Chapter Fifteen

It’s Part Fifteen of My Story, and I bet you’re thinking now, "Where the hell are the kisses and the sex?"

~major blush~…he he he…you little pervert! Sex? In this story? Me? Yeah, sex and me…he he he…I don’t think sex and me belong in the same category. Me and the word virgin will always belong together! ~_^ How could you think such thing? Shame on you, little girl! You need to be spanked! (joking!)

Well, seriously--hey! Don’t laugh! I’m serious right now. See, I’m not smiling, and yes, I am serious. Anyway, I don’t know if there’s gonna be such thing in this story, but hey anything could happen! I think it will all depend on Jack. But I don’t really think so. See, he and I being together only exist on my imagination, but in real life, it ain’t gonna happen.

Anyway, so what’s up? Nothing much here except I’m walking in the hallway of my enormous school. Dammit, I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I was so busy thinking about where my Jack went after he left my house that I only got three hours of sleep. Now, I look like crap (not that I didn’t look like this before), and I can feel people laughing behind me. Do I look that bad? Is my curly hair really sticking out like I’ve been stroked by lightning? Are those shadows under my green eyes are so deep that they make me look like I’ve been using the drugs or something? Man, I know I don’t have to ask you since I already knew the answer. I know I look ugly. Ugly and I feel like I’m fat. Am I fat? Is my butt too big? Does this skirt make me look fat? Well, I know I’m really not fat, but I feel like I am.

Suddenly, "Watch where you're going." The voice with a cold tone says and that makes me turn around to see who that person is.

Well, guess who’s voice that was? None other than the bitch herself, Laura. Laura McGee. Here she is, with her 5’6’ height, standing in front of me, wearing her cheerleading uniform. Her cold blue eyes are looking at me with her long blond hair is loose (my hair is longer just to let you know ~_^) and both of her hands are on her waist and really giving me a dirty look. Now, I really feel like I’m a piece of crap.

Bitch, you big mother BEEP-er! Don’t you BEEP with me! I’m kind of BEEP-ing mad right now, and I’m gonna BEEP-ing kick your slutty, cheerleader ass! I want to say so badly, but I don’t want to cause a scene, and plus, I don’t have the guts to talk to her like that anyway…he he he…it sounded like I was one of the guests on the Jerry Springer Show…he he he…

So, as the shy and nice little mouse that I am, I say softly, "Sorry." And then, I start walking away from her with my head bends down.

I feel like I’m gonna cry, but I won’t. It’ll be embarrassing, and plus, what good will it do to me? Nothing. It won’t do any good, and no one will care even if I cry. I walk towards my locker and do the combination. I took out my book and binder and then, close it.

I am now walking, walking, just walking, until I reach the end of the hallway. What heck am I doing? I must be tripping today since I already passed my first period class. Damn. I’m having a feeling that today is gonna be the day when everything will go slow, and I will feel that everybody hates me. Life is not fair. Man, I should make this a motto. Yeah, that’s it! My motto is: Life is not fair. I know it’s not original, but hey, it’s true though. Well, uh, at least for me it’s true. Life has been really a bitch to me.

Now, I don’t feel like going to class. I’m just going to stay here and wait for the next bell, and maybe then, I’ll feel much better. So, I sit down on the floor. I’m hugging my knees, and my head is resting on them. Hope the assistant principal won’t catch me because if he did, I’ll be in big shit. God, I hope not.

My head is resting for few minutes when I heard footsteps coming towards me. Uh-oh, Mr. Bush, the assistant principal, is coming. And damn, what can I tell him as my excuse? Well, I’ll just keep my head resting on my knees and pretend that I didn’t know that he’s there. I waited for few more seconds for him to talk, but then, there’s silence.

Okay, I don’t like this. I know I just heard footsteps, and I’m sure it was Mr. Bush since he’s the only one that checks up this hallway. So, I slowly lift my head up to see if someone is in front of me. To my surprise, my man is standing few feet away from me. His face doesn’t show too much emotion except for a pity, but I don’t really know what’s on his mind right now. Okay this is not comfortable because he is just looking at me.

I hear him sighed and then, "What a pretty girl like you doing in this hallway, just sitting by herself, huh?" I don’t know if he’s trying to compliment me or he’s telling me something else.

"I just want to be alone."

"Well, I don’t think you should be alone right now." He walks few more steps closer to me and held his hand out, "Come on, get up, babe. I don’t think you’ll appreciate me seeing your underwear." He says indicating that my underwear is really showing. I look and gosh, I’m so embarrass right now. My cheeks are burning red right now. I took his manly hand, and he pulls me up. I smile at him shyly, still blushing badly.

Oh, my God, this reminds me of the first time I meet him! I don’t know if you remember this or not, but I clearly remember that Sunday morning when I fell in love with Jack. It was love at first sight for me. ~sigh~ Oh, yeah. It was heaven for me that day. Man, he almost hit me with his red Corvette, and I clearly remember that I fell on my ass. He was a little bit arrogant that day (which I find sexy ~_^), but, of course, he pulled me up. And he also saw my Minnie Mouse underwear that day, and I was embarrassed as I am now. Gosh, must this embarrassing moment happen again? I always ended doing embarrassing stuffs in front of Jack. This underwear-showing-thing situation was not the only embarrassing situation I’ve been. Remember when I threw up on him? I think that’s the most embarrassing of those two! Thank goodness he forgot all about it, or at least, I hope. I can guarantee that there’s going to be more embarrassing things in my future. Poor me. I will be lonely forever and eventually die a virgin.

"I think it’ll be good if we skip school today, don’t you think?" Jack says to me, his eyes are soft and sincere.

"Yes," that’s all I can say. Heck, I’m speechless.

We both start walking with his arm around my shoulder. I lean on him for support, and man, I think it’s getting better for me. HA HA HA…who would have thought? Oh, I’m supposed to be sad right now. Okay, I’m gonna be serious now. All right, here we go…

Jack and I went to my locker to put my book and binder there, and then, we left the school without being noticed, like we did before.

So, what’s gonna happen now? Will there be more kisses from Jack? Or will there be more false hope and heartache?

I guess, only time will tell.

Who can say?
Where the road goes
Where the day flows
Only time

And who can say
If your love grows
As your heart shows
Only time

Who can say?
Why your heart sighs
As your love flies
Only time

And who can say
Why your heart cries
When your love lies
Only time

Who can say?
When the roads meet
That love might be
In your heart

And who can say
When the day sleeps
If the night keeps
All your heart

Night keeps all your heart

Who can say?
If your love grows
As your heart shows
Only time

And who can say
Where the road goes
Where the day flows,
Only time

Who knows--only time
Who knows--only time...

Just hang in there, my friends. Tell me of what you think of my story, okay? Later! Have a nice day or evening.

Rose Dawson

Chapter Sixteen