Chapter Twenty-Two

Warning: This chapter might contain contents that are not appropriate for people who are under twenty-one years of age. Reader’s discretion is advised! Whoa-whoa-whoa there. I was just joking when I wrote that, okay? It’s just something that I thought of to start this chapter. Honestly, my story is getting really boring. Literally, yeah. I mean, come on. I’ve doing things and like they happen over and over. I keep saying the same thing, too. Like what I’m saying right now. I’ve said this before. Not much things are happening really.

Why are you reading this anyway?

Talk about not moving with new things. I already have, like, twenty and so chapters, and it’s only been seventeen days since I met Jack. So what gives? I mean, I think I should end this story now. Like killing myself or something. You like that, huh? Of course you do! Your selfish self will keep my Jack after my death. So, killing myself is not really an option as I said before because of another reason, which I am not about to go over again. You should know about that by now. So, I guess, I just need to get better with this whole lovey-dovey thing, end this and have my own happy ending story or maybe a tragedy. Here we go.

Everything is horrible. My life is horrible. My parents are horrible. I am horrible. Jack is the only one who’s not horrible in the world that I know.

My parents, Jack, and I are now sitting in our small dining room. The small breakfast table is very crowded. My mother cooked a lot of food. We have mashed potato, gravy, ham, chicken, and pasta and other things. I’ve never seen my mother being excited while cooking this plenty of dishes. This must be a celebration. Yah, celebration for the last the day Jack will ever see me. He will never see me after today. I bet. It is so humiliating, people.

"I hope we will be seeing more of you, Jack," my father says and then, he offers us a big grin.

And oh my…what is that thing in his teeth? That big green thing between his teeth. Kinna nasty if you are seeing it right now. If you are a person with a sensitive stomach, you’ll be throwing up right. You might be thinking: What’s the deal? It’s not that bad. Not that bad? Well, trust me, if you are seeing what I am seeing, that’s a big deal. Really bad. I lost my appetite already. Why is he acting like this anyways? My dad, I mean. He’s not usually like this. I’ll tell you later more about my folks. Let’s focus on me, okay? I’m being selfish, but it’s my story.

"I hope so, sir," Jack answers, not a hint in his eyes that he’s seeing my dad’s teeth.

I hope things will get better. Cross our fingers, please.

Finally, the big fiasco is over. After the formalities and farewells, Jack and I start walking outside while my parents are standing behind us with the big smiles plastered on their faces. They are waving and saying stuffs like invitations.

Alas, there’re no sign of my lovely parents, and my Romeo and I are finally alone. Hmm. What should happen now?

My opinion: I think he’s gonna tell me that he can’t see me anymore or something like that. And I understand why. Who wants to be with a stupid, ugly, redhead girl anyway? Not him. He has a lot of choices of possible girlfriends, and I would never be one of them. This is the truth, and I guess I’ve known this since the beginning. I’ve tried to pity myself and make bunch of lame reasons, but I know that I don’t stand a chance. I’m ready to face the truth. I guess, this is it. I mean, what’s the point of the story without Jack? So, this is it. Bye now. It’s been fun. Bye. Farewell. Adios.

Okay, hold on. To make this finale dramatic, I’ll share you the moment when Jack will tell me that spending time with me is the worst mistake that he’s ever done. Okay, then, I’m gonna end the story finally, Okay?

"It’s good to be alone again, huh?" he says as he tucks both of each hand of each corresponding pockets. "Look, Rose---" He stops and then out of the blue, he pulls out his hands from the pockets, grabs me and kisses me.

Gosh, he loves doing that to me. He’s done that quite a lot lately. Does this guy even know how to ask? …he he he… Like I need him to!

I feel his hands travel through my back, and it sends this tingling feeling that is so unfamiliar that it scares me and yet gives this exciting feeling at the same time. I feel like saying something, but I don’t want this to stop. My mind couldn’t think straight. I am lost for thoughts.

Then, to my disappointment, the long kiss ends. I suck in oxygen as much as I can. I need to get use to this and practice to hold my breath if Jack will always do this to me. I am blushing red right now. This stupid blushing is back again! NO!!!!

"I wanted to kiss you the whole time we were there, but your folks were there, too."

Oh, man. For a moment there, I didn’t think about my parents, and now, he reminded me of them.

