Chapter Twelve

Cal’s Heart

Cal drove in a furious rage. He still loved Rose. He drove over to the Dawsons place.

Rose had settled down, watching television. She had just taken the kids to school and Jack was away at work.

Cal got out of his car and banged on the door.

Rose went to answer it.

“Cal?” She was surprised to see him there after all this time.

“Rose. Oh, Rose, I have missed you.” He hugged her.

“Cal, come in.” She felt awkward saying that to him. “What’s wrong?” She assisted him to the couch.

“I miss you, Rose,” he confessed.

“What about your new wife?” Rose was curious as to why he had come to her.

“I left her, Rose. I still love you.” Cal looked at her with loving eyes.

“Oh, Cal!” She sat next to him.

He breathed in her scent and laid Rose down on the couch.

“Cal, what are you doing?” She was ready to fight if need be.

“Look, I know you’re married to Dawson, but I just want to fall asleep here with you. I haven’t had a decent sleep since you left me.”

It was true. She could see the circles under his eyes.

He lay on Rose’s lap and closed his eyes. Within ten minutes, he was out.

Rose moved him off her and called Jack at the office.

His phone rang.

“Come on, Jack. Pick up.” She was anxious to tell him about her uninvited visitor.

“Hello?” Jack answered.

“Jack, thank God,” Rose let out.

“What happened, Rose?” He wondered what was so urgent. She had never really called him at his office at all, only during emergencies.

“You will never believe who is here.” She wasn’t really scared of Cal, she finally admitted to herself.

“Who?” Jack had no idea who was there.

“Cal.” Rose spoke his name, and felt very nervous about telling Jack.

“What is Cal doing there?” he demanded to know.

“I don’t know, Jack. All he said was that he missed me and that he broke up with his wife.” She knew he still loved her. He didn’t try to do anything to her.

“Are you okay with him?” Jack asked, afraid for his wife’s safety.

“Yeah. He’s no problem. He is asleep right now.” She felt she could handle Cal, since she had taken self-defense classes previously.

“All right. I will be home early, just in case. I don’t trust him, Rose.” Jack never did trust Cal.

“I know, Jack. See you soon.” She hung up.

“Okay, Rose. Bye, sweetheart.” Jack wanted to be home, not there in the office just now.

Rose was bored, so she went to Jack’s office and used the computer. She turned it on and waited for the start screen to come on.

When it finished loading, she loaded her program and started working. Rose worked for Jack as a graphic artist, making graphics for his company.

She put her headphones on and listened to some music.

She was singing along to a song called What If.

What if I had never let you go?

Would you be the man I used to know?

She loved that song, too.


Cal woke up. He had felt Rose missing.

“Rose?” He stood up and went upstairs.

He saw her singing and dancing on her chair.

He loved looking at her. He thought to himself, Dawson is a lucky guy.

He moved over to her, and put his hands on her shoulders.

Rose jumped and took off the headphones.

“Caledon Hockley, you scared the shit out of me.” She felt all the blood rush out of her.

“Sorry, Rose.” He stood looking at the computer.

“I thought you were asleep.” She looked at him, not knowing what she could do for him.

“I was, but I felt cold.” He put his arms around himself.

She felt awfully sorry for him, so she led him back to her bed and he lay down beside her.

“Rose, do you still care about me?” He had to ask.

“Of course I do, Cal.” She cared only to a certain point.

“Do you love me?” He wanted to hear her say yes, but he knew better.

“Like a friend, Cal. I love Jack. You know that.” She sat up.

“Just had to ask.” He moved closer to Rose.

Just then, the doorbell rang. She remembered her friend Brittany was to come over today.

“Be right back.” She went to answer the door.

“Hey, Rose.” Brittany was her neighbor from across the street.

“Hi, Brit. I have a guest over.” Rose looked flushed.

“Cool. Who is it?” she asked.

“His name is Caledon. He was my fiancé before I met Jack.” Rose had never told her best friend Brittany about Caledon.

