Chapter Twenty-Three

Oh, it’s good to be alive and breathing! Good morning, Buenos dias, or whatever to you. I am happy and excited.

Today is the eighteenth day anniversary that I’ve known Jack. Wow, I can’t believe time passes slowly in this world. Today is what? Thursday? Ah, yes, it is. But it is not just an ordinary Thursday; it is very special for Jack and I. Well, okay, I don’t really know about him, but it is for me.

Anyways, here’s the plan for today. First, I will go to school, go to my classes, and just try to have a pretty good day. That means, I will avoid that bitch if I have to. Then, go ride the bus while thinking of Jack. Go home, do homework really quick, and get ready.

What time did he say he would pick me up? I don’t remember. I think he said he would call me. That’s right and call me, he will. My folks know about this so I don’t have to worry about them, but I think I should hold that thought just in case. Okay, I’m ready to face this world!

As I wait for the bus, I look up into the sky. It’s a pretty day today. Birds are singing--not really--and trees are dancing with the wind--definitely not true. But it’s really a beautiful day today.

I look into my watch and see that I’m pretty early compare to my usual time, but hey, it’s better to be early than to be sorry.

The song Love Fool by this band starts playing in my head, and I start to swing my body to the non-existing sound.

Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Go on and fool me
I couldn’t care ‘bout anything but you…

Then, the sound of the honk startles me, causing me to jump and drop my books. But before I get the chance to bend to pick them up, the sound of door opening and shutting is audible.

And there he is. The gorgeous guy I love. Jack Dawson.

With the aggressiveness of a panther, he quickly gathers my books from the ground and holds them.

"I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you like that." He has this apologetic look. "But I couldn’t get your attention just by shouting your name. You seemed to be thinking of something else."

I turn apple-red by his comments. I guess he saw me dancing like a lunatic without music, huh? Another Rose DeWitt-Bukater normal behavior.

"Come on. Ride with me."

He opens the door for me, drops the books in the back seat, and lets me get inside that car. He slides to his side of the car a moment later and fires up the engine.

"How are you today?" I ask cheerfully.

I think I am being too obvious, but that’s okay. He knows how I feel, and I don’t think I have any secrets left to hide from him, except for the fact that I was kissing the imaginary him last night before I went to bed. It was steamy, I tell you.

"Pretty good. Woke up this morning without someone talking shit to me," he says casually. How I love everything he said, even when it’s a curse word. "You look pretty good yourself."

I blush. It’s my nature. "I’m just excited. That’s all."

"Going somewhere special tonight?" Jack inquires with the raise of his eyebrow.

"Yeah. About tonight or afternoon."

"Where you going?"

Is he playing with me? Okay, how should I act right now? I’m feeling awkward. I look at his features and shows that he doesn’t have any clue. Oh, man. Please, Jack, don’t tell me that you don’t remember. You suppose to know everything! You’re the perfect guy here!

"Um, you know?" I look at him for some help, but his attention is on the road.

"I don’t know, Rose. Sorry."

I sigh and say, "Never mind."

"Don’t say that." His casual husky tone is gone and is now replaced by a serious note. "I hate those words."

That caught my attention. He doesn’t? Why? So okay, when I said he’s perfect, I meant, everything he does is way okay for me. Maybe you don’t see that, but I have different view, okay? We ain’t alike.

"Sorry." I apologize in a soft low tone, my usual voice.

"Don’t be. There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s just I hate those words. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I’m doing everything wrong."

We come to a stop when the light turns red, and Jack finally turns his head towards me after a long time. There is something troubling him right now. The handsomeness that I’ve always dreamt of is still there. But, really, something is bothering him.

"I know everything is happening so fast, but I need to talk to you after school. Is that okay?”

I just nod my head. The lights turn green and nothing is said after that on our way to school.

The whole day passes slowly. In my third period, I am already pining for food because my stomach is asking for it. My English teacher is still talking, and I can’t concentrate. Usually, I take notes and pay attention to him attentively, but today is different. What has started very exciting became something that I worry about. What is he going to tell me? Jack just walked me to class in silence as I tried to make him smile or do something that an unpredictable Jack would do, but he didn’t do anything. He had stayed quiet. I’m not even gonna think about him changing his mind. No more negative thinking for me, remember? This story is gonna be interesting for my sake and the story. I’m gonna make this a drama from now on. Got that?

"Ms. DeWitt-Bukater?" I blink my eyes to distract my thoughts. Then, I look at the tall and skinny man, who is standing in front of me. It is Mr. Fuckass, and yes, that’s his last name. …he he he… I’m not kidding at all. His expression is questioning.

"Sir?" I reply to him.

I look at him and see him gesturing on my notebook paper. I look on the page, and it is blank with my black pen lying on top of it. I don’t want to say anything. Everybody is looking at me now. What’s their problem? I hate being stared at.

