Chapter Seven

Rose and Jack walked into the party together.

"Hey, Rose. Hey, Jack," Tasha said.

"Where's Greg?" Rose asked.

"He and the other guys are making farting noises with their arm pits," Tasha said, rolling her eyes.

"Guys are such idiots," Rose said.

"I'm going over there with Greg," Jack said.

"There goes one idiot right now," Rose said, after Jack left.

"Do you like him?" Tasha asked.

"Kind of. Why?" Rose asked.

"You can tell me the truth," Tasha said.

"Yes, but I don't know if he likes me," Rose said.

"It's so obvious, and he even told Greg he did," Tasha said.

"Really?" Rose asked.

"Duh. Come on, Greg and I can hook you up," Tasha said.

"All right. Just see if he likes me," Rose said.

Tasha winked at Greg and Greg looked at Jack. "So, dude, do you like Rose?"

"Yeah, but I don't know if she likes me," Jack said.

"Rose told Tasha she did," Greg said.

"Really?" Jack asked.

"Tasha and I can hook you two up," Greg said.

"See if she really does like me," Jack said.

Greg gave the same signal back to Tasha and Tasha told Rose that Jack liked her.

Jack walked over to Rose. "Having fun?"

"Not nearly as much fun as I do at home," Rose said.

"Here, take this," Jack said, handing Rose a note.

Rose slowly opened the note and read it:

Dear Rose:

What's up? Not much on this side of the room. Rose, I like you, and it would do me honor if you would go out to the beach with me some time.

See you around,

Chapter Eight