Written by Kelly Reinhart
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

August 19, 2000
Dear Rose,

I’m sorry for the bad timing, but I have to go. I couldn’t say good-bye to you face-to-face. It hurt too much. Please understand that I left for a good reason. I couldn’t take it there anymore. I hated the special treatment I got from everyone since my parents died and my aunt did, too. I had to leave. I love you, Rose. I truly do. When you get this letter, I’ll be gone. I’ll miss you. I’ll always hold onto our promise. I’ll never let go. I love you. You jump, I jump. Always hold onto that promise.

Yours truly,
Jack Dawson

Rose stared down at the letter. Jack was gone? Why did he have to do this? Leaving her here? He was only sixteen! How would he leave? Did he drive? Rose was shocked at this. She walked up the porch, holding the letter, went inside, and didn’t know what to do. She locked herself in her room and cried.

That Night

Rose was sitting at her desk that night at eleven o’clock. She was on instant messenger, waiting for her friend Sarah to sign on. Sarah had been gone all day, so Rose was waiting to tell her about Jack.

SarahGirlie has signed on.

Rose quickly clicked her screen name and started typing.

RoseBud56: Sarah!

SarahGirlie: Hey, Rose! J

RoseBud56: Jack’s gone!

SarahGirlie: What are you talking about?

RoseBud56: He left me a note saying he ran away! It doesn’t say where he’s gone, though!

SarahGirlie: Are you serious? *gasps* He ran away!

RoseBud56: Yes!

Rose stared at her computer screen. She was crying as she was typing to Sarah.

SarahGirlie: Why? Did he tell you?

RoseBud56: He left me a letter. He said he wanted to leave here and get away from everyone. L

SarahGirlie: OMG. That’s bad. I’ll be over tomorrow, okay? I gtg! Ttl BFF <3

RoseBud56: Bye! <3

SarahGirlie has signed off at 11:15 PM.

Rose signed off her computer and went to her bed.

"Oh, Jack…why?" she whispered to herself. She turned her head to her nightstand and looked at the picture of Jack she had framed. He looked so happy in the picture, though the picture was before his parents and his aunt died. Jack and Rose had been best friends since they were in preschool. That all changed last summer, though, when they had their first kiss. After that, they were completely inseparable.

Rose lay her head down in her pillow and stared at the picture. She cried until she had finally cried herself to sleep.

Three Years Later

"Rose? Would you like to go to the lake for lunch?" Cal asked. Cal was Rose’s fiancé. She had known Cal since she was in first grade. She didn’t like Cal. Her mother did, though, ever since Rose’s father had died one year ago. Her family had lost their money, so Rose’s mother had engaged Rose to Cal. Cal was the richest man in the whole town of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Rose didn’t love Cal at all.

"Um…sure," Rose answered, giving him a sheepish smile.

"Perfect! I have everything packed! We can leave now."

"Sure." Rose put her shoes on and followed Cal to the lake near their house. As they passed Jack’s old home, which was next to theirs since they had been neighbors, a thought went through Rose’s head. When will he be back?

They finally reached the lake, and Cal spread a blanket out and lay everything down.

"Perfect afternoon to be out here, isn’t it, sweetpea?" Cal asked her.

Rose looked at him, trying to smile and look happy.

"Yes. Very nice," she managed to say.

They began to eat, when suddenly a twig snapped in the woods behind them. Cal turned to see if anyone was there.

"Stupid animals," he mumbled under his breath.

Cal hated everything. He only cared for money, fame, and…well…Rose. But not like someone should care. He hurt Rose and forced her to do things she didn’t want to do.


Jack was standing in the woods, watching Rose. Who was she with? What was she doing? Wow…she looks beautiful.


"Rose, you know I wouldn’t deny you, if you wouldn’t deny me. Open your heart to me…"

There had been a few moments of silence before Cal had said this.

"What do you want to know?" she asked.

"Anything. Other than that artist gutter rat." He was referring to Jack.

"He’s not a gutter rat, Cal!" Rose nearly yelled at him.

Cal gave a laugh.

"Rose, he left you. He’s not coming back!"

Rose turned away from Cal. A tear slid down her cheek.

"This is unbelievable!" Cal sneered. "How could you love such filth?"

Rose had had it. She stood up and yelled straight at him, "He’s not filth, Cal! He’s better than you!" She began to cry. "He never did anything to me to hurt me as you have done."