"Are you all right, Ms. DeWitt-Bukater? You seem to be preoccupied today."

"I’m fine, sir. Thank you."

He looks at me again, and for a second there, I thought he’s going to say something, but he turns his heels and proceeds to what he is talking about. For the rest of the period, my mind drifts off somewhere. Thoughts including my Jack and I. I am totally in love with him. What else is new?

Finally, the dismissal bell rings and as quick as lightning, I bolt out of my last class. I’m greeted by massive crowd, and with my short height, it’s very easy to get shove to the side of the hallway. I’m on the verge of hitting the wall because of the fat guy accidentally hit me when I feel two arms wrap around me.

My back is resting on a hard wall, and the familiar aroma fills my nostril. It’s Jack!

We start walking together with him behind me while his arms are still wrapped around me. He’s leading the way, which I don’t mind at all. Why would I? (Lucky me!)

We’ve reached the safety, and we are now walking in the school parking lot. Music bursting out from people’s speaker and different beat interrupted the stillness of the lot.

None of us are talking while we walk towards his car, but then, out of nowhere, Jack confesses, "I haven’t been in a serious relationship lately. Well, I don’t even remember when the last time was exactly, and I don’t think I want to remember, but I know, it wasn’t that good. You remember ‘never mind?’"

I nod. What else I can say? I don’t know where he is leading to this inquiry.

"That was the last word I heard from my ex." There’s a pause, and as soon as we reach where his car is parked, that’s when he continues, "Before we separated."

I look into his eyes, but they are not showing any emotion at all except for coldness. How are we supposed to bond or improve this relationship if he’s not going to share? Maybe he’s getting there. Maybe it’s too hard for him to go on. He needs help. And you know who’s the right person to help him?


Hah! Yeah, right!

Laura McGee?

How dare you mention that bitch’s name! She’s no good.

You just don’t know how to guess, huh?

Well, for your I-N-F-O, I am the one who’s going to help Jack Dawson. Yes, me, Rose!

From now on, I, Rose DeWitt-Bukater, will try my best to get to know Jack more. I will love and devote every breath I breathe to him. To love and to hold. For richer and for poorer…eh. Oops! I got carried away in there. Sorry! That’s going to be my wedding vow to him.

I couldn’t think of anything to say to him because of what he said. It was sad that they separated, but I’m happy because I wouldn’t have met Jack if they didn’t break up. But wait, I could have met him even he was still with her and--okay, hold on, hold on, what am I bubbling about? They are over, and I shouldn’t be thinking of what could have happened if they didn’t break up. The most important thing is that they are not together anymore. Jack is mine! Mine!

Okay, I am curious about his ex. The girl he was talking about must have been a bitch. I mean, Jack didn’t do anything, right? Okay, calling the girl ‘bitch’ is not nice, but I don’t like her. Period. I am a selfish nerd-bitch. Okay, I am the bitch. Suddenly, I am interested about his past relationships. I am also getting jealous. I could feel my blood starting to boil.

In spite of the growing jealousy over some unknown girl, I wrap my arms around him so tightly and rest my head on his chest. I murmur some words, and in return, he kisses the top of my head while holding me in his arms. We stay in that comforting position for about—I don’t know! All I care is that I get to do that with him. That’s the only thing that matters.

After all the drama, he and I go inside the car and leave the freaking place. I’ve never thought that being in love would have a lot of things that will go with it. Throughout the chapters, I’ve been really selfish and never really bother what Jack really thinks. Of course, I’ve asked myself many times what his thoughts are or his feelings about me. But did I really pay attention to why he is here with me? What I meant was how come he moved here? I’ve been curious about that but never ask him that question. How come he doesn’t like to talk about his parents? What happened with his last girlfriend? Why does he seem to be bothered when he talked about her? Is she dead? That’s horrible! But I am glad that Jack and her are not together though. Jack’s mine.

I’ve been dreaming about this and that, but here’s the reality, and I don’t think I can’t face this. Jack is here. Yes. I love that, but for the first time, I am really scared. Yes, uh-huh, that’s right. I am scared. Yup, I, Rose DeWitt-Bukater.

Scared of what?

The unknown?


Of Jack?

What?! That’s crazy. Why would I be scared of him?

Maybe because you’ve never been in a relationship in your entire life, Rose. That’s why.

Maybe. Maybe. But I would never be scared of Jack. Never. But I don’t really know what the answer is yet. Not yet.

Let’s just stick to what we have here, okay? At least, for now.

Okay, there you have it, folks! I know, it’s not that funny, but I have to make myself sound serious sometimes, u know? I’m not sure where this going so…hang in there! Does anyone have Tylenol? I have a headache… he he he… cya!

Rose Dawson

Chapter Twenty-Four
