Chapter Thirteen

First Love

Caledon William Hockley was not a mean guy. At times, he was very sweet.

He was with a beautiful woman, who, unlike his wife, was actually interested in him. For the first time, he felt like he was wanted. It was not often that he found a woman like Brittany Lowe.

Brittany totally liked Cal. He was unlike anyone she had ever met.

When Cal laid Brittany on the bed, he did not jump on her like every other man had done to her in the past. He lay beside her instead, and caressed her face. He looked into her eyes.

“Brittany, are you sure you want this?” He had never asked that question with any woman he had been with.

“As sure as I’ll ever be, Cal. I never met anyone like you.” Her eyes gleamed with passion.

“And I, for one, have never met anyone like you, Brittany.” He kissed her so deeply, she moaned.

She kissed him and led him back onto the bed. Cal had never had many women. His last wife, Charlotte, had wanted him only for his money. He had known that from the get-go. After Rose had left, it had never been the same, and when Charlotte finally gave up on trying to be the perfect wife, she grew bored with Cal. Cal sometimes hated being rich. He wanted what every man wanted--the American dream. He wanted a wife, kids, a happy life above all else. Was it so hard for him to have these things? He must admit that he was a man of value, but nonetheless, he wanted these things very badly. You could say he was desperate, in a way. Since the beginning of his life, his father had always told him that working hard and making money brought you happiness, but in Cal’s case this was hardly the truth. He had never wanted to take over his father’s company. He hadn’t even asked for it, either. Cal had always been the responsible one. Not this time. He vowed to change for the better.

“Brittany, I think we should wait.” He wanted her to remember him. He didn’t want to be another one night stand.

“Why?” Brittany liked this man, and she had never met anyone who didn’t take her offer on the first date.

“I wanna hold off on this.” He wondered if he was being a tease.

“All right, Cal. I didn’t mean to be so pushy.” Brittany remembered what Rose had said. He’s on the rebound.

“It’s all right, Brittany. You weren’t.” To him, she wasn’t in the least pushy.

“Hungry, Cal? I made some lasagna.” She got up off the bed, and although she was a little disappointed, she knew that it was for the best.

“Yeah, Brittany.” He got up and followed her.

Cal was starving. He had never really gotten a homemade meal. It was always takeout or something of that nature.

“Brittany, this is good.” He ate forkfuls of the lasagna like he hadn’t eaten in a long time.

“You like it, Cal?” She watched him eat.

“I absolutely do. I wanna thank you, Brittany, for asking me to come over and have dinner. I was so mad and upset earlier. Thank you.” He gave her his killer smile.

In the whole of his life he had never said thank you before. It was always others saying that to him. He wasn’t a rich snob, or, at least, he didn’t feel that way. He was beginning to like Brittany, not like a friend, but like a girlfriend. He wanted to have that kind of love, the kind where it was not just given, but taken as well.

When they finished, they returned to the living room. Brittany had realized that she might have scared Cal, so she backed off, although not totally.

Cal moved closer to her and took her hand.

“Brittany, never have I met a woman like you. I wanna let you know how much you mean to me.” He kissed her, not like he had done before, but this time with feeling. Brittany felt it, too. Something had definitely changed.

Brittany didn’t mind, either. This was the first time she was actually comfortable with a man in her home. For some reason, she trusted him. It was not about sex anymore. It was about something totally different. Something she had never felt before. Something that could only be referred to as love.


Cal went with Brittany on a stroll. He could see the light and the car of Jack Dawson, the man who had stolen away his Rose. He had forgiven them a long time ago. It was his fault. After all, if he had paid more attention to Rose, he would probably be with her right now. But it was not a time for regret. That had taught him a lesson, and he had learned not to take anything for granted anymore.

They didn’t walk far. He had seen a beautiful red rose while passing a pretty flower garden. He got it and tore it off the branch. “Brittany, close your eyes,” he told her. She responded. He traced the rose around her face. She breathed in the sweet scent of the rose. It felt very erotic to Brittany. She sighed.

They walked back, and Cal knew it was time to go.

“Well, Brittany, I had a lovely time with you, and I would like to see you again.” He held her close to him.

“I would like that.” Brittany reached down and grabbed her ankle, rubbing it.

He moved closer to her and gave her a kiss after she touched her leg. She grabbed his head, leaning into him. He put his arms around her small frame. He was way taller than she was, so he had to bend down a little. When he tore away from her, she had such a serious look.

“Cal, don’t ever do that again,” she had to say, to break out of the trance she was under.

“Do what? Have I offended you?” he asked, unaware that she was toying with him.

“No, not that. I mean, never leave a woman unsatisfied.” She had wanted him so bad.

“I am so sorry, Brittany. Do you forgive me?” He really was sorry.

“Yes, Caledon.” She grabbed his suit and brought his head down to her again. He kissed her and backed away.

“Anymore of that, Brittany, and I would stay the night,” he said.

“Would you like to, Cal?” she asked, still ready to put her moves on Cal.

“I really would, Brittany, but not on a first date.” He wanted things different this time.

“I understand.” She put her head down.

“Good-bye, Brittany. I will see you tomorrow.” He picked up her chin and kissed her, this time French style.

He got into his car and waved good-bye to her, but not before giving her another good-bye kiss.