Cal gave her an angry look. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him.

"He’s not coming back! And you’re engaged to me, and that’s how it’s going to be!" he yelled in her face.

"I’ll never marry you!"

"Yes, you will! And you will honor me as a wife is required to honor her husband." He hit her. "Is this in anyway unclear?"

Rose was on the ground in tears as he let go of her wrist. She nodded her head, and with that, Cal left.


Jack stood there behind the trees, in shock at what had just happened. Rose was engaged to Cal? She didn’t want to be with him, so why was she? Cal had hurt Rose, too.

"How could I have done this to her?" Jack whispered to himself angrily. He turned around and left.


Rose was running down the street, crying, when she was stopped by her best friend, Sarah.

"Rose! Rose! Where are you going?" Sarah tried to grab her, but Rose broke away from her and kept running.

She ran all the way to the cliff that overlooked the town. She ran up it as fast as she could and stopped once she had hit the railing that kept people from falling.

Tears were streaming down her face. She slowly lifted her left leg over the railing. Then she lifted her right. She held tight to the rail and turned around. She looked down and saw below her the hard, rocky ground.

"Don’t do it," a voice said in the distance behind her.

Rose turned her head and began to yell at the man standing behind her.

"Stay back! Don’t come any closer!" She turned her head around and leaned far out from the railing. She turned her head back and looked at him again. "I mean it! I’ll let go!"

"No, you won’t," the man said to her as he came closer.

Rose gave him a nasty look and sneered at him, "You cannot presume to tell me what I can and cannot do! You don’t know me!"

The man gave her a smile.

"I know something that may stop you."

Rose looked at him, confused.

"What are you talking about? Go away!" she screamed. More tears streamed down her face.

"What if I told you…you jump, I jump?"

Rose paused.


He smiled.

"Jack, is it really you?"

He nodded. "It’s me, Rose."

"What are you doing here? You left me," she said, crying.

Jack sighed. "I’m back now. Now, come back over the railing. We need to talk."

Rose looked down and then at Jack. Jack held his hand out to her and she took it slowly, turning around and holding on tightly.

"Come on. Let’s get you back over…" he said to her, smiling. He carried her back over, and once she was over the railing, she let go of him and fell to the ground in tears.

"Oh, Jack! Why are you here? I love you!"

Jack looked at her strangely. It seemed she loved and didn’t want him back at the same time when she had said that.

"I love you, too, Rose. And that’s why I’m back."

Rose lifted her head to him and smiled weakly.


He nodded.

"I promised. Didn’t I?"

Rose smiled and wrapped her arms around him, crying.


Jack had carried Rose back to his home. No one knew he was there except Rose, and they tried to keep it that way.

"So...Cal. Huh?"

"Yes. My mother’s doing."

"What about your father?"

Rose looked down at the floor and blinked back tears. She looked up into Jack’s blue eyes and struggled to say, "He…died. One year ago. From cancer…"

Jack gave her a sympathetic look. "Wow. I’m so sorry, Rose." He hugged her.

"It’s okay. I have new problems now."

Jack gave her a look of confusion, and then asked, "Cal?"

Rose gave him a weak nod. She held her hand out so Jack could see her engagement ring.

"Oh, my God! That thing’s huge!" he gasped.

Rose took her hand back, slipped the ring off, and set it on the table.

"It means nothing to me."

Jack took her now ring-less hand and kissed it.

"Jack, I want to stay here. I don’t want to go back. It’s been so long since I’ve been with you…"

Jack grinned and brought her into a kiss. It had been three years since they had shared a moment like this.


The next morning, Rose awoke and turned her head. Lying next to her was Jack. Rose had stayed at his house and didn’t go home. She planned on never going back, though she had to, sooner or later.

She sat up and yawned slightly, kicking Jack’s leg to wake him.

"Come back in the morning…" he mumbled under his breath.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! It is morning!" Rose laughed.

Jack rolled over and faced her. He gave her a friendly smile.

Rose smiled back at him.

"Well, I’ll get up and make us something to eat."

"You? Cook?" Rose laughed.

"I can cook, honest. I learned quite a bit on the road," he said, sitting up.

"You’re not going to poison me, are you?" Rose asked.

Jack leaned over to give her a quick kiss. "I promise you'll be fine. Now, come on. Up!" he said, pulling her out of bed.

