red haired girl, remember? I could never have the courage to ask him that. So, I guess I'm would only be his tutor, nothing less, nothing more.

Life sucks, huh, girls? If you have a boyfriend, then, I hate you! If you don't and you're single and desperate, then, thank you. I feel your pain ~_^ ...he he he... Well, hasta luego.

Broken hearted Rose

Chapter Fourteen