Chapter Six

Hello! I'm back! Right now, Jack is just parking the car in front of the library. I can't believe he really agree to go in here. I thought he is going to make another suggestion to where to go, but he just simply take my word.

I get out of the car and he does the same. Now, we are walking side by side. He's really tall. And my god! He looks even more cute, I mean, gorgeous every time I look at him. I'm still looking at him and then, he turns his heard towards me and catches me looking at him. I blush again. He just smiles. He hasn’t said a word since I told him the direction. Maybe he's mad at me. Well, I don't know.

All right, we're at the library right now. As we walk through the entrance door, the smell of books greets us.

I know it is weird to be on this place with my hunk of my life. I wonder if he loves to read. Probably not. He doesn't have the look (he's too good looking), and besides, he probably doesn't time to even look a book. Buy hey, he's with me right now! I still can't believe it!

Wow! A very gorgeous guy with me in public! ...he he he...this is must be a dream.

Anyway, there are only few people at the library. Some are on the bookshelves, scanning for books and some are using the computer.

Well, here we are. And boy, I don't know what to do. Usually, once I get inside the library, I instantly go to my favorite part of the place, the romance section. ^_^ But now, I'm with Jack and if I go in there, of course, he will follow me. (Well I'm not sure about that) And if he discovers what I love to read, he might just think I'm desperate and don't have life of my own.

Well, actually, I'm kind of desperate for boyfriend. KINNA, okay? Not really desperate. And of course I'm not saying that all women who read romance story don't have their own life. They do, but probably I'm the only one who doesn't really have a life.

I love romance stories. You should try reading them sometimes. They help you expand your imagination. And of course, there are the love scenes. I love those parts. Especially the steamy ones. I know what you thinking now, you big pervert. When I said the 'steamy ones', I just mean that I love them because they show how the lovers express each others feeling, the love, and it opens up new world to them. Okay, okay, okay. Stop with the romantic things. Being my old pathetic self again.

Oh, where were we before I started talking about the romance books? Oh yeah, now I remember. Do you think I should go to the romance section? What about Jack, what do you think he will think of me? Oh, well, I ran out of novels to read so I'll guess I'll just go.

"This way," I tell Jack, while pointing where to go.

He follows me. The romance section is located at the far side of the library. Finally, we are there and I start looking for books. I notice that Jack is reading the titles and he actually picks up one book from the shelf and look and the title cover.

I see an odd look in his face while he is looking at the book. I want to laugh but I decide to hold it.

He places the book back to its place and takes another one. I look at him again and then, proceed on looking for a book. At last, I find one book and it is called, Mistress by Amanda Quick. It looks interesting. When I turn, I find Jack looking at me. I don't know what the hell is on his mind right now.

~blush again~ ~_^ How many times did I blush today? Anyone knows?

His ocean blue eyes are watching and I get this feeling like I'm in my English class, ready to present my paper in front of the class. I'm not really comfortable when people are watching me. I'm use of being ignored by people, but now, I'm being watch. Well, this time, it feels like I'm not comfortable, but at the same time, I kind of like it. I don’t know! …he he he...I am confused again. Some things are hard to explain with words, like this one that I'm feeling right now (or maybe I just can't think of anything to say). Have you ever feel this way?

Golly, I can't think of anything to say to him! My body is stiff again! ALERT! Rose Dawson, I mean DeWitt Bukater, is frozen!


...he he he...just kidding! Do you think my story actually finish? Mu ha ha ha ha ~evil laughter~ I know I'm being dorky again and corny too! I bet I'm getting on your last nerve now.

What? Did you just call me 'slut'? What did I do? Well, okay, okay, okay, I'm gonna stop acting silly now. Click on the link below if you wanna continue reading.

Chapter Seven