Chapter Twenty-Five

"We can’t go out tonight. Something came up. I’m sorry, Rose…"

That was what Jack last said to me. As those sentences float in my mind, my poor heart is aching badly, like knives have stabbed me. It really does. It’s like bleeding now because of the pain I am feeling. It hurts so bad.

It is so sad. I pity myself. I am the victim here. And guess who is the criminal?


He lied to me. He’s a liar…a heartbreaker…a gorgeous…a sexy…a handsome…okay, okay, I’m supposed to describe how bad he is! Anyway, let's do a little quick recap of why I am acting like this, shall we?

So, from the last episode--Jack called me while I was grounded and told me that he couldn't make it. Blah blah blah blah. That was it. So, here I am, crying my eyes out. Life is not fair. Poor me. Oh, poor me. He didn’t even call me at all! If I had his cell phone number or a caller ID at home, I would call him back, but no, I don’t have either.

But if I had his number, why would I call him? He is the one who needs to call me. Not me calling him! I’m sick of chasing him…well…er…I’m not really, but I’m hurt, you know? What do you mean, you don’t know? Haven’t you been sympathizing with me? You should feel sad that I am sad. Don’t tell me that you are taking Jack’s side! Fine! I don’t need your sympathy. Anyway, where were we? Oh! Okay!

Anyways, I know you are curious of what have I been doing since that night Jack cancelled our supposedly date. Well, as you know, I am grounded, at least, one more day. It’s now Tuesday, and I haven’t seen Jack since last Thursday. It’s been more than three weeks since the day I first laid my eyes on him, and it’s been dramatic weeks, too.

Sigh. It’s so sad when you are in love. Oops! I didn’t realize that I went out of topic there. I was going to explain you what I’ve been doing and then I switch to the days I’ve known Jack. I’m sorry. …he he he… I’m so out of my mind. Oh, my word, I’m losing it because of a certain male.

Okay, I’ll try not to stay out of topic from now on. Starting now, I will keep to the main business. Which is…? Um…to get my happy ending, right? Okay, before we get that, we need to cure this pain I’m feeling because my Prince Charming lied to me and he didn’t even explain why he didn’t call me or why he cancelled our date!

I’m mad!

Okay, I was out of topic again. Okay, let me tell you what I have been doing for these past couple of days while I’ve been grounded. Let’s see…Thursday night was when that unfortunate phone call from Jack happened and after that, I cried all night until I fell asleep while I dreamt about Jack. It was so horrible because in my dream, Jack and cheerleader Laura were getting married! I was screaming while sobbing like a baby, and out of nowhere, the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz were there…keeping me away from my Jack. It was so unpleasant!

When I woke up Friday morning to get ready for school, I cried again. My parents didn’t see my swollen eyes because they were at work already. I avoided being seen by Jack while I waited for the bus. I hid behind a big bush…did I mention it was also itchy and smelly? Anyway, I hid behind it until the bus came. I didn’t even see Jack’s car.

At school, I changed route on my way to my classes in order not to lay a sight on Jack because I knew I would just cry or do something stupid if I saw him. Then, the weekend came and no call from Jack. Not at all! Why didn’t he call or attempt to see me? Well, okay…I’ve been avoiding him, but still, I want him to come to me or at least try to see me. The weekend ended, and my parents don’t care at all. Daddy thinks I’m back to my normal self, while inside, I feel like I’m dying.

And yesterday, Jack didn’t come for tutorial. I was waiting for him. I might be grounded, but my parents didn’t specify that I couldn’t tutor Jack. So I dressed up in my pink skirt and pink Minnie Mouse top, and I was even wearing makeup while making homemade lemonade! But somebody didn’t show up! I was so heartbroken.

And today, I just got home from school. I just finished my homework five minutes ago, and now I’ve got nothing to do. The whole entire house is clean, and there’s nothing to watch on the TV since we don’t have a lot of selection. Right now, having cable television would have been great.

