Chapter Four

Jack finally felt free of Sam. He was just about to get something to drink when the doorbell rang. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Sam, what are you doing back?"

"I forgot some things in your guestroom."

"Oh, all right. Go ahead." He let her in.

Jack was so exhausted he lay down on the couch. He rested his eyes, then again heard the doorbell. He got up to see who it was.

"Rose, what are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you, too. I just couldn’t wait until tonight, Jack. I hope I’m not bothering you."

"No, come in." He was happy to see her.

"Jack, we have to talk."

"Okay, shoot." He directed her to the couch.

"It’s very hard for me to tell you this. And it’s not that I wanna hurt you. But remember my boyfriend, Cal? Well, we broke up. I told him about you and I. And he flipped. It turned out he was not cheating on me like I thought. He got so mad that he said he would get what was rightfully his."

"And did he, Rose?" Jack knew the answer.


Jack looked at her. He was mad, but he didn’t want to be the same old Jack, so he controlled his temper.

"Okay, I will accept it, but this will be the last time. After all, we never established that we were a couple. I am a very forgiving person, so I’ll let this one slide. I admit I am hurt, but now as of right now, we are together, aren't we?"

"Yes, Jack. So, what happened with your girlfriend?"

"Okay. She’s getting the last of her things as we speak."

"So what's going on?"

"Nothing. I just missed you."

"Oh, really? How much?"

She walked toward him and gave him a kiss. It turned his insides into Jell-O. He felt like he was going to melt.

"Oh, really? That much?" He gasped for breath.

"Want more?" Rose teased.

"Yes, but let’s wait until Sam is gone."

Sam saw a girl kiss Jack. She knew that this girl must be Rose. The one who stole Jack from her. She proceeded to walk out the door, taking her boxes. As soon as Sam put the last of her things in the trunk she said good-bye to the home and the only man who really loved her. It would be the last time she would see him.

Jack and Rose were too into themselves to notice Sam.

They walked upstairs together. Jack led her to the bedroom. Each stripping each other until they landed on the bed completely nude, kissing passionately.


When Rose awoke, she felt Jack's arm around her. She slowly got out of bed. She wanted to let him sleep. He needed it, and she needed food. Rose walked to the bathroom and found a robe she put it on. She was a little curious about the house. It was everything she imagined it would be. A guestroom. Across the hall, another room, which Rose assumed was his office. It was really nice. Her stomach started to growl, so she headed downstairs to the kitchen. As she walked passed the countless artifacts of Jack's life, she knew there was more she still didn't know about him. Rose opened the refrigerator. He really didn't have much, so she made herself a sandwich. As she put the last touches on her sandwich, she decided to watch TV. Just as she was about to sit down, the phone rang. Rose couldn't let the phone ring, because it would disturb Jack's sleep, so she picked up the receiver.

"Hello. Dawson residence," Rose said politely.

"Who's this? Where's Jack?" a male voice yelled.

"He's asleep. May I take a message?"

"Sure, tell him Cedars & Mayers called. They want to meet him tomorrow on the site to update the contract he turned down."

"Okay. Who are you?" Rose asked.

"Tell him it's David Adler, Sam."

"I'm not Sam. I'm Rose. I'll be sure and let him know, Mr. Adler."

Rose thought it must be important, so she went upstairs to wake up Jack.

She touched his arm. "Jack, honey, wake up."


"Jack, someone called. It sounded important."

"Who was it?"

"David Adler."

"Oh, okay. I better call him."

Jack got up and went to the phone. He didn't care that he stood nude before her.

She decided he must be cold, so she found him a robe.

The phone started to ring. Jack felt Rose behind him. She motioned for him to put on the robe. Jack yawned.


"Hi, David. It's Jack."

"Did you get the message?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend told me. So what's going on?"

Rose decided to leave, since this was important. She pointed to him to tell him she'd be downstairs. He acknowledged her with a nod.

Jack continued to get all the information about the contract. David told him he would send him an e-mail on the contract. So they went through a few personal problems and were done.

Meanwhile, Rose was downstairs making another sandwich for Jack, because she knew he must be hungry after talking business, and she knew she had worn him out, because he was usually more energetic. She noticed the last time they made love that he was usually more awake to notice a phone ring, but she didn't really know him. In time, she would learn what he liked and what he didn't. She would know how to make him happier, and become a good wife for him.

Chapter Five