"They are great, Rose." He says, breaking my thought. "Your mother is a great cook and your dad is just awesome."

Really? I want to say out loud, not believing what he has just said. "They are, but sometimes, they tend to do some things that will just want you to chop your head from embarrassment."

He gives a soft chuckle. "Maybe. At least they have sense of humor unlike mine." We get quiet after he said that statement. Unlike his? He sounded serious when he mentioned that. Jack doesn’t get along fine with his folks? Hey, how come he’s never talked about his folks?

"So are we still on for tomorrow?" He says after the long moment of silence.

For tomorrow? Man, I’ve been questioning myself all the time today. What is up with me today? But anyways, back to that question. Jack and I are going somewhere tomorrow?

Does it matter? I don’t think so! "I thought you don’t want to see me anymore?" Oops! What was that? That was so off. Why did I say that? I was going to say ‘yes’, but how the hell did I end up saying that question.

Jack looks at me a little bit surprised. "You do? Why wouldn’t I want to see you? Didn’t I ask you about us seeing each other more?"

Okay. I guess, honest time now. I think I offended him. It’s my fault. My stupid mouth. "Well, yeah, but after you met my parents, I thought that would change your mind about us. That I’m weird and that I’m no good." I bow my head and sigh, "I’m not really good at this, Jack. I have no idea really what to do. I always question myself and think about things, and…"

Suddenly, I become a drama queen. Tears are starting to fall down my cheek. Why am I crying now? Tears become sob and not long after, I start crying loudly. I sound like a baby.

Jack pulls me to him, and I grab his shirt for support. He has his arms around me, and he kisses my forehead softly.

"I don’t know really why you are with me, Jack. I like you a lot," I confess and then continue, "The moment I saw you, I knew that I lo…" I can’t continue that word. It’s too early for him to hear those three little words from me, "I like…I really like you. Even though we only know each other for few days. I want to be with you."

I can’t believe I’m confessing this now. This is, like, sounding like a sappy soap opera that I’ve been watching. "I’m confused right now. But I want you. I don’t know if I’m making sense at all." I sob. Jack’s shirt is wet now.

"You make a lot of sense." That’s all he says in a whisper.

I’ve waited and waited for more reply, but I’ve only received silence. So, there we are, in each other’s arm, feeling the wind passing us. I could spend eternity in his arms. I feel the comfort and safeness whenever he’s around me. I just hope that he feels the same. I’m head over heels for this guy. I love him, and I have the feeling that my life is about to get better.

I watch him reverses his car. He looks at me, smiles, waves, and then, he’s gone. Just like that.

-sigh- He’s gone now, but he’ll be back tomorrow! This time I’m sure! Can you believe that? We are going out tomorrow. Oh yah, who’s da shit now?! Hahahaha eh, that’s not funny. Sorry.

Okay, let’s make a quick overview of what just happened to me today. First, I had an encounter with the bitch herself, Rachel, who made me feel like crap, and so I cried. I didn’t go to my first period because of that. Then, Jack saw me in the corner, crying like a baby while my underwear was showing. He comforted me, and then, we decided to skip school again and headed for the mall. In there, we shared ice cream and kisses. –blush- He gave these cute red roses. Then, we had the talk, but dad interrupted us. Embarrassed the hell out of me. I went home with my daddy, thinking I would never see Jack ever again.

Am I getting this right so far?

Okay, good. Then, of course, I had this weird conversation with my folks and afterwards, I took a nap. A long and good one too. Woke up, found out that Jack was here. We were talking and were about to get somewhere when the witch interrupted us, and that was how the humiliation marathon started. It ended after dinner. But alas, after all of those bad things that had happened, there is one good thing that I benefited from it: Jack confessed his feelings to me( no I love you, yet, but it’s better than nothing). Yah, me. The prettiest girl ever… he he he … And now, we’re going out. You like that, huh? Jealous, eh?

Now, girls, please don’t get mad at me just because Jack loves, er, likes me. I am not daydreaming nor making this up. So, please, no threats, violence, or physical harm to me is needed. I mean no harm to you. I just want peace. So, Jack lovers, just be happy for me, okay?

This is it for now. Cya!

Rose Dawson

Chapter Twenty-Three