Chapter Seven

Months had passed. Jack was expecting a call from Rose any day now.

Rose wondered if Jack cared about her, or even knew about her condition. She had to gone to the hospital quite a lot, because they told her the amniotic fluid was low. Probably because she was depressed, and also because she hadn't drunk enough fluids lately.

Jack finally got the nerve to call. He was tired of waiting. He picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang.

"I would like to speak to Rose, please." Someone had answered, but didn't speak.

"It's me, Jack. How are you?"

"I'm fine. What about you? How's the baby?"

"Not so good, Jack."


"I have been in the hospital."

"Is the baby okay?"

"For the time being, yes. They keep saying the amniotic fluid is low. I just have to drink more liquids."

"Do you need me, Rose?"

She started crying.

"Rose, don't cry. Please," he pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Jack. It's just that Cal doesn't want me anymore, because he has a feeling the baby is yours."

"Rose, I want you to pack up, and come here."

"What about Sam?"

"I'll talk to her. Just come, okay?"

"All right, Jack."

He hung up the phone, and went to find Sam.

"Sam, I need to talk to you. Where are you?"

"Here in the nursery," she called out.

He found her putting little baby clothes in the dresser they had bought yesterday.

"Okay, Sam. I need you to sit down. Okay, now, don't get mad, but Rose is going to stay with us."

"What? No, Jack. You can't. She'll mess up everything, our lives. Just everything. You want her, don't you?"

"Sam, please. She needs a place, and she might be carrying my child."

"All right, but I want you in my bed every night, not hers. You got it?"

"Okay. Agreed."

He still loved Rose, even to this day. It was going to be hard to not be tempted when Rose was around.


An hour and a half later, the doorbell rang.

Rose was carrying a small suitcase.

He opened the door.

"Oh, Rose, you shouldn't be carrying this. Come on in and have a seat. Are you hungry or thirsty?" He grabbed the suitcase from her.

"A glass of water would be fine."


He went to the kitchen and came back with a cold cup of water.

Rose grabbed the glass from him.

She took a huge gulp.

The coldness went through her system.

The baby kicked.

"Oh, hold on."

"What?" Jack asked.

"The baby just kicked."

"Can I feel, Rose?"

"Like you have to ask, Jack."

He put his palm on her stomach. He felt it. A strong kick.

"This is the most wonderful thing in the world."

Sam walked in. She saw Jack touching Rose.

Rose had been there for only two minutes, and Jack was already touching her. Sam knew there was trouble brewing.

So you wanna steal my man, Rose? Well, you got a another think coming. I'm not giving up without a fight, Sam thought.

Sam walked in the living room, and interrupted them, giving Jack a cold stare.

"So, what's going on?" Sam asked.

"Oh, Sam, this is Rose," Jack said.

"Nice to meet you, Rose," Sam smiled at her.

"You, too," Rose said politely.

"So, Rose, how many months are you?"

"Eight and a half."

"Oh. I'm seven months."

"I really hope I am not imposing on you and Jack."

"Oh, you're not, and don't worry. Jack told me about the baby."

"I won't upset you, okay?"

"Thanks, Rose."

"So, where do I sleep?" Rose looked at Jack.

"You can sleep in my office. There's a bed in there."

"Okay. Thanks, Jack, Samantha. Do you mind if I turn in? I'm feeling awfully tired."

"No. Go ahead." Sam gestured to the stairs with her hand.

"Sam, I'll be back in just a second," he told her, as he helped Rose to her room.

"Okay. I will be waiting."

Rose climbed the stairs, and went to his office. Sheets and blankets were on top of the bed, already made.

"If you need anything, just ask me. Okay?"

"Thanks, Jack. I really appreciate it."

"No problem."

"Good night, Jack."

"Good night, Rose."

Jack closed the door, and went downstairs with Sam. He was tempted to take Rose right there on the bed. But he had to resist. For Sam's sake, he had to resist. If he didn't, Sam would never talk to him, and he would never see his son or daughter.


Rose lay on the bed, dreaming of Jack and her married, and happy with their son.

She smiled in her dream. They were happy.

Finally, Rose would get some rest.


Meanwhile, back at the Hockley estate...

"Rose, darling, where are you?" he called out.

No answer.

He went to the table near the mail desk, and checked his mail. He glanced through it, and came upon a letter from Rose.

Dear Caledon,

I can't live with you anymore. I look at you, and I see you thinking, Stupid whore. Why did you sleep with someone else, when I was right here? kind of look. I just can't live here anymore. I love you, but not in the sense of love. You're like my friend, more than my fiancé. I will remember you always, and I will contact you if the baby is yours.

Until then,
Your loving bride,
Rose Dawson Hockley

The Dawson was scribbled out.

That made him mad.

He knew where she had gone, and he was going to bring her back. One way or another.

Chapter Eight