Chapter Six

Jack parked his truck in the café parking lot. As he was pulling into a slot, he caught a glimpse of Rose in the back of the café. She looked so beautiful. Nothing had changed.

When he walked in, he could swear he smelled her perfume.

He proceeded to sit across from her.

"Hi, Jack. Glad you could make it." She truly was glad he did.

"Yeah. So, what’s up?" he asked.

"I’m pregnant, Jack," she muttered.

"Is it mine?" he asked, rudely.

"I don’t know. That’s why I want you to take a paternity test."

He was about to get up to leave. He couldn't face her.

"Jack, do you really hate me that you have to leave in a hurry?"

"I can’t do this, Rose. Don’t you know how much you hurt me?" He could feel his reaction to her as the other part of his body grew.

"I’m so sorry, Jack."

He got up to leave again, but Rose caught him by the wrist. Her eyes pleaded for him not to go. But he had to leave. Sam was waiting.

"What do you want from me, Rose? You wanna break my heart again? Do you get some kind of sick pleasure hurting people?" He felt like crying.

"I never meant to, Jack. I still love you."

"So do I." He grabbed her by the wrist and kissed her hard.

Rose was breathless. Tears started falling.

Jack had left in a hurry. He was frustrated. Sexually frustrated.


When Jack got home, he grabbed Sam and loved her passionately.

"Jack, what was that for?"

"I’m sorry, Sam. Damn her hide. I wish she never picked me up that night."

"You still love her, don’t you?"

"Sadly, yes."

"Jack, I've got something to tell you. I’m pregnant."



"GREAT! Now I have two. What the hell is happening? Am I being punished for living? I’m hopeless."

"Wait. What do you mean, two? Rose isn’t, is she?"

"She is, Sam."

"It’s yours?"

"I don’t know. It could be Cal’s."

"What a mess we weave, when first we learn to conceive," Sam teased.

"So true, Sam. I’m a dead man." He was lost. He really didn't know what to do. He had always wanted a child, but not like this. He wanted to be married to the woman he loved. How was he going to live if he had two babies? He was dead inside, because truly all his love belonged to Rose. How was he going to be with Sam if Rose was still in his head? Still, he contemplated about what the hell he'd done. He had to do the right thing, for once in his life. If he had two babies then they would both be compensated for. He was not going to bail when his children needed him most. He wasn't that way, and he vowed to never be like those deadbeat dads on Oprah or Maury.

Chapter Seven