“Is he cute?” Brittany always loved tall, dark, and handsome men.

“He’s all right. Come on. I will introduce you to him.” She felt like she was living a nightmare.

Brit followed Rose up the stairs to her room.

“Cal?” Rose called him.

“Hey, Rose.” He turned to his side and saw the most amazing, astounding, wonderful girl he had ever seen.

“I would like you to meet Brittany.” Rose felt like she had seen fireworks coming out of both of them.

He got up off the bed.

“Hello.” He shook her hand. She immediately fell in love with him.

“Rose, I should go.” Cal had to before he embarrassed himself.

“Okay.” Rose was glad he was leaving.

“Sorry for intruding on you,” Cal had to say.

“Don’t worry, Cal. It was no problem.” Rose saw that he was more kind and caring about people now, for some reason.

Brittany eyed Cal like a hawk. She followed Cal to his car, leaving Rose alone upstairs.

“Cal, I know we don’t know each other, but I would really like to see you again.” Brittany couldn’t let him go without asking him out first.

Cal looked at Brittany. She had wonderful legs and pretty blond hair.

“All right. When?” He figured he had nothing to lose.

“Tonight, over at my house. It’s just across the street.” She stood next to him and pointed to her house.

He got in his car and drove away. He had to get ready for his date.

Brittany came into Rose’s house, all excited.

“Rose, thank you for introducing me to Cal. I got a date tonight.” She snickered.

“Really?” Rose was amazed that Brittany liked Cal.

“Yeah.” Brittany’s eyes glowed, something Rose hadn’t seen since she had gotten her the video Dirty Dancing. Oh, how she loved Patrick Swayze.

“Oh, Brittany, he just got over a separation. He’s probably still on the rebound.” Rose had to let her know.

“Probably, but I am definitely getting sex tonight,” Brittany said, confidently.

“I would have rather not known, Brit.” Truly, Rose didn’t want to know.

“So, he was your fiancé? How is he in bed?” Brittany asked, knowing Rose would know.

“Well, we only did it once. He’s good in tempo, but he’s not like Jack,” Rose confessed to her.

“Yeah, I know. Jack is the bomb,” Brittany said, like a smart ass.

“Well, he is, Brittany. He knows what I like and how I like it, and he is willing to try new things.” Rose loved Jack’s lovemaking.

Brittany told Rose she had to go home to get ready for the date.

Rose was worried about Cal. He had better treat her good.


Cal got a new suit out of the closet, took a shower, and put on some cologne, something not too strong. The house was so empty now, he thought about selling it. He thought long and hard, got his keys, and slipped out the door about 7:30. By eight o’clock he got to Brittany’s house. He didn’t bring anything to give her. He walked up the drive and knocked on the door.

Brittany was in a skimpy dress. Red, to top it all off.

“Cal, come in.” She got his hand. “Dinner isn’t ready yet,” she lied. She wanted to get to know him first.

“Okay.” He walked in and smelled something wonderful.

“So, tell me about yourself,” she said, as he sat on the couch with her.

“Well, Brittany, I have my own company. I am rich and I live alone.” He knew women liked self made millionaires.

“Wow. Interesting.” Although Brittany didn’t care for millionaires, she would make an exception for Cal anytime, any place. “Well, I am Brittany Lowe. I work as a secretary at a law firm.” She felt she had to say something to make him interested in her.

“Cool.” He was amazed that such a beautiful woman was into law.

She looked into his eyes. She kissed him.

He kissed her back. She brought him to her, lying down on the sofa. He touched her, looking into her eyes. She was ready with want.

“Is dinner ready?” he asked.

“Actually, it’s already done,” Brittany finally confessed.

“Where’s your room?” Cal was already at a breaking point. It had been so long since he was with a woman. Even though his wife loved him back, he hadn’t really had sex with her.

“Over there.” She pointed.

He picked her up and took her to her room.

Chapter Thirteen