Chapter Three

Rated NC-17 for Content

On the other side of town, Rose parked in the driveway, got out, and headed to the front door. In her hand was her overnight bag. She opened the door. Cal was nowhere to be found. She went to his study, and sure enough, he was asleep in his study again. He didn’t even know she was gone. Except this time something was different. The television was on. Apparently, he was watching a movie. She ejected the videocassette from the VCR to see if maybe she would like it. When she read the title, it shocked her. Cal had been watching a rated X movie. She saw him and looked at his face. So this is what he did every night--not reading stocks or something to do with business, but masturbating instead of touching her. She had to ask him why.

She put her hand on his face. Had she been wrong for sleeping with Jack? She looked back at Cal and saw his eyes.

"Hello, Rose."

"Hi, Cal. Good morning. Cal, what is the meaning of this?" She thrust the tape at him.

"’s not what you think, Rose."

"Isn’t it, Cal? Why didn’t you come to me? I was ready, Cal. Waiting in bed every night. I thought you didn’t want me."

He got up from the chair. "Oh no, Rose. I did want you, but I thought you didn’t want me."

"Cal, I have to tell you the truth. Last night I got mad, and I went out and stayed at a motel…"

"But why, Rose?"

"Because I thought you didn’t want me I picked up a stranger. He didn’t harm me, but I asked him to stay the night with me, Cal. I thought you had someone else. I didn’t know. I thought you were cheating on me."

"You're telling me I waited for nothing, Rose That some stranger you met on the road had you first, and I didn’t even get a chance. What the hell is that, Rose? It’s no excuse. I am gonna get what’s rightfully mine, with or without your consent."

She thought he was going to rape her. Instead, he passed her and went to his room. Cal was so hurt. He knew violence wasn’t a way to make it all better, so he restrained himself and started to pack his bags. He was so frustrated, he just sat on the bed and started to cry.

Rose felt bad, but it was too late. She had made her mistake. She lay on the bed, still dressed with the clothes she had worn the day before. She got up changed into a slinky nightgown and got into bed. She was exhausted. She closed her eyes and started to dream. Cal came into her room and looked at his beautiful angel. He didn’t want to disturb her, so he sat on the bed and stared at her. Rose started to talk in her sleep.

"Touch me, my love. I have been bad."

Cal didn’t know what to do, so he touched her. He placed his hand on her chest. He started to rub her breasts. She moaned. He liked her response, so he pulled up her nightgown and put his lips on her nipple. She tasted so good. He had been waiting for her for so long. He wanted more, so he removed the blankets and saw she slept without her underwear, something he probably missed every night. He opened her legs slightly and put his fingers into her. She moaned and said, "More. Faster." He felt very tempted to take her. He pulled back, and was about to leave when he heard her say, "I am so sorry, Cal. Please, don’t go. I need you." He went back to her side and undressed. He positioned himself above her, preparing to enter her. He slid into her she arched her hips and opened her eyes.

"Cal, what are you doing?"

"What you asked for, darling." He started to move wildly inside her. To finish what she had started.

"Please, Cal, get off." She wasn’t afraid of him.

"Wait just a little more, Rose. Please, I’m almost there. Just give me this, and I’ll be on my way."

"Fine, Cal." She let him do it. She figured she owed him that.

But what would she tell Jack? Certainly, she couldn’t hurt him. She didn’t want to hurt him, but it seemed that ever since she lost her virginity, everything had gone wrong.

Cal was true to his word. As soon as he was done, he left, but not for good.

Rose decided to go to Jack’s house. She couldn’t stay in the house she and Cal had bought. They were supposed to get married, but that wasn't going to happen now. Their trial marriage, which Cal called it, only lasted two months. She didn't feel loved by Cal, and that's why she cheated on him.

She packed her bag and showered. She wanted to be clean. Cal's touch was not pleasant. She despised him, even though she let him have his way with her. She looked at the place, then got in her car and left.

Chapter Four