Chapter Nine

Rose lay in bed, thinking of how she and Jack had been so good together that night. She wondered if Sam would ever know. She finally turned to her side and shut her eyes.

In the next room, Jack lay peacefully on the bed thinking of how magnificent they had been, and still were, together. He then drifted off to sleep again, dreaming of happy thoughts.

In the morning, he awoke to the sound of the doorbell that kept ringing.

He got up put on his shorts and went downstairs to answer it.

He opened the door as he let out a yawn.

"What the hell?"

"Jack! I must see Rose." Cal was very eager to see her.

"She’s sleeping. Come back later," he said, as he wiped his eyes.

"No, I must see her now," Cal demanded.

"Wait? Cal, didn’t she tell you to leave her alone?" Jack had started to wake up now.

"No. She just left me a letter. Now, let me speak to her!"

"All right. But don’t upset her, or I’ll butt in," Jack warned, as he went upstairs to Rose’s room.

"Fine. I’ll wait here." Cal sat on the couch.

Before Jack woke up Rose, he needed a shirt, so he went into his room and put one on. Then, he came out and knocked on Rose’s door.

"Rose?" He opened the door, and saw an angelic silhouette. She lay there, peaceful as a cat in slumber. He hated to wake her up.

"Rose, darling," he called.

She awoke to a familiar voice. Her Jack.

She turned to face that beautiful man.

"Yes, Jack?" she answered, in a sleepy way.

"Cal’s here. He wants to see you."

"What?" She got up fast.

"I know. I thought that, too, but he says he wants to speak to you."

"All right. I will talk with him." She proceeded to get up, but had trouble, so Jack helped her.

She came down the stairs with her robe on.

Jack watched as she went to talk to him.

When he saw her safely on the couch, he went back into his room.

"Rose, why did you leave?"

"Because…Cal, gosh…you weren’t touching me. You didn’t even see me."

"Rose, I was busy making a life for us."

"Well, you could have let me in on it."

"I thought I was, Rose."

"Cal, I don’t love you. I never have."

"You love that Dawson, don’t you?"

"Yes, Cal. I do love him."

"Well, too bad. Live with it."

"Cal, don’t you understand? I don’t, and never will, love you."

"You were always a failure, Rose."

"How dare you say that to me, when you, Mr. Perfect Rich Bastard, can’t even turn on a woman?" She was about to leave, when he grabbed her arm.

Cal lay her on the couch and started ripping her clothes off.

"Cal, stop!" she screamed.

Jack was there in two seconds, pulling him away from her.

"Leave her alone." Jack pushed Cal to the floor.

"Well, Dawson, you got the strength and the sex drive, but can you handle a lawsuit?"

"A lawsuit? Don’t make me laugh, Cal. You’re the one who wanted to come in and speak to her. I was just protecting an innocent, pregnant woman."

"Innocent?" Cal laughed.

"Yes, she is innocent."

"She’s a whore."

"Never. I love her, and I am going to marry her," Jack said.

"You bastard!" Samantha yelled.

"Sam, I…" Jack stuttered.

"Well, not just a love triangle anymore. Huh, Dawson?" Cal smiled.

He went to Sam and wanted to hold her, but she slipped on her robe and fell down the steps.

"Rose, dial 911."

"Yes, Jack." She went to the phone and dialed.

"911. How may I help you?" the operator asked.

"A pregnant woman fell down the stairs. Please send an ambulance to 135 North Terrance Way. Cross streets are Ford and Main." Rose heard the lady say that an ambulance would be there shortly.

"All right, Jack. They’re on their way."


He cradled Sam in his arms, and brought her to the sofa.

Sam was crying.

"I love you, Jack. I will always love you, no matter that you didn’t love me. And if our baby survives, I want to name it after you." She closed her eyes.

"Sam…Sam…wake up…Sam…"

He felt for a heartbeat. It was there, but it was faint.

Rose went to the door to let the ambulance in.

"She’s over there," Rose instructed the two men.

"Sir, is this your wife?"

"No. She’s my fiancée."

They checked her over.

"Rose, I am going to go with her."

"Okay, Jack."

Jack went into the ambulance with her, and they put a monitor on the baby’s heartbeat, which was very strong. All of a sudden, he heard Sam’s monitor go flat line.

They tried to resuscitate her. Nothing.

The baby’s heartbeat started to fade.

Jack was crying, telling them to help the baby.

They cut her and reached inside, searching for the baby. Finally, they pulled out a baby girl. They heard it screaming its little lungs out, as the mother of this newborn was dead.

They did all the necessary things to make the baby healthy. They let Jack hold the little girl.

Jack patted the little thing and held it close. "What are we going to do now, Samantha?" he cried, looking into the sky as he stepped out of the ambulance. They had finally reached the hospital. They rolled out Samantha’s body. Blood was everywhere. She was gone. The mother of the newborn didn’t even get to see her. He knew that by denying her request to make the baby’s name after him he would pay dearly, so he named her Jacqueline.

Chapter Ten