Chapter Eighteen

After laughing together, Jack and I go to his car to put my red, beautiful roses in there and come back to the mall. Gosh, I’m kinna guilty about leaving them there, but they’ll be there.

So anyway, we go to ice cream stand and instead of ice cream, we buy sundaes. He orders chocolate sundae and I order the same. I just love chocolate! And not only I get one cherry but two more extras! Yum Yum Yum! ..he he he… Don’t you wish you were here, huh?

So, okay, I decide not to tell Jack to go back to school because the love-fool that I am begins to have hope again. So, Jack and I don’t have chance and my heart betrays me again. They say love is hard, love is blind, love is everything, and so, I’ll let my love for Jack tells me what to do. It’s really risky but what the hell, I’m gonna take my chance! I know I told you that the tutorial time is enough but I lied. It’s not enough. I want to see more on him. One to two hours with him are not enough for me. He is like the oxygen I breathe, the prince charming I’ve ever dreamed of, the king of my heart and the food I eat (well delete the food part).

Biting my cherry (that kinna sounds funny, don’t you think? ..he he he..), I let its sweetness takes over me. Oh my word, it’s so good. Not only I love chocolate and also love cherry. They are just so great. Hmm…

"It’s only nine," Jack says looking at his sports watch. "I don’t want to go back to school and definitely not home. We need to burn a lot of time here, Rose."

I just simply nod as my answer since I put the two cherries left on my mouth. Yum Yum Yum. Hey, where did his sundae go? He’s done already? Man! He eats fast unlike me, I take it really slow. …he he he…

Then, Jack continues, "I’m just not the school-type guy, ya know? And my parents just keep buggin’ me with that. I will learn on my own time. It’s just I don’t feel like it right now. That’s why I skip school and I did that a lot on previous schools."

That’s when I kinna choke on my sundae. "Previous schools?"

"Yeah. I’ve been kicked out like ten times."

Damn. That’s a lot.

"That’s the reason we move here. For me to stay out of trouble, but I don’t think it will change anything. I mean, my parents are still often away from home to make me stop, and I still make bad grades. I’m a dumb ass, you know?"

"You’re not." I answer him. I can’t believe he’s saying this. Jack, a troublemaker?

"You probably already noticed that I skip a lot and that’s why I got kicked out of many schools. But that wasn’t the only reason. " His voice is softer than the normal. I don’t attempt to say anything. I just want to hear him out. "I got in few fights, yelled the principal, got drunk one time, then, there’s---" He pauses and laughs a little while shaking his blond head slowly, "I’m sorry. I don’t why I’m boring you with all these shit."

"No, that’s okay. You can tell me anything." I tell him. I can’t believe he doesn’t want to talk about these stuffs. I want to get to know him more.

"I don’t talk about myself that much to people, but when I talk to you it’s like-" He stops again and lets out a sigh, "I just don’t know. You’re just different, Rose."

Different? In what way? Is it good different or bad different? I want to ask him, but I just want to let him talk.

"When I almost hit you that day, I was mad because of my dad and that was why I was an ass to you. " He lets another small laugh, "That was funny, but I’m not talking about you though. I’m talking about how I acted. I kinna scared you, didn’t I?"

"Kinna," I honestly answer him. Well, he kinna annoyed me too before I saw his gorgeous face but I’m not gonna say a word about it. BUT I’m glad he didn’t find the underwear thing funny because that was really embarrassing for me, but if I’m gonna think about it, it was funny. Imagine how I looked like that Sunday morning. Well, I guess I looked very stupid and red from blushing. This morning I was red too from embarrassment. That underwear thing happened again, remember?

"Then, I saw your underwear." This time, he laughs a real one. "I hope you don’t mind me mentioning that. And I know it was embarrassing for you, but when I saw your face and your reaction, they just changed my mood. It was like, you changed me, and I know it sounds weird—but you did. There’s no word to describe it."

I’m speechless and slightly embarrass about the underwear thing, but is this really happening? Is Jack really opening to me? I mean, what the heck a hunk of guy doing with me, the most boring person in the whole entire universe? He looks so sincere about what he just said, and am I suppose to say something to him? I just don’t know what to do. I don’t have experience with these kind of stuffs, remember?

Letting out a sigh, I start, "Well—I—um, I’m just glad that I did." Man, if you could hear me talk, I just sound like a person with a really bad sore throat. I sound funny. …he he he…

"Well, enough about me. What about you? You didn’t really say that much on our way here. " Jack says looking at me.

