Chapter Eleven

All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy!
Rated NC-17 for Content

Rose settled the two children into their beds.

"Night, Mommy," said Leo.

"Night, Mom," said Jacqueline.

"Night, children," she said, as she closed the door.

She went to her bed across the hall.

Jack had not been home yet, but Rose expected him to be home any second. He had often come home late, and when he came he would go straight to bed.

Rose wanted her husband back--the Jack she knew, who would be close and talk to her like he used to, but ever since he got the new deal for the towers, he was hardly ever home. Luckily, Rose had a car to take the children to day care while she went to school. She had decided to take art. She loved art. Picasso, Monet, and Van Gogh were among her favorites.

Rose got ready for bed. She was going to take a shower, but decided not to. Jack had never touched her since Sam had died, and Rose was feeling lonely and unattractive.

Rose decided to stay up, and have a talk with her absent husband.

She heard his car come into the garage as she went downstairs.

She sat on the sofa, awaiting her love.

Jack came into the house. His suit was now wrinkled, compared to this morning.

"Hey, Rose!" he said, in a low tone.


"What’s up?"

"Something very important, Jack. We have to discussion our relationship."

"Rose, can we talk about this tomorrow? I am really tired."

"Fine." She went upstairs, crying, noticing her husband didn’t even want to spend time with her for one second.

"Rose?" He followed her upstairs. "What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

She turned around.

"Jack, have you noticed anything different?"

"Not at all. Why?"

"Because I have."

"Well, what is it? Come on downstairs." He led her downstairs, so he wouldn’t go to sleep.

They both sat down.

"All right. First of all, try to understand that I love you, and I care about you, Rose."

"So do I, Jack. That is why I must tell you how I feel."

"All right."

"Jack, I noticed lately that you come home very tired, and I know you’re doing your best to make me and the children feel happy, but lately I’ve noticed that you don’t do certain things like you used to. I know that this has become quite a shock, but I want you, Jack--in my bed, in my arms, and I wanna make love with you. Do you know how long that has been? Leo is already three years old. I haven’t felt you touch me the way you used to before Sam died. Do I disgust you?"

"No, Rose, not at all. I love you, and I am sorry I have not been paying attention to my husbandly duties. I am so sorry I let you feel that way."

He started to kiss her.



"I don’t want you to have sex with me because I told you I wanted you. I want it because you want it."

"All right. Hold on. I will be back in one second, all right?"


He went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. He sometimes hated wearing a suit all day.

He came back wearing only his robe.

"Rose, are the children asleep?"

"Yeah. I just put them down a little while ago."

"All right. Follow me."


She walked upstairs to their room. Inside, there were candles lit, and the essence was sweet-smelling.

Her face lit up at the romantic scene.

"Rose, tonight I am your slave. I will do anything you want of me."

She turned around, surprised at his mood.

"Jack, I didn’t expect this. Thank you."

"No, Princess, it is I who must make up for lost time."

She kissed him back, and he responded tenfold.

She backed him up against the wall, feeling his naked body beneath the terrycloth robe.

"Rose?" His face and his eyes changed.

He picked up his queen and carried her to the bed.

"Tonight, my Queen, I will lead you into serenity."

Rose smiled.

She continued to kiss him, making his lips red and dry from the many kisses she had given him.

He knew that she was happy. He could feel his body rejoice with the feeling of being alive again.

Rose decided to be spontaneous.

She got on top of him, and he paid attention to her.


"Shh. You are my man slave, to do everything to my will. Now, be quiet."

He stayed quiet, ready for her instructions.

"All right. I want you to kiss my fingertips. Slowly and gently."

She got her hand, and put her fingers to his lips.

He sucked each one, massaging each digit with passion.

Rose liked it so much, she got terribly excited.

She moaned as she felt his manhood rise underneath her.

Jack looked at Rose. Her face was flushed.

He got his hands and began massaging her breasts.

Rose bit her lips, even though they had not begun the spiritual connection of their union. Rose felt so in sync with him, after all this time.

She started to sway up and down over the length of him.

Jack felt the temperature in the room rise to an overwhelming heat.

Jack had loved Rose so dearly that if he ever lost her, he would go crazy with the thought of losing her.

His temptress continued the little fiasco.

He could swear she was only doing this to him to get back for all that he had done, because she was torturing the hell out of him.

"Rose, I surrender."

Good, she thought to herself.

"Surrender to what, Jack?"

"I surrender to the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"Okay. I see. What is it that my devilish husband has been doing behind my back?"

"I have a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise, Jack?"

"The kind of surprise you’re gonna love, Rosie. Tomorrow is your birthday, right?"

"Oh, my gosh. I forgot."

"Yeah, right. Rose, how can you forget your own birthday?"

"Well, Jack. I have been very preoccupied lately."

"Ah…and what has my temptress been up to while I was away?"

"Well, Jack, we will discuss this later, but for now you are my slave, so you will obey my command."

She got up and headed to her dresser. She decided it was time for things to get more interesting.

She pulled four satin ties out of her goodie dresser and laid out the bottles of oil. Then, she got a blindfold.

"Jack, are you into discipline?"

"Never tried that. But with you, I am willing to try whatever you’ve got."

She put the blindfold over his eyes. Then, she got the four ties and tied his hands and his legs.

Rose got one of the candles and tested the wax. It was somewhat hot, so she decided to spill it onto Jack’s chest.

Jack clenched his teeth.

"What the hell?"

"Shh," she said. "Bad boys need discipline, so listen to your mommy."


She got the oil from the dresser, and poured some over the red spot on his chest.

He felt relieved at the sensation of the cool oil hitting his skin.

He relaxed, and felt Rose spreading the oil to his very crevice.

She grabbed hold of him, and stroked the length of him.

He could feel her breath upon his lower body.

He felt her pull away.

Rose undressed.

She sat upon him, feeling the slick entrance of her body.

She is so perfect, he thought, while she took over his body, rocking him into ecstasy.

About Thirty Minutes Later

Rose was full and sated with satisfaction. Jack was wondering where that had come from. It still puzzled him.

"Rose, where did you learn the candle wax trick?"

"Well, Jack, I use to experiment with that when I was younger. I was about fifteen or so, and I saw this movie. It was called Body of Evidence. Anyway, she poured candle wax over his body. So, later that night, I tried it on myself, and you know what? It felt kind of kinky."

"Really, Rose?"

"Yeah, Jack. I guess the pain heightened my sexual craving."

"Wow. I never knew such a girl as yourself was into that kind of stuff ,especially a girl who’s so pristine."

"Me? Pristine? Ha!"

"Rose, if I had discovered you as the little vixen you are now, I would have been happy for the rest of my life."

"Are you happy now?"

"Rose, anything you do, I love."

"So, you’re not mad that I burned you with the candle wax?"

"No. Despite the scar, you are right. It does heighten your experience a level."

"A level of what?"

"A level of knowing what a person wants."

Chapter Twelve