I sit on the couch like a statue. For thirty minutes I don’t move at all, although my mind is like a car on a highway speeding and doing turns that you see in car chase movie scenes. So…I’m thinking. And then thinking more. And guess who I am thinking about?

Surprise! I’m thinking about Jack! I can’t get him out of my mind. He was the one who said that he wanted to get to know me. And we’re not even going out yet, but he’s already doing the vanishing act and breaking my heart. He is like a drug, or better yet a cigarette--I don’t smoke, but it sounds good to use as an example to explain how addicting Jack is.

It is so quiet that I hear the clock ticking and then my stomach growls. Oops! I need to eat. I forgot to eat. Do you see…this is Jack’s fault. I’ve been busy thinking about him that I forget to take care of myself! That’s how bad I need Jack, but I want to prove a point. I want to go to him and hug him so tight that he won’t be able to breathe, but I don’t want him to think I’m crazy, you know? My goodness, I don’t want him to think that I’m obsessed with him. I wonder if he thinks I’m really into him? Hmm? I think the answer to that is obvious. He thinks I’m wacko!

Oh, my goodness, probably that was why he cancelled our date. But no, I’m not going think anymore. Nope, I won’t allow it.

So, I’m just going to wait here. I’m not the one who will move first. I’m the heartbroken one here, okay? So I’m the one who gets the apology.

Two Hours Later

Okay, I’m still sitting here. Nothing’s happening, and why is that? Well, I don’t know! Okay, I need to do something instead of being pathetic here. Is Jack going to call? Okay, this is absurd! I need to do something else instead of waiting for Jack, who is missing in action at the moment. What is he doing right now anyway? I wonder if he’s taking a warm shower right now…ooh la la…he he he…him being wet and all! Oh! I would kill to see him do that! Okay, so that thought came out of nowhere. And why am I thinking things like that right now at the time like this? I’m supposed to be simple, innocent Rose. I don’t think about those things. –evil grin--

Anyway, I get out from the couch and decide to read one of my romance books. I am heading to my room when the freaking doorbell makes the buzz sound, and it scares the living daylights out of me. I wait for my heart to calm down, take a deep breath, and walk towards the door. Who can it be, hmm?

I look at the small opening through the door to see who it is in the other side. I can’t see anyone. It might be Jack! Probably he goes back to his car and is getting some peace offering! So I open the door, really excited, like a little kid during Christmas morning.

I go to the driveway, but there is no car. No red Corvette or a black Porsche. And no Jack. I am disappointed, but who was it that rang the doorbell? I bend my head, and I feel tears coming out of my eyes. Then I see a shadow of a person coming towards me, and my heart start to beat really fast. My stomach starts to turn, and bubbles of excitement are forming inside me. It’s Jack…

So I look up to face him, but…what the…it’s not…

"Hey, young lady!" A really skinny guy with big cheesy smile plastered on his face greets me instead. I look at him with my eyes wide open, and the excitement that was forming a while ago is now disappearing slowly. "Could I interest ya with a vacuum cleaner that will suck everything?"

He reminds me of my English teacher, Mr. Fuckass. He is skinny and losing his hair…ahem…I meant, he has lost hair already. I keep looking at him, feeling disgusted because his breath smells so bad. I feel like somebody slaps me with a bag full of dog poop.

"It is so strong even the grass from your lawn will be gone once you push that power button!"

Oh, my dear Lord! My head starts spinning all of a sudden, and I can’t hear anything at all! I don’t know why this is happening to me, but all I can remember is that I scream at the top of my lungs, kick the salesman’s ankle and run inside the house. I reach my bedroom and just weep until I fall into a deep sleep.

So…that was not so nice of me to kick that man, but hey, I was emotional. Give me a break. Now, where is Jack Dawson? Did you kidnap him? I knew it! Well, I’ll get you for that soon. You better watch out. My gosh, we need to end this story. What do you think? Well, that’s it for now!

Rose Dawson

Chapter Twenty-Six