Chapter Five

Well, it is Monday morning again! ~sigh~ I hate Mondays! I always feel tired and sleepy. (Most people are) Anyway, I stayed up late last night because I read another romantic book. I know you're thinking that I'm so nerdy, boring, and have no life, and I think I might just I agree with you.

So here I am again, walking and daydreaming on my way to first period. Guess who I'm daydreaming about?

Brad Pitt?

No, it's not Brad Pitt, although he has great body. Try again.

Wrong again, it's not Leonardo DiCaprio. Well, I won't say that I never had daydreams about Leo and me getting married. Gosh, he's so fine! Actually, I'm daydreaming about my Jack.

Oh! I just can't get him out of my mind. Last night, before going to bed, I was thinking of him and how his lips feel if they touch my mouth. ~sigh~ I wish he's here with me, walking by my side, telling me that I'm his girl and always will be.

Now, I'm walking my way upstairs. Then, my right foot suddenly slips, and I'm about to fall on my back when two hands catch me. I gasp, of course. Oh, my god! I almost fell! Can you imagine how much it would hurts if I did? How much embarrassment I would have to face? It’s bad enough that some people make fun of me because of the type of clothing. (Not that I dressed that bad. I don't know why they laugh at me. Maybe because their clothes are expensive and mine are not.)

Anyway, thanks to that person who caught me, I saved my self from another embarrassing moments. Oh my god! My books and my other stuffs are all over the stairs and floor. When I start to bend down, the person who caught me said, "Don't worry about it. I'll pick it up for you, Rose."

To my surprise, the person knows my name. It is so stupid of me that I haven't even look at him yet and check who he is and able to thank him.

When I look to see who he is, my eyes just open widely.

It's my Jack!

My body goes stiff, and my heart is beating so fast that I can even hear every pump it makes. Again, the soft background music starts playing and everything surrounds us vanishes. I'm lost in a paradise just by looking at my Jack's ocean blue eyes. His blond hair looks so soft and I just want to touch it and smell it. (Smell and touch his hair? Hell, I want to touch and smell every part of him! ^_^ ~blush~)

Wait a minute! I snap myself back to reality. What on earth is he doing here? At my school?

He's already picking up my stuffs when my body recovers from stiffness. After picking everything up, he gives them to me.

"Thank you." I say, smiling at him. He smiles back at me! Oh god! That smile makes me wanna die now from over joy.

"No problem." He replies. He's wearing Tommy pants with matching shirt. He's so hot! (I don't usually use this word when it comes on describing a guy.) But he really is!

"What are you doing here?" I manage to ask him, still couldn't believe my tired eyes that he's in front of me.

"Why? Am I not allowed to go to the same school with you?" He asks. I know that he is kidding. I can tell just by looking at his eyes.

"Well, it's not like that. I'm just surprise to see you. That's all!" I exclaim, laughing, not caring if people are looking at me. They are probably think what the hell a girl like me doing, talking to a guy like Jack--sexy, hot, gorgeous, good looking, you know I can go on, listing every words that describe him.

Anyway, I'm still cracking my ass and then the hallway is clear now and I have no idea how long I've been standing in the middle of the stairs. Jack and I are the only ones left.

Holy cow! The bell already rang one minute ago and I'm still here! I'm tardy! I've never been tardy before. Well, at least I'm not alone. I'm with Jack, who seems doesn't mind if he's late at his first day of school.

"Wanna walk around?" He asks.

Is he crazy? If the principal catches us walking around instead of being in our class, we're in for a big detention. But hey, what the heck? It might be risky, but it sounds fun. I've never done this before. You know what they say: there's always first time for everything.

"Sure." I say, sounding not sure, but hey, I don't feel like going to my first period class and I want to spend my time with Jack.

"Let's go outside then." He takes my hand and starts leading me to the hallway.

What? I want to say but just keep it to myself. I follow him outside through the parking lot. I think he said he wants to walk around, but I guess his definition of walking around is driving somewhere.

Instead of seeing his red Corvette, I see a black Porsche with JRD written on the back of the car. Oh my word! He lives in my ideal house! This car is the same car I saw yesterday! I think he sees that my face is shocked so.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." I assure him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay then," He says as he opens the passenger door for me, "get inside."

Of course, I get inside without hesitation and place my stuffs behind my seat. I fasten my seatbelt as he gets inside the car and then, also fastens his seatbelt.

He pulls out of the school parking lot, and now, I have no idea where we are going. My heart is beating fast again. I'm nervous and have no clue why. It’s not like he's gonna kill me or rape me. Rape? Heck, that's impossible to happen 'cause he doesn't have to use force right now to get his way on me. I'll be glad if he does it to me now. …he he he… I know I'm thinking nasty ^_^

Anyway, he turns on the radio and thank god, it's not quiet anymore. The station is playing some type of R and B song, I have no idea what the name is because I never heard that song before.

I just sit quietly on my side of the car while he is busy looking at the road. I want to ask him something but I don't know what to ask. I've never been in a car with just the guy and me inside it. I know what you're thinking now. You're thinking what a dork I am. Well, that's true, I'm a dork.

"So where do you wanna go now?" Jack turns his head and asks me.

"Huh?" I question. I'm confused. I don't know what he means by 'where to'.

"You suppose to give me a tour," he reminds me. "You told me that yesterday, remember?"

I said that? Oh man! Now I remember! I told him yesterday that I would give him a tour. Damn. Way to go, Rose.

"Well, where do you want to go?" I accomplish to ask him.

"Anywhere except school." He simply says and also manages to give me one of his million-dollar smiles.

Think. Think, Rose. I don’t know where to go. Help me! Someone. What about you? Where do you think I should tell him? Never mind.

"Um…"trying to think, "what about, um, the library?" I blurt out quickly.

The library? What the hell? That is so stupid! I am so dorky! Geez! Why, oh why?

He laughs, and of course, I laugh too, trying to look like I'm not embarrassed. But in reality, my cheeks are burning red. (You can tell I don't have experience when it comes on dealing with guys. I am so naive with these stuffs.)

"Okay." He answers, still laughing, "Just tell me where's it at."

I tell him the direction and we're on our way to the library.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Jack is my man
And he will always be the only one

What do you think? I'm really stupid, huh? Well, we're on out way to the library. Thanks to my big mouth. I hope you'll keep reading my story even it's so corny. Later! Adios mis amigas! ~love Rose Dawson ~_^

Chapter Six