Chapter Two

I almost missed the bus, and thank goodness, I didn't. Now, I am sitting at my seat inside this yellow bus. Ms. Wren, our bus driver, is now talking about the other bus driver. I don't know if she's talking to me. Since I sit on the other side of the seat behind her, where she could see me through her rearview mirror, I just simply nod and smile at her. Then she finally shut up and now I find myself looking outside the window. It is still damp outside, probably from the heavy rain last night. Anyway, I feel like I want to go home and just look at outside from the window on the side of my room.

Finally, the bus reaches the school and Ms. Wren opens the doors. I am the first one who got out of the bus. When I enter the front entrance of the school, an unexplainable feeling goes inside me. This feeling feels funny, weird, and I can't really explain it.

As usual, I walk down the hall, trying to avoid other people. Walking fast, I am heading towards the library, which where I always go. It is my haven. The only place where I can feel some comfort.

I greet Mrs. Banks and Miss Williams when I reach the library. I go straight to on of the desks and sit down. I take out some papers, pen, and of course, my romance book Romance Under the Moonlight. The reason I took out these things is because, when I get ideas while reading my book, I will write them down and that'll help me on writing my stories. Yeah, that's right, I write stories. From short to continuing stories. Those stories are my collections--I just keep them for myself and let no one read it.

Okay, I know we're on part two of my damn story and you still asking yourself when will the REAL story begins. As I told you before, this is the REAL story. My man Jack Dawson will appear…well not sure about that...he he he.

It is seven ten in the morning and the bell rings and it is time for me to go to my first period class. While I'm walking, the unexplainable feeling comes to me again. So I decide to stop at the water fountain and get some drink. Sigh. That feels better. Now, wait a minute, how come nobody in the hallway? Weird. I'm not that early and besides the school is so quiet in this part, it usually fills with laugher and shouting but now, there is none.

Anyway, I still decide to go to my first period class, Spanish Honors Four. Yup, I'm in honors. That is the highest level a student can get in Spanish class. As for my other classes, I have G.T. and AP (for those who don't know it, they are higher than Honors) Not to brag or anything, I just want to inform you that. (You probably thinking right now, 'sure whatever, whore.'). He he he.

As I told you before, I am shy and quiet, but I don't sound like it, do I? Well, I'm writing the story so everything in here is what I feel, and there's no room for secret in here! I have to have a lot of details, and I think I write more to express my feelings instead of saying them.

Okay, at last, the school is over. Oh, the reason why there were no people in the hallway on my way to first period, they went to the to gym and watched the cheerleaders perform their moves. If you are wondering what day it is, today is Thursday and now, I'm again sitting inside the same bus on the same seat. Thank God it's over because I'm really ready to go home.

That's all for today folks! Sorry again ^_^ I mean it! And oh, quit calling me 'whore'. Last time it was 'bitch' and now, 'whore?' What's up with that?

Love always,

Rose ~_^

Chapter Three