Chapter Twelve

It had been a month since Jason had popped up in Santa Monica, and Rose, Jack, Greg, Tasha, and Jason were all sitting at the pier.

Tasha curled up with Jason. "It's so peaceful out here."

"I know," Jason said, kissing her on her forehead.

"Jack?" Rose asked him, curling up with him, too.

"Yeah, Rosie?" Jack asked her.

"We have less than a month left together," Rose said.

"I don't want to lose you," Jack said, holding her closer to him.

"I don't know what I'll do if you leave," Rose said, and a tear slid down her cheek.

"Don't cry. We'll think of something," Jack said.

"Okay," Rose said.

Greg looked at Rose, Jack, Tasha, and Jason, and he knew he would never have a relationship like the four of them had.

"Guys, I'm going to take a walk," Greg said.

"Okay," the four of them said in unison.

Greg got up and left the four of them. He had his own troubles to worry about right now.


Annike Thomas walked down the pier. Her boyfriend Carter Hampton had just broken up with her for her best friend.

She wasn't looking where she was going when she bumped into someone. "Whoa!"

"I'm sorry. It's my fault," Greg said.

"Oh, no. I'm just clumsy," Annike said.

"I'm Greg Wheeler," he said, extending his hand to her.

"Oh, I'm Annike Thomas," she replied, shaking his hand.

"So, are you from around here?" Greg asked her, and they started walking.

"I'm a junior this year," she said.

"I'm a senior," Greg said.

"Weren't you going out with Tasha Albright?" Annike asked him.

"We broke up a month ago," Greg replied.

"I don't usually do this," Annike said, "but here's my number, just in case you want to talk."

"Oh, here's my number," Greg said, jotting down his number on a small piece of paper.

"Well, I have to go," Annike said.

"Hey, do you want to go to a movie tomorrow?" Greg asked her.

"Sure. What time?" Annike asked.

"I'll pick you up at eight," Greg said.

"Okay. See you later, Greg," Annike said, walking away.

"Bye," Greg said.

They walked their separate ways, but were both thinking about each other.

Chapter Thirteen