Chapter Ten

Jack went to the nursery and had the baby checked out. The nurse left him watching the baby. He glanced at the baby and looked into her eyes. He smiled. They were his. The baby had the resemblance of Sam’s features. The baby grabbed his finger. He cried. He sat in tears. The baby felt his nerves and started to cry, too.

“Mr. Dawson,” a nurse interrupted.

“Yeah?” he asked, as he wiped his tears with his sleeve.

“I need you to fill out these forms for the baby and Samantha. When you’re ready, that is.” She handed him the forms.

“All right.” His eyes were now red.

“Um…can you watch her? I gotta make a phone call.”

“Sure, Mr. Dawson.” She took the chair next to the tiny infant.

He left and got some water to clear his throat. Then, he made the call.

He punched in his number and heard the phone ring.

After two rings, Rose answered.

“Hello, Rose.”

“Jack, how are you?”

“I'm okay, but I could use a hand. I know I am selfish at this moment, but dammit, I need you. Is Cal still there?”

“No. He left.”

“Can you come to Saint Joseph's Hospital?”

“I will be there in a few minutes.” He heard the phone click off.

Jack filled out the forms the best he could. He walked into the nursery.

“Excuse me, ma‘am,” he said.

“Yes, Mr. Dawson?”

“Here's the forms. I filled them out to the best of my knowledge.”

She glanced at the forms. She saw he had not put down a name for the baby.

“Mr. Dawson? What is the sweet little girl’s name?”

“Jacqueline Samantha Dawson.”

“All right. Thanks, Mr. Dawson.”

“Okay.” He took the chair next to the infant.

She looked so tiny. He just stared at her, knowing that he had felt sadness because her mother had died. And because he had felt guilt because he felt he was the one that caused it.

Twenty minutes had passed. He had fallen asleep in the chair.

Rose asked for Jack in the lobby.

“The nursery is on the second floor, third door on your left.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“Oh, and ma‘am, who are you?”

“Rose DeWitt-Bukater. Jack's girlfriend.”

“Oh, and you'll need this.” She put a visitor's pass on her sweater.

Rose walked into the elevator and pressed for the second floor. She walked down the corridor as she got off the elevator. She saw Jack asleep.

She touched his shoulder and stared at the little infant. Rose felt like a mother already. She and Sam had become good friends, although they both had one attraction--Jack Dawson.

The little infant started to cry. Rose picked her up.

“Shh…” Rose cradled her.

She had Jack's eyes.

Rose started checking to see if the baby was wet.

Sure enough, she was.

Rose started to change the diaper, when Jack awoke.

“Hi, sleepyhead.” Rose laughed.

“Hey,” he said, as he wiped his eyes.

“It seems your little girl is wet. She's so sweet.”

“She is, isn't she?”

“There. New and fresh.” Rose finished putting on the new diaper.

“Wanna hold her, Jack?”


“Jack, I know this isn't the time to ask you this, but do you think I should move out and get my own place?”

“No, Rose. Stay with me. Help me raise this beautiful little girl. That is, if you want to. I am not forcing anything on you, Rose.”

“It would be an honor to raise…what's her name?”

“Jacqueline Samantha Dawson.”

“Jackie. I like it.”

The nurse came back and gave the baby a Vitamin K shot.

Jackie screamed.

Rose had tears in her eyes.

“Don't worry, Rose. Everything is going to be all right.” Jack held her in his arms.

“I know, Jack. I love you.”

“I love you times three.”

“I love you plus infinity, Jack Dawson.”

“Marry me, Rose?”



A Few Years Later

Rose had had her baby, and she and Jack were married.

She had named her son Leonardo DiCaprio Dawson.

DiCaprio was Jack family's name, at least before his mother became a Dawson.

Eve and Peter Dawson only had one son, and had died in a car crash.

“Jack, wait! You forgot your briefcase,” Rose said, as Jack left for the site.

“Take care, honey. Sorry, but I am in a hurry.”

“It's okay, but don't forget Leo and Jackie.”

“I won't.” He gave everyone a hug before he left.

He got into his car and sped away into traffic.

“Okay, Jackie. It's time to watch cartoons.”

“All right, Mommy.”

Jacqueline was now three years old, and two months older than Leo was.

Rose was happy at last with the man she had always loved, Jack Dawson, and the children she had always wanted.

Jacqueline and Leo were great together. They played and they were good to each other.

“Hey, Mommy?”

“Yes, Leo? What is it?”

“I wanna color.”

“Okay.” Rose took out the crayons and the coloring book from the drawer.

It turned out Leo was quite the artist. Coloring was his favorite thing to do.

Jacqueline danced as she watched Barney.

Everyone was happy, and Jack and Rose's love had never faded through the thick and thin.

Cal had never bothered Rose after Sam had died, and when she had heard he was seeing someone, she finally began to live freely.

Jack had a big project. He was to build the Los Angeles Colonnade Towers, which had given them a lot of money they didn't need to worry about.

Barney had finished.


“Yes, Mommy?”

“Guess where we are going today?”

“I don't know. Where?”

“We are going to see your mom, Samantha.”

“Can I pick the flowers, too?”

“Sure. Any kind you want.”

They got into the car and headed to the Hollywood Forest Lawn cemetery.

They drove around and stopped at a row of headstones.

Rose got them out of their seats and took their hands Jacqueline carried the bouquet of roses.

They stopped at the grave.

“Hi, Samantha. I brought your daughter here to see you.”

“Hi, Mommy. Look what I brought you,” Jacqueline said.

She lay the roses down. Rose had brought Jacqueline down to Sam's grave since Jackie was an infant.

Rose figured she owed Sam that.

And she never wanted to keep Jacqueline from knowing her real mother.

Rose had always felt happy, and she loved doing this.

Jack had agreed with it.

Samantha was not a dirty little secret. She was the girl’s mother, and since they raised the little girl they had told her everything, even though she probably didn't understand. They didn't keep anything away from Jacqueline.

They all sat down and started to sing I Love You, You Love Me, one of Jacqueline's favorite songs from Barney.

Samantha's spirit looked at the family, and she was happy, not angry with Rose anymore. Samantha was at peace.

Chapter Eleven