Chapter Nine

Well, well, well, look who is back.

ME! ~_^ … he he he… The "bitch", as you called me, is back! You thought you that I'm not gonna continue writing, eh?

Well, did you miss me?

Liar! Of course you did! I know that you cannot live without me! I also know that you can't live without reading my story.

And oh, come here a little closer.

More closer.

Okay, stop there.


Mu ha ha (evil laughter) Now, now now, there's no need to slap me back. I just did that for revenge. Remember when I said I would slap you someday for those four slaps and punch you gave me the last time? Well, I did it and now, we're even. No more slapping each other, okay? ... he he he…

If you're wondering what's today's date, well today is Saturday. Actually, it's Saturday night, and I'm at my small room right now. And I haven't seen my Jack for one day.

Girl, I have to tell you, I'm like obsess with my hunky Jack Dawson. I've only known him for a week, well almost, and it seems like I can't keep him out of my mind. His looks. His gorgeous ocean blue eyes. His sandy blond hair. And oh, the way he smells. Oh, he smells so good! … he he he… Well, basically I miss everything about him. And damn! It' has been only one day and I'm like craving for him so much.

What if I don't get to see him for a week? What's gonna happen to me, huh? I will probably die. (Hope not.)

Remember when Jack and I both skipped school? Well, my folks haven't discovered about it YET but I'm having this eerie feeling that I will get busted soon. Oh please, God, don't let them find out! As I told you before, my white ass will be in big, VERY big shit.

Anyway, after Monday, the day my Jack and I kissed, we haven't really seen each other that much. I only saw in the hallway every morning and the only word I got from him for the rest of the week was "hey" accompanied by one of his breath-taking smile.

I even went to his house and stood in front of the gate to see if he was gonna go out, but he didn't. :( So now, I'm depressed. I want to see him or if I can't, I will be happy just to hear his masculine voice. And darn it, I don't have his number. If I did, I would call him and as soon as I hear his voice, I will hang up the phone. …he he he… And that will completely satisfy me. Am I really obsessed to him?

And tell me, girl, do you think that kiss we shared mean anything to him? Or it was just a kiss to him? He probably kissed a lot of gorgeous girls throughout these years and I'm only one of them. Well, I wish I know, but I'm having this feeling again that it doesn't mean a thing to him :(.

I'm pathetic, am I? I guess he 's not for me. Hell, he deserves better. He doesn't deserve a girl like me who is ugly, too plain for his godly looks, shy, and the one who people ignore. He deserves someone like Alicia Silverstone or yet, the lovely Kate Winslet. Hell would freeze first before he goes out with me. But really, he doesn't really deserve that toothpick model, Gisele Bundchen or me. …he he he… Sorry for those people who like her but really, I can't stand her. Every time I see her, my blood boils. It's not that I'm jealous or something like that. It's just something in her, ah! Grr! Anyway, don't you dare slap me again! Well, that's it for now. Cheerio!

Love lots,
Rose Dawson

Chapter Ten