Rose stood up, stretched, and followed Jack out of the room and into the kitchen.

"All right…hmm…what to eat?"

Rose smiled as she watched him think. His blond hair was in front of his face and he slightly shook it back.

"Jack? How do you have food, anyway?"

He chuckled. "I brought food back! I wasn’t gonna starve myself!"

He went to the refrigerator and pulled out a waffle box.

"Jack! That’s heating up! Not cooking!" Rose laughed.

Jack have her a funny look, took two waffles, and popped them into the toaster.


"Where could she have gone?" Cal nearly yelled to Ruth as they sat in the living room on the couch. They had been waiting for Rose all morning. "Seriously, Ruth, this girl needs a curfew."

"She’ll be home soon. She probably went to Sarah’s."

Cal sneered at that and then turned to Ruth. "Maybe that gutter rat’s back."

Ruth looked at him, confused.

"Jack," he told her.

Ruth’s face turned serious.

"Jack can’t be back. He’s gone. He left. He’s not coming back. Rose knows that. I know that. You know that!"


"Jack…I must go. I have to. They’re probably wondering where I am."

"I know. I just don’t want you to leave."

"Jack…I’ll come back later. You will be here? You’re not leaving, right?"

Jack gave her a reassuring smile. "I’m here to stay, Rosie." He kissed her.

"I’ll be back! I promise!"

Jack smiled at her and watched as she made her way back to her house.


Rose was walking up the front porch steps to Cal, who had been waiting.

"About time you returned," he said angrily. "Where were you?" he yelled.

"Out," Rose responded.

Cal gave a little laugh. "Out? Is that all you can say to defend yourself? You went out for a whole night and morning?"

"Yes," Rose responded calmly. "And I had a nice night." She gave him a cute smile.

He stared at her angrily.

"You are never to do that again, Rose. You understand?"

Rose didn’t respond. She instead pushed past him and went inside.


SarahGirlie has signed on.

RoseBud56: OMG! Sarah! You’re never going to guess what happened!

SarahGirlie: What? Who? Where? When?

RoseBud56: LOL. Jack is back! Only I know, and now you. But you have to keep it a secret. Okay?

SarahGirlie: OMG! :-O I will! OMG! How did you find out?

RoseBud56: I saw him yesterday after I saw you…

SarahGirlie: Yeah…what was wrong?

RoseBud56: That idiot Cal again…

SarahGirlie: Oh…should have known…but how did you find each other?

RoseBud56: Well, I was doing something (explain l8er) and he came out of nowhere and stopped me! And I was shocked!! And I spent the night @ his house, too scared to come home 2 face Cal. Plus, I was excited 4 Jack’s return!

SarahGirlie: OMG! <3 He really does luv you! I told you he’d come back!

RoseBud56: :-P

The Next Day

Jack went to answer the door, and to his surprise, it was Rose.

"Hey!" he said, smiling and giving her a quick kiss.

"I let Sarah know you were back. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Does Cal know? Was he mad when you went home?"

"Of course he was mad. And he guessed you were back. He doesn’t know, though. He always says that to get on my nerves."

Jack smiled, relieved.

"Jack…" Rose began as she walked into the house. "I can’t go back there. I’m trapped, like in a little bubble, and it won’t pop!" Rose kicked the wall. "I hate my mother! And I hate Cal!"

Jack looked surprised to see such a mood change.

"I can’t go back. And I won’t. We need to leave. I need to leave."

Jack walked over to her and put his arms around her. "Leave? You want to leave? Then move in here."


"Of course. I would never let the woman I love live on the streets." Jack laughed.

Rose wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thank you so much! But how can I? I’ll have to move out of my house. You know my mother won’t agree. And Cal…don’t even get me started on what he’ll do." Rose sighed.

"Well…we’re going to break off this engagement," Jack explained. "We’re going to get rid of Cal. He doesn’t deserve you."

Rose looked astonished. "Jack? You haven’t fully met Cal, have you? You don’t understand what he’s like."

"I can just tell by looking at him! And I’m not afraid of getting rid of him."

Rose smiled. "So…do we make a plan?"

Jack took Rose’s hand in his. "Why, I do have a plan, my Rose." He smiled at her.

Rose stared at him. "You, Mister, are going to get me in trouble."

Jack gave her a lopsided smile. "Isn't that my job?"

