Chapter Two

In the morning, the bluebirds sang, and she felt happy. Nothing could ruin her happiness. She turned around, and saw Jack asleep. He looked so adorable. He was so relaxed. She didn’t really want to wake him. His blond hair covered his eyes. She took the hair away from his face and decided to inspect this incredible man she had given herself to.

She slowly pulled the blanket down to his waist. She watched his soft skin. She couldn’t resist, so she placed her hand on his back. He felt her exploring his body, so he turned around. The blanket was almost completely off him. He opened his eyes, and saw her reaction. She was red.

"Like what you see, Rose?" he teased her.

"Oh, Jack, I didn’t know you were awake," she lied.

"Rose you don’t have to pretend with me. I don’t mind if you touch me." He meant it.

"I just wanted to wake you up. I’ll have to be going, and I wanted to know if you needed a ride home." She didn’t want to go home, but she had to. She had to face Cal.

"Yeah, that sounds good." After what Rose had put him through, he didn’t even think he could walk.

"I’m going to take a shower. Would you like to join me, Jack?"

"Yes, absolutely. You don’t even have to ask, Rose."

Later, In The Car

"So, Mr. Dawson, where do you live?"

"I live in a little cabin along the coast. I designed the cabin myself. You see, I’m an architect. One night I had a dream about it. So I decided to build it. You see, I made my dream a reality. But there’s one thing that’s missing--a woman’s touch." He looked at her.

He directed her as they drove. When she saw the cabin, she fell in love with it, just like she had fallen for Jack. He asked her to come in, but she really had to go. So he kissed her good-bye, and she went on her way.

He reached for his keys in his pocket and unlocked the door, to see Samantha standing there. She must have been waiting for him.

"Jack, we have to talk."

"I think you explained yourself last night, Sam."

"Jack, it wasn’t what it looked like."

"Yeah, I could see that, Sam. I want you and your stuff out today. You see, I met someone else last night, and...well...she’s everything you're not."

"Who’s the little slut, Jack?"

"Rose is not a slut, Sam."

"How would you know?"

"Believe me, I know. I was her first. No more questions, Sam. Out, now, or I’ll throw you out. I have a date, and I don’t want you here. It’s over, Sam."

Samantha stood there. She couldn’t believe it Jack always took her back, but not this time. He had changed. He actually had a heart. He loved this girl, and she hated that it killed her, because he never showed her anything like that. He didn’t throw a fit and he didn’t throw things. For the first time in history he was actually calm.

Samantha got her stuff. It was truly over, although she couldn’t go without tempting him first. She had to try to see if it was really over. She had never slept with Jack. He had wanted to wait, but Sam couldn’t, so she slept with his neighbor, James Holt.

Sam marched up the stairs into Jack’s room. He was in the shower, apparently getting ready for his date. When Jack had showered with Rose, he had just rinsed off. He didn’t want to smell like rainwater. He was happy. Rose was a new start to his life.

Sam undressed. She heard Jack whistling. He never whistled the whole time she knew him. They had been together for only a year, but there had to be something left.

Sam walked into the shower. Jack didn’t even notice until she touched him.

"Sam, get out! Now!"

"No, Jack. Not until you let me explain."

He turned off the water and got out. She was right behind him. He quickly took the towel from around his waist, put on his sweats, and threw the towel to Sam. He knew what she was trying to do, but it wouldn’t work on him. Not this time.

He sat on the bed. "Okay, Sam. Explain to me what you want to say. But first, put your clothes back on."

She let the towel drop, exposing her body to him. He looked for a while, then tried to get her body out of his mind, because he wanted Rose so much right then. She came closer to him.

"Jack, look at me."

He didn’t. He just kept staring at the floor. She touched his face and kissed him, but the only thing that stopped her was when he said "Rose."

She knew by then it was truly over, so she got dressed, got her stuff, and left for good, vowing never to see him, ever again.

Chapter Three