Chapter One

Rated NC-17 for Content

It was a cold and stormy night. Rose had settled down to a nice, hot cup of cocoa. Her boyfriend, Cal, was in his study, probably reading the newspaper. Rose had grown so tired of his routine. She wanted something different. She wanted passion ,something Cal would never give her.

She thought to herself, I wonder what would happen if I disappeared for the night. Would he even notice?

Rose decided to follow through on her plan. She got dressed, packed her overnight bag, and was out the door before he even noticed. She opened her car door, got in, and put the bag on the passenger’s seat. She had no idea where she was going. So she started the car and headed east.


Meanwhile, a man walked down the middle of a deserted road. He had just had a fight with his girlfriend. He found out she was cheating on him. So he went walking in the rain because he was so upset. Rose thought the rain was so peaceful. She didn’t notice someone was on the road. She almost ran him over. She parked the car on the shoulder and got out.

"Are you crazy? I almost ran you over." She was upset, but could see something was wrong with this man. She knew he was heartbroken. She could tell by the look in his eyes.

He looked at her. He was dripping wet and didn’t say a word. She asked if he wanted a ride, and he accepted with a nod. She didn’t even ask his name. For all she knew, he could have been a rapist, or worse, a murderer. But he had kind and trusting eyes, and that’s what made her ask if he needed a ride. She got her bag, put it in the back seat, and he got in the car. He was so handsome and sexy. He was made for loving. To Rose, it was love at first sight. He was perfect. He was just what she had been looking for. She stopped at a motel. He was ready to leave when she asked him if he would spend the night with her. He accepted her proposal. Jack usually didn’t have one night stands, but he couldn’t refused such a tempting invitation. He waited while she registered for the room. When she came back, he was still waiting. She expected him to leave, but to her surprise he didn’t. She got into the car and drove to the room. He sat there silently. She found the room, parked the car, and got her overnight bag. He followed her to the room. She opened the door, put her bag on the bed, and went to turn the heat up.

He appeared behind her. "There’s no need for that," he said confidently.

She turned around and looked into his blue eyes. "But you’re wet."

She touched his wet shirt and started to undo one button at a time. She was nervous. She had never done this before. He looked at her with a passionate stare. He reached for the buttons on her shirt, since his shirt was already thrown across the room. She touched a scar he had on his shoulder. She breathed slowly, being careful not to tear him free of the remaining clothing he still possessed. He looked at her, puzzled. Had she wanted to stop? he wondered. He didn’t even know her name, yet he loved the smell and touch of her. Rose had no idea who this stranger was, but she didn’t want to exchange names. That was the whole part of being strangers passing in the night. No names. No questions. No answers. And that’s the way it should be. She didn’t plan this, but it must have been fate. He looked at her, mesmerized by her beautiful, luscious lips. He leaned forward and kissed her softly. She had never felt this kind of heat. Cal could never compare to this man standing before her. Cal--oh, God--what would he do if he knew? At this moment, she really didn’t care. She kissed the stranger deeply. He caressed her back and brought her closer to the bed. She lay down and brought him down with her. He was always on his guard. He didn’t want to force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

So to free himself of any misunderstanding, he asked her, "Are you sure you want this?"

She looked into his eyes, got his hand, and put it on her breast. "Yes."

He got off of her and stood before her, testing to see if she did really want him. "Show me you want me, my love."

She knew what he meant by that. She put her hand on his zipper, pulled it down, and unbuttoned the clasp on his jeans. He felt relieved. She had the guts to do it. Not many women he knew would do this. She wanted to see all of him, but in due time. She got up off the bed and started to unclasp the hooks on her bra and continued to fully undress before him. She wasn’t even embarrassed. He brought her down to his lips. When the kiss ended, she told him, "Touch me."

He did. He lay down beside her on the bed and started to explore her body with his hands. She loved every minute of it. Rose stared at him, not knowing what to call him. She wanted to fly like a bird. He looked at her and knew it was time she was ready for him. He positioned himself above her, preparing to enter her. She was hot and wet and he loved it. When he entered her, she felt tight and he heard her sigh. By the way she felt and reacted to him, he knew she was a virgin.

"Are you all right?" He was very concerned about her.

"Yes, I’m fine," she lied.

"I’ll go slow so I won’t hurt you, all right?" He looked at her, showing her he cared, because not only was he hungry for her, but he wanted to show her not all men were dogs.

She nodded her head, trusting him with her body.

He went slow for the first few seconds until she started to say "more," which meant for him to go faster. He wanted to, but he wanted to give her pleasure, especially since he was her first. She arched her hips against him, making him lose control. He was about to go over the edge, but he held his climax as long as he could. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he let go and released his seed into her. At the same moment, she tightened and moaned loudly. He knew she had reached her climax as well.

He lay on her and asked her, "How was it?"

"Unbelievable. I never knew I could feel like this." She felt like a new woman.

"It was kind of rude of me, but my name is Jack. Jack Dawson. And you are?"

She didn’t know what to say. "I’m Rose DeWitt-Bukater."

"I’m sorry I asked you all those questions, Rose, but I wanted to make sure you really wanted this."

"It’s all right. I understand. I have never done this before. I have never welcomed a stranger into my bed, Jack."

"And I, Rose, have never had one night stands. I have always been with the women I have been with, at least until we broke up, that is."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She felt like she could ask him anything.

"Here?" Wondering why she asked.

"Anywhere." She wondered if she was asking a little bit too much.

"I did, but we just broke up. That’s why I was walking in the rain. I caught her in bed with another man." He had felt used then.

"I’m sorry to hear that, Jack." She meant every word.

"What about you? You must have someone," he asked her.

"I do, but he never pays attention to me. He’s never even touched me. About the only thing he does is kiss me. I think he must have someone else." Rose thought in her heart that he truly did have someone else.

"I don’t want to sound pushy, Rose, but I would love to see you again. After what we just had I don’t wanna lose it." He thought they would be good together. He wasn’t on the rebound. It was true. He really liked Rose. She offered something Samantha never offered--her heart.

Jack was right. She didn’t want to lose what they had, which meant in order for them to be together she would have to get rid of Cal, permanently.

Chapter Two