Rose gave a little laugh.

"Come on. I have an idea." Jack took her hand and pulled it to have her follow him.

"Jack! We’re going to my house!"

Jack turned and looked at her.


"Jack, we can’t. Cal is there. He’ll see you."

Jack looked at her. "Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be okay."


Rose took a deep breath as she and Jack stepped up the front porch steps to Rose’s house.

"Mother? Cal? There’s someone here to see you!" Rose shouted throughout the house.

Footsteps came from upstairs. Down the stairs came Ruth and Cal.

"Why, Rose. We--" Ruth stopped in mid-sentence when she noticed Jack. "J-Jack Dawson?" She gasped.

Jack gave her a little smile.

Cal came from behind Ruth, and when he spotted Jack, he laughed.

"Well! I see the gutter rat has returned! Why, Jack? Why did you come back?" He laughed.

Jack didn’t answer.

"Shut up, Cal!" Rose yelled.

Cal laughed harder. "So, you’re going to defend him? How pathetic."

Ruth just stood there. She didn’t know what to do.

Jack and Rose stood there, holding hands.

"Mother, I came here to tell you and Cal that I’m leaving. I’m moving in with Jack. I’m not going to stay here with you and Cal. I don’t want to be forced to marry someone I don’t love. I want to be with the one I truly love--Jack."

Her mother didn’t respond.

"You’re in love with a gutter rat?" Cal sneered. He walked down and stood in front of Jack and Rose. "This man here, Rose, can’t give you anything. I can give you all you want."

"No, you can’t. You have failed to give me what I most need and want!" Rose muttered.

"Ha! And you think this rat can make your life better?"

Jack gave him a nasty look.

"I don’t care about your stupid opinion, Cal."

Cal stopped for a minute, his eyes glowing with anger.

Jack smiled. "She doesn’t care about you, Cal. So, move. We have something to do."

Cal turned to Jack and gave him an evil smile. "How are you going to leave with me in your way?"

Rose hadn’t thought about that. She looked at Jack, concerned. He looked worried. "Come on, Rose," he said, and took her up to her room, pushing Cal and Ruth out of their way. Once they reached her room, he locked the door.

"Jack? How are we going to do this?" Rose cried out, in tears.

"Don’t worry, Rosie," he said, comforting her in his arms.

Suddenly, a click came from the door.

Great, Jack thought. Cal unlocked the door.

Cal stepped into the room and gave the two a nasty look. Rose lifted her head and looked at Cal with anger and hatred.

"We’re over!" she screamed. She pushed herself out of Jack’s loving grip, tore the ring off her hand, and threw it at Cal. "I hate you!" she screamed even louder.

Jack sat there, astonished. He’d never seen Rose like this. And the whole time, Cal stood there with the same look on his face as Jack.

"I hate that stupid ring, and I hate you." She wiped tears from her face, pushed Cal out of way, and ran down the stairs.

Cal’s face turned red with fury. "I’m going to ruin you, Dawson." And with that, he left the room.


Jack went back to his house, where he found Rose. He comforted her and told she was brave for what she had done. Then, later on that night, he and Rose sneaked back to her house and climbed the tree that led to Rose’s window. They had always climbed that tree when they were younger.

Rose slid open her window, which she always kept unlocked in case Jack returned. She climbed in, Jack following behind her.

"Okay," Rose whispered. "We have to be very quiet. My mother’s room is right down the hall."

Jack nodded.

"Okay. The things we can take are things I’ll need." Rose walked over to her bed and picked up her stuffed bear.

Jack laughed softly. "You still have that?" he whispered.

Rose smiled and gave a tiny laugh. "Yes."

Jack and Rose began to pack things, and Jack took them down to the backyard in boxes. Once they finished, Jack and Rose carried the boxes to the back of Jack’s truck and then drove back to his house.


Jack woke up the next morning and turned to see Rose next to him, sleeping. He was smiling at her when suddenly a small knock came from the downstairs door. Jack got up, confused, and went down to answer it. To his surprise, Ruth was standing there and was actually smiling at Jack.

"Uh…hey, Mrs. DeWitt-Bukater," Jack muttered softly.

"Hello, Jack. Where’s Rose?"

"She’s sleeping."