Okay, first of all, I’m glad he’s not gonna talk about the underwear thing that happened this morning. Secondly, now, I don’t feel like finishing my sundae anymore since butterflies start forming in my stomach and that’s why it just slips from my hand and falls on the floor (gee, what a mess!). Third, I don’t know what to say, and I feel chills down my spine. I’m suddenly very cold. Fourth, I’m getting kinna nervous. Few minutes ago, I was cool and comfy with Jack and now—I am not. Fifth, I don’t know what to say—but wait, I think I said that already (sorry ^_^). Okay, okay, okay, I just don’t know what do. Okay, Rose, take a deep breath and act as if you’re talking to your mom--- well, that’s not a good idea—just act the way you acted when you were talking to the imaginary Jack last night in front of your bathroom mirror. All right, I’ll just do that. I really, I mean, really need to get this nervous thing with Jack. Really.

"There’s nothing much about me really. I’m just plain Rose Bukater." WOW, I sound normal!

"You’re not plain. Plain is just like a blank sheet of paper. Nothing on it. But you," Jack looks at me from head to toe and then, looks at my face, "You look nothing like a paper. With your hair, eyes, lips, and lovely face, any guy will be lucky to be with you." Raising a hand to my face, he caresses it softly and continues, "And I’m a very lucky guy. Lucky that I have the chance to meet you. Lucky that I have a smart girl like you to tutor me. Lucky that you’re with me right now." Then, he stops—not only talking but touching me red cheek.

It is quiet. I mean, where the hell is the soft background music?! The only sound I hear is our heart beating together as if we’re--- one.

Slowly, Jack wraps his arms around my slim waist and of course, that moves me closer towards him, but I didn’t stop him. I’m now looking up at him since I’m very short and his head slowly moves closes to my face until our lips meet.

Ooh-la la. The kiss is slow. His lips cover mine and they are soft, yet firm, and quickly molded against mine. After few seconds of surprise, I become for curious and pressed my lips more forward. It feels warm, and it breaks all the chills that I’ve felt. I leaned forward a little more and put a hand against his chest. Gosh, his chest is so hard, I mean, like so manly. It feels good and the same time, it makes me feel I’m really safe.

We kiss for like I don’t know forever! …he he he… Joking, I think it’s like fifteen second. No, I don’t know. I lost track of the time but anyway, I don’t really care. The kiss is what I really care about.

Am I dreaming again?




Which one is it?

Only one way to find out. … he he he…

When I open my eyes, Jack’s lips are about an inch apart from mine. His ocean blue eyes meet my green eyes. I see passion and genuine emotion in his eyes. This is like one of those novel books. When the hero looks at the girl with desire and great passion after they kiss.

I don’t know what got into me but, "Are you real? Is this real?"

He says nothing in return but just presses his lips against mine. His hand cups the side of my face, and I feel his tongue run along my lips, causing the faintest tickle. And then, my lips part with my own tongue meeting his. My heart pound heavily, and it’s the most erotic moment of my life (sounds familiar? ..he he..).

Okay, this is real! Oh gosh, this is real!!! Yay! Can you believe I’ve been Frenched?!


Neither do I but it’s real! …he he he … Hey, mall isn’t that bad at all! Actually I love it now!

I don't want another heartbreak,
I don't need another turn to cry.
No, I don't want to learn the hard way
Baby, 'Hello.' Oh no, 'Goodbye.'
But you got me like a rocket shootin' straight across the sky.

It's the way you love me,
It's a feelin' like this.
It's centrifugal motion,
It’s perpetual bliss.
It's that pivotal moment.
It's 'Ah, impossible.'
This kiss, this kiss.
This kiss, this kiss.

Cinderella said to Snow White
'How does love get so off course?
Oh, all I wanted was a white knight with a good heart,
soft touch, fast horse.'
Ride me off into the sunset, baby I'm forever yours.

It's the way you love me,
it's a feelin' like this.
It's centrifugal motion,
it's perpetual bliss.
It's that pivotal moment.
It's 'Ah, unthinkable.'
This kiss, this kiss.
This kiss, this kiss.

You can kiss me in the moonlight on a rooftop under the sky.
Oh, you can kiss me with the windows open while the rain comes pouring inside.
Oh, kiss me in sweet slow motion,
let's let everything slide.
You've got me floating, you've got me flying.

It's the way you love me,
it's a feelin' like this.
It's centrifugal motion,
it's perpetual bliss.
It's that pivotal moment.
It's 'Ah, subliminal.'
This kiss, this kiss.
It's criminal.
This kiss, this kiss.

It's the way you love me baby,
it's the way you love me darling, yeah…

- Faith Hill

Chapter Nineteen