Chapter Fourteen

It was Jack's last day in Santa Monica, and he was saying good-bye to all of his friends.

"I'll miss you, Tasha," Jack said, giving one of his newfound friends a hug.

"You better write to us every single day," Tasha said, hugging him again.

"Well, Greg, Jason, I'll miss you two stooges too," Jack said, shaking each of their hands.

"I'll miss you, man," Greg said.

"You got the best, Annike," Jack said, giving her a hug. Then, he turned to Rose.

"We better get going," Tasha said, taking Jason, Greg, and Annike with her.

"I don't know what I'll do without you, Rosebud," Jack said, hugging Rose.

Rose kissed him, never wanting the moment to end, knowing it had to.

"Jack, I'll see you during spring break, and I'll fly back to see you next summer," Rose said.

"I love you, Rosie," Jack said, kissing her again.

"I love you, too," Rose said.

"Never forget me," Jack said.

"How could I?" Rose asked him. Then, Jack slowly turned his back on her and walked away.

Rose walked away. That was when she realized what she had to do.

"When does the next flight leave for Boston?" she asked the woman at the desk.

"Tonight at midnight," the woman replied.

"I need one ticket," Rose said.

"That will be eighty dollars," the woman said.

"Can I wait around here until then?" Rose asked, after she paid.

"Sure, we have plenty of restaurants around here," the woman said.

It was eight o'clock. She had four hours. How could she wait?

Rose sat down. Then, the woman next to her asked her why Boston.

Rose stared blankly at the woman, searching for an answer. "To find my soulmate."

Chapter Fifteen