"Okay. I just wanted to tell you something…I…I understand that when you were children and fell in love, nothing could tear you two apart. I just was afraid of what would happen. I just want Rose to be able to have what she wants. And I know now that you can do that for her."

Jack stared at her.

"How did you know Rose was here?" he asked curiously and off-subject.

"Her room…it was empty. Jack, you’re a nice boy. It hurt Rose so much when you left. Everyone was. I just want you to promise me that you’ll take care of Rose."

Jack gave her a smile, and answered, "I will. I promise. I love Rose. All I want to do is take care of her and have her with me forever."

Ruth smiled.

"Well, I’d better go. Can I stop by some time to say hi?" Ruth asked shyly.

"Of course."

Ruth smiled, turned away, and left.


"What did she want?" Rose asked, astonished, after Jack had told her her mother had stopped by.

"She was nice. All she wanted was to make sure you were happy. And that I promised to take care of you." Jack scooped Rose up into his arms and smiled at her. "And I promised I would."

Rose smiled and gave him a tiny kiss.

"Well, I’d better go find a job."

Rose stared at him. "How random," she said, laughing.

"I know. It just hit me, though. We need money, you know…and I need to provide us with it. I’ll go and find a job. You can relax here if you want."

"Can I, by any chance, come?" Rose asked.

"No," Jack teased.

Rose gave him a little punch on the shoulder, laughing.

"Of course you can come, my Rose."


Job open to anyone willing to work fulltime.

Jack looked at the sign.

"Well…it includes drawing." Jack loved to draw. He had always drawn pictures of Rose when they were younger. He loved drawing all of her beautiful features.

"I bet they’ll hire you," Rose told him. "You’re a great artist. Show him the drawings of me."

Jack laughed. "In fact, I did bring some of my drawings, just in case."

"Well, let’s go in!" Rose said, pulling him into the store.

Jack laughed and followed her in.

"Why, hello!" the lady at the front desk chirped at them. She had a high-pitched voice.

Rose tried to hold back a laugh. Jack moved past her and went to the front. "Hi. I was wondering if you had any open jobs?"

The lady gave him a huge smile and stood up, almost tripping on her chair. "Why, yes, we do! Right this way!"

Jack followed her, and Rose followed behind him.


"Oh, Jack! I’m so proud of you!" Rose screamed excitedly as she jumped on Jack with a big hug.

Jack laughed as she did, and he hugged her back.

"You have a job!" Rose kissed him.


Three months had gone by, and everything was going great. Jack’s job was great. He had become a cartoonist for the local newspaper and enjoyed his job a lot.

The only thing that wasn’t going good was that Rose was feeling sick lately. But she didn’t let Jack know. She didn’t want to worry him.


Rose lifted her head from the toilet. She was done with this. She had to get checked out by the doctor. Jack had left for work already, and so she felt it was the perfect time to go. She left the bathroom, got dressed, and made her way to the doctor.


"You’ve got to be kidding me," Rose said to the doctor.

"Nope," the doctor responded.

"How long?"

"Four months."

Rose sat there in shock. How was she supposed to tell Jack that they were going to be parents?


Jack set his pencil down on his desk and decided what he was going to do. He picked the phone up and dialed home.



"Jack! How’s your day going?"

"Good. And you?"

"um…today has been okay. I need to talk to you tonight, though."

"Oh, okay. I do, too. I just called to tell you that tonight I wanted to take you to a fancy dinner. Is that all right?"

Rose smiled into the phone, and said back, "Yes!"

"Good! Okey-dokey, my Rose. I’ll be home soon! Love you."

"Love you, too."


Rose was applying her mascara when she heard Jack’s car pull into the driveway. The door opened, and she walked down the stairs to greet him.

"My, you look wonderful tonight, my Rose," Jack told her as he kissed her.

Rose smiled. "Why, Mr. Dawson, must we get going?"

Jack peered down at his watch. "Oh, my God, we’re supposed to be there. Come on."

The two rushed into the car and drove to the restaurant.


Rose sat across from Jack, staring at her wineglass.

Jack looked at her, and asked, "Is something wrong, Rose?"

"No. Nothing," she answered, looking up at Jack and giving him a warm smile.

Jack smiled at her.

"Rose, you look beautiful tonight." Rose blushed.

Jack stared at her, taken away by her beauty.

Soon, the waiter returned, and they ordered their food. They ate quickly, and then Jack took Rose down to the lake.

