Chapter Eight

Rated NC-17 for Content

Samantha and Jack sat downstairs, watching TV, while Rose was upstairs, asleep.

Samantha was asleep on his shoulder. He carried her up to bed. She awakened when Jack started to take her clothes off to change her into her pajamas.

"Jack, what time is it?"

"It's one o'clock AM. Why?"

"Oh, okay. I'm going back to sleep. Are you coming to bed?"

"In a while, honey."

"All right. Remember your promise."

"Okay. I will."

He closed the door to their bedroom.

He had to check his e-mail, but Rose was asleep in his office.

He quietly tapped on the door, but no one answered.

He opened the door and walked inside. Rose was still asleep. Apparently, she hadn't slept well.

He quietly walked to his computer and turned it on.

He looked at her in the darkness. The only light he had was from his monitor.

"Gosh, you look so beautiful," he said out loud.

Rose woke up. "Jack?"

"Hey, beautiful Rose."

"What time is it?"

"It's only 1:02 AM."

"Oh. I slept quite a long time."

"Time I enjoyed watching," he teased.

"Jack Dawson, you haven't changed."

"Thanks. I take that as a compliment. You hungry?"

"Not really."

"Well, I will go get you something to drink, okay? Stay here."


He walked downstairs to the kitchen. He picked up a bottle of apple juice and grabbed a glass. Then he decided to get the leftovers in the fridge, and pop them in the microwave. He went back upstairs after he got the bubbling spaghetti out of the microwave and went to the counter and got a fork.

He brought the spaghetti and the apple juice to her. She was staring at the computer monitor.

"What's so interesting?"

"Your desktop. Who's this?" She pointed to the girl on his computer. She was wearing almost nothing.

"Oh, that. It's nothing. I brought you food." He set it on the desk, and pulled an extra chair to the desk.

"Okay. Now, let me sit here, and you still there." He pointed to the other chair.

"Okay." She poured the juice into the glass and drank.

He looked at her neck as she drank. God, how he wished he could nuzzle her neck.

His pants started to feel tight again.

"Rose, I'm gonna go change. Be right back. Okay?"

"Sure." She was eating the spaghetti.

He went to his room and headed to his dresser and got some sweats.

He went to the restroom to change.

He took off his pants and slipped on the sweats.

Rose was finished eating by the time he got back.

"So, what are you doing, Jack?"

"On the computer?"


"Oh, checking my e-mail."

He sat in the chair, and logged on to the Internet.

Username: jd60

Password: rose

"I used your name as my password."


"Yeah. I changed it when I was with you."

He continued to look through his e-mail. Nothing new--just advertisements. He deleted it.

He looked over at her.

"Rose, how's the baby?"

"Kicking like a madman."

"Wow, must have got my attitude. Still hungry, Rose?"

"Sort of. This little one likes to eat a lot." She touched her stomach.

"Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay. Get ready, and I will be right back."

He went to his room to go get his wallet and his keys. He patted Sam on the shoulder. She woke up.


"Sam, you want something to eat? Because Rose and me are gonna go get something."

"Nah. I'm not hungry."

"All right. We'll be back."

"All right. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"All right, honey."

He returned to the other room. Rose was shutting down the computer.

"Ready to go?" He glanced at Rose's legs.

"Yeah. Hold on." She stood up, and had a hard time getting up.

Jack assisted her.

He grabbed her hands and brought her toward him. He looked into her eyes and kissed her madly.

Rose gasped for breath.

"Jack, we should go now."

"Yeah, you’re right."

They went downstairs, and headed to the garage. Jack helped Rose into the passenger side. He put the keys into the ignition, started the car, and pressed the button for the remote control garage opener. It opened, and he put the gearshift in reverse.

He drove, and Rose watched the scenery. He glanced at her again, getting that same old feeling. He didn't want to admit it, but Rose was his passion, his fire that stirred up his carnal urges.

"Rose, I still love you."

"So do I, Jack. I loved you since the day I picked you up on that rainy night."

He pulled over.

Luckily, in his truck it was easy to slide to the passenger side.

He grabbed Rose by the waist and put his hands in her hair, smelling that fresh rose scent.

His lips were in search of hers. He was so ready to come home to his beloved Rose.

"Rose, this isn't gonna work. Come on. Let's go to the camper."

"Are you sure, Jack? What about Sam?"

"I don't love Sam. I love you. It's always been you, Rose."

She grabbed his shoulder, bringing him closer to her, kissing his lifeless lips into live wires.

"Rose, I can't take much more of this. Come on."

She followed him to the back of the truck. Inside the camper there was a mattress and blankets. He helped Rose up. Then he got inside and closed the door. He scooted over closer to Rose.

Rose put her hand into his sweats, massaging him to the point of no return.

He grabbed her breasts, licking each rose-colored nipple into his mouth. She moaned. He put his hands under her dress, slipping inside her already moistened area of pleasure.

"Jack, stop. Please," she pleaded.

"You stop, Rose," he said, barely catching his breath.

He continued to pleasure her, but he wanted her completely naked, so he stripped her--her belly protruding, her breasts plump with milk for their newborn. She looked astounding.

He looked into her eyes, turning her into a position suitable for the both of them. She lay on her side. Jack was behind her. He caressed Rose, then moved her leg aside, giving him access to her moistened entrance. He slid inside, his temperature almost to the boiling point. He proceeded with a few strokes of caressing, then grabbed her to move faster. Almost losing control, he slowed down a little.

"Rose, I have to say something before I continue." He looked at her with love in his eyes.

"What, Jack?" She looked flushed as the color in her face drained.

"I love you with all my heart, and I will never--never--love anyone else as much as I love you."

She started to pout, about ready to cry. From that point on, Rose would never be the same, for someone had loved her not for her body, but for herself. He wanted her completely.

He looked straight into her eyes, seeing the expression as he shoved deep inside her.

Rose moaned, crying, as the sweet sensation of her soul mate mated with her body and her soul, loving her entirely.

Jack and Rose rested there a while, getting used to being together. Just then, Jack noticed the time.

"Rose, it's three o'clock in the morning. We should get back. I'll just tell Samantha we got a flat. Now I gotta get a knife and poke the tire to make it believable."

"Okay. I'll get dressed." Rose started putting on her clothes.

"Wait. Not just yet. She knows how I am with a flat. It will take a while. Care to go for seconds?"

"Well, Mr. Dawson, I accept your offer." Rose smiled.

"Thanks for accepting, Rose DeWitt-Bukater." Jack put his arm around her and kissed her deeply.

Thirty Minutes Later

Jack and Rose pulled up into the driveway. No lights were on, so Jack assumed Sam was still asleep.

They stepped into the house secretly, going up the stairs one by one. When Rose got to her room, she closed the door.

Jack went up the stairs next. He opened the door to his room. Sam was asleep. He took off his clothes and slipped into bed, resting peacefully, and drifted off into dreamland.

Chapter Nine