Chapter Twenty

I don’t know how I got to the parking lot, but I don’t remember anything after my father told me that I have a lot of explaining to do. And boy, I have a lot of explaining to do!

He is now talking to Jack, who seems explaining something, but his face looks cool and controlled even though my dad looks like yelling at him. Oh gosh, my dad. My father. The man who hardly spends time with me. And now—he is here. What in the world is he doing here anyway? Or better yet, how on earth did he find out that I’m here? He must have been a psychic. Ugh, the thought of that scares me. Me and me daddy don’t get along as you know. I told you about that, remember? Anyway, I guess somebody’s life is about to change—er--I mean about to end. And that life is mine!

Well, before anything happens, I just want to tell you that I appreciate you reading this story (if you’re really reading this ^_^), and pray for me or something. I’m about to leave this world.

Anyway, I see Jack shaking his head after my father said something to him, and then, he looks at me. His gorgeous eyes hold my stare for few seconds, and then, he gives me a smile. Just a small and short one, but it still takes my breath away. Somehow, that smile tells me that everything’s gonna be all right (I wish!). –sigh- Then, he turns around and starts walking away.

Wait! Where are you going? I want to tell him out loud, but my mouth is completely sealed. I am so shaking right now.

I watch him walk away until he is out of my sight. Gosh, I guess this is the end of the skipping-school thing.

"Get inside the car," My father ordered me as he opens the door.

I quickly slide inside the passenger’s side and put on my seatbelt (safety first … he he he… like it’s gonna help me later when I get home). My dad starts the engine, and then, he pulls out of the parking lot area. This stinking car. Yup, we still have the Cadillac. The rusty thing, and did I tell you that it’s making this weird noise (kind of sounds like a coughing person)? It’s embarrassing, but if you were in my place, you’ll get use to it. But really, it’s still embarrassing especially when you’re passing by a group of teenagers while they look at you, and they are kind of laughing.

Anyway, the ride home is so quiet—well except for the coughing noise—but neither my father nor I is talking. This is uncomfortable but it’s not like this is any different from any other time when I am alone with my dad, Roger Bukater. Yup, his name also starts with the letter r. So, we are the RRR Family! Yay! Yeah, whatever!

As we pull at our driveway, my heart starts pounding really fast again. Okay, the moment of truth now. I am about to walk into my own execution. Well, at least, I had the courage to speak to Jack like that, you know? I actually asked him about our relationship (not yours and mine relationship…he he he…). I step out of the car and slowly follow my dad inside the house.

As I enter the house, to my surprise, my mother is there. Yup, the mother, who have told me that we can’t afford my funeral, but hey, if they gonna execute me today, they should at least provide me with a decent funeral. Okay, okay, okay, I’m gonna stop talking about execution, funeral, or anything related to death. I am so sorry. It’s just when you’re in my situation, you’ll think of that.

Man, I am about to get punish. I’ve never been punished before. I am the nicest child ever! I am really! Why won’t you believe me? Be like that then!

I walk towards the couch and settle myself there beside my mom, who is looking at me but not saying anything at all. Hmm, interesting. She’s actually quiet and got nothing to say to me. Okay, I really need to sit because if I stay standing up, I’ll break into small pieces, and mother will be blame me for mess. Okay, here we go.

"Do you have any idea how I found out about this whole skipping school, Rose?" My father starts. His voice is so deep and cold that I could only manage to shake my auburn head.

"Of course, you don’t." He is looking down at me, "A friend of mine called me at work and told me about your little act there, young lady. That he and his wife saw you walking around with this young boy--walking around in public all over each other! Do you know how embarrassing that was for me while I was talking to him? Didn’t you learn anything from all the lessons that your mother and I taught you, young lady?"

What? Me and my Jack weren’t all over each other, but I wish we did! Gosh, if he’s gonna accuse me, at least those accusation should have happened so the punishment will be worth it.

My eyes just widened. My mouth is so close tightly, and I just listen to my dad telling me about how I change into a sweet, nice, obeying daughter into a rebellious one. Telling me that I’m becoming one of them. Them as in the people who are in my generation. Gosh, I hate this. I don’t like being lectured by my dad. I’ve never been lectured by him, and now, I know how it feels like to be lectured. It’s not fun.

Gosh, just quit it, dad! It’s too early for this, I want to say, but you know me, I won’t say that. And as for mother, she just watches the whole thing happens, not saying much. It’s still weird for her not to say or criticize something to me. She doesn’t even butt in once.

"As for the punishment," My dad concludes, "Your mother and I decided…" Oh, man, please don’t tell me that I can’t tutor my Jack anymore or worst, to stay away from him! Ugh! I can’t do that, "to ground you for a week."

What? A week? Oh, come on, folks, you could do better than that! They are not good with this, huh? Oh! What am I complaining about? …he he he… Just a week! Is it good? I mean for skipping school with a boy? Is it good? This is my first punishment from them, remember? So, I don’t really know if it’s fair or not. I guess it is!

"If you do something like this again, Rose, it’ll be worse," My mom finally speaks.

What’s the worst thing that could happen? Nothing! Well, I take that back. I could get pregnant with Jack’s baby or even marry him! …he he he… it’ll be good for me. And if that happen, what’s the worst they can do? Grounded me for two weeks? Ha! They don’t have to ground me because I am always grounded. I hardly go out except for walks, but I don’t really go anywhere really.

"Is that clear?" She continues while giving me the look. Look as in I-have-my-eyes-on-you look. It looks scary, too. Man, every time she does that, she reminds me of the wicked witch from Snow White. …he he he…

Clearing my dry throat, I say softly, "Yes, ma’am."

"About the boy," My dad adds quickly. Man, I thought he’s done, "What’s his name? Dawson, right?"

"Jack Dawson, sir." Why does he want to know? I’m kind of feeling that he’s gonna tell me that he doesn’t want to see me with him anymore. Please don’t, father!

"Dawson. Hmm. Sounds familiar."

"He just moved here." I answer plainly.

"Is he rich?" Mom asks suddenly that it catch my attention.

"His family owns the big house in the Starville Lane." I say to her so she will know how rich he is, but I’m still confused. Why on earth they are asking me about him?

"Really?" My mother has this curious-wicked type of look on her face. It gives me goosebumps. I don’t think this conversation is good! "Why don’t you invite him to dinner sometimes?"

"Huh?" I am confused. What the heck is going on?

"Yes," My dad says, "You’ve heard your mother. Why don’t you invite him and so, we could get to know him better."

"You don’t want me to stay away from him?" I ask curiously.

I have no idea why I said that. I mean, I should be happy right now, but this doesn’t look good. I don’t know really. Did I ever tell you that my folks could be weirdo sometimes? Well, they are, but I don’t see where this whole thing is leading. But I know that there’s something fishy is going on—which I have no clue on.

"Why should we?" They both say in unison. Oh my goodness! This is freaky. "Rich people are always in."

Oh, boy, this is not good. I think.

Well, what do you think? … he he he… Can you believe my parents? Well, no talking for me for a while. I’m trying to keep my mouth shut so I won’t say that Jack will ask me out. Oops! Did I say that? …he he he… We’ll just see what’s gonna happen next! Stay tuned!

Chapter Twenty-One