"Jack, is something up? Why are we at the place we shared our first kiss together?"

Jack looked at her and took her hand. "I just wanted to have a special night." Jack continued to hold her hand as he got down on one knee. "Rose, I need to get this out. I love you. I always have. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the most amazing and astounding girl I’ve ever met." Jack looked deep into Rose’s sparkling eyes, and then ended with, "Will you marry me?"

Rose broke out in tears of happiness. "Yes! I will!" She threw her arms around him and kissed him.

Jack smiled and hugged her back.

Jack dug into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He opened it and took out a ring. Rose gasped when she saw it.

"Jack! It’s beautiful!"

Jack smiled and slipped it onto her finger.

They hugged, and then sat down on the ground together, just enjoying the night.

"Hey, Rose…didn’t you need to talk to me about something?"

Rose swallowed hard and turned to Jack.

"Jack…I hope you are ready to start a family."

Jack stared at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Rose smiled at him.

"How long?" he asked.

"Four months."

"Wow. I’m going to be a dad."

Rose laughed. "Yes, you are."


Jack and Rose decided to have their wedding in two months. They wanted the time to be right, since they were going to have a child soon after.

Ruth came over while Jack was at work and helped Rose plan. Ruth offered to pay most of it, but Rose refused until she lost the match.

In five weeks, the whole wedding was planned.

"My God," Jack gasped after Rose told him that all the plans were set. "You are so fast!" He gave a little chuckle.


Since all the plans were made, it seemed that the days went by fast. And in two months, Rose stood in front of a mirror at the church, trying to apply her lipstick.

Sarah was next to her in a beautiful dress, helping Rose get ready.

"I can’t believe the day has finally come!"

Rose laughed at Sarah and smiled.

"My gosh, Rose. You look beautiful! Jack is so lucky to have you!"

Rose blushed and began to fix her mascara.


Jack stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself. Behind him was his best friend, Fabrizio.

"Not having second thoughts, are you?" Fabrizio asked.

Jacked snapped out of the world he was in and looked at Fabrizio. "No. I’m just nervous."

Fabrizio gave him a pat on the back and laughed. "You’ll be fine."


"Rose, you have five minutes," Sarah said as she glanced away from the clock. Rose gasped and turned in shock.

"Oh, my God." She stared at the clock.

Sarah smiled. "In a little while, you’ll be Mrs. Jack Dawson."


Jack made his way to the front of the church. He stood there, trying to relax. Everyone was out there looking at him, smiling and waving. Suddenly, the music began. Down the aisle came Sarah, softly dropping roses on the floor. After Sarah came Rose’s cousin, Katherine, and then her cousin Jillian. Then, through the doors, came Rose. Jack’s hands began to sweat. He was excited to be marrying the girl of his dreams. He still couldn’t believe it was happening. He watched as she walked down the aisle to him. She looked like an angel.

Rose approached Jack, who took her hand and looked deep into her eyes.


"And do you, Rose DeWitt-Bukater, take this man to be your husband?" the priest asked, smiling at Rose.

"I do," Rose answered, blinking back tears of happiness.

"With the power vested in me, the grace of God and the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Jack turned to Rose, smiled, and went to kiss her.

Three Months Later

Rose and Jack were happily moved into their new home. They had moved away from Rose’s neighborhood and moved about five miles away to a new neighborhood, in a nice, cozy house. Just enough for her, Jack, and their son-to-be.

Rose walked down the stairs and looked at Jack with an exhausted look.

"What’s wrong, my sweet Rose?" he asked.

"This." She pointed down to her stomach.

Jack laughed and hugged her.

"Oh, Rosie, you won’t be that way forever."

Rose rolled her eyes. "It already seems like forever. I mean, look at me. I look like a three-story building."

Jack gave a loud laugh and kissed her.

"You look like a beautiful Rose to me."

Rose smiled and then made her way to the kitchen, where she was going to get herself a nice lunch.

That Night

Rose couldn’t sleep. She was staring at the ceiling, wondering what time it was. She slowly turned her head and looked at the clock.

"Twelve o’clock?" she whispered angrily. She was so tired. She decided to go get a glass of water downstairs. She began walking down the stairs when suddenly a shock of pain came from inside her. It got worse and worse. Suddenly, Rose realized what was happening.

"Jack!" she screamed.

Upstairs, Jack nearly jumped ten feet in the air when he heard Rose scream. He got out of the bed and ran down the hallway.

"What the heck, Rose?"

Rose stood there, holding her stomach and screaming.


"It’s a boy!" the doctor said as he held up the screaming baby.

Rose lay there in her hospital bed, breathing heavily and tired. Jack was holding her hand and kissing her cheek.

"It’s over," he whispered into her ear. Rose opened her eyes and smiled at him weakly.

The doctor left the room with the baby, and when he returned, Rose was sleeping. They handed the baby to Jack, who looked down at him. "You small, aren’t ya," he said, looking down at his son and smiling.

One Week Later

Rose was sitting on the couch, holding the baby and feeding him formula from a bottle when Jack walked in.

"Home," he said as he took a seat next to Rose and looked at their son, Josh.

"Has he been good?" Jack asked.

Rose smiled at him. "Yes, he has."

Jack smiled back. "Good."

Jack stood up and looked at Rose. "Well, after a hard day’s work, I’m going to go take a shower." Rose nodded and looked back down at Josh.

Everything had gone well so far. Rose and Jack were happy. They loved their new son and had never been so happy.

One Year Later

Rose was driving home one night, coming home from the store after buying more food for Josh.

Rose was humming to a song on the radio, when suddenly, a bright light came. Rose turned her head and saw a truck coming straight at her through a red light.


Jack sat on the edge of Rose’s hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up. Josh was sitting next to Jack, holding his toy bear. Jack was crying and hoping Rose would wake up soon.

The doctor came in, smiled at Jack, and Jack weakly smiled back. The doctor checked on Rose and then looked up at Jack. "I’m sure she’ll be waking up soon." Jack thanked him.

Jack looked down at Josh and smiled through his tears. "Mommy is just sleeping." Jack looked back at Rose and hoped she’d wake from this sleep soon.

Three Days Later

Jack was at home with Josh, playing with blocks, when the phone rang. Jack got up and answered it.


"Mr. Dawson?"


"I just called to inform you that your wife has woken up. She’s doing fine so far and should be returning home soon."

Jack smiled and began to cry tears of happiness.

Two Days Later

Rose had returned home and Jack was so happy to have her back. Jack had missed having her around.

"Would you like anything?" Jack asked Rose as she was lying on the couch.

"Yes," she said back.

"What do you need?" Jack asked.

"You." Rose opened her arms and Jack went into them and hugged her. "Oh, Jack, I’m so sorry," she said.

"Don’t be. It’s not your fault. It was that dumb guy driving the truck."

Rose was crying now. Jack hugged her, and then, suddenly, Josh entered the room. He held out a picture to Jack, and he took it.

"Oh, Josh! It’s so good." Jack hugged Josh and then let Rose see the drawing he had made.

"My, he’s inherited your drawing skills," Rose said, smiling at Jack. Jack laughed.


The next day, Jack was at work. Rose went out to the mailbox to get the mail. She picked it up and flipped through the letters. Suddenly, she stopped. One was addressed to Jack from Washington, D.C. Jack didn’t know anyone in Washington, D.C. Rose took it and went inside. She set the letter on the table for later and then went through the rest. The rest were electrical bills and all the things that Rose hated.

That night, after dinner, Rose told Jack about the letter.

"I don’t know anyone in Washington," he told her.

"I know, but it’s addressed to you. No return address, though."

Jack took the letter and opened it.

"Holy…" Jack’s eyes widened.

"What? What is it, Jack?"

"You’ve got to be kidding me…"

Rose stared at him. "What? What is it?"

Jack set the letter down and stood up in anger.

"I can’t believe this! I’ve been drafted! Why now? When I have a family? When you just got out of the hospital?" he yelled.

Rose stared at him and then picked up the letter.

"Oh, my God! Jack! You can’t go!" she said, breaking down into tears.

Jack went over to her and kissed her.

"I have to. I have no choice."

Jack couldn’t believe this. Was this seriously happening? This stupid war since September eleventh was now getting in the way of his life.

"Look, I’ll go, and then, before you know it…I’ll be back," he said to her, crying.

Rose couldn’t even respond.

Four Weeks Later

Jack and Rose were standing in the airport. Lots of men and their wives were there, too, saying their good-byes. Rose was holding Josh and crying.

"I’ll be all right," Jack told Rose. "I’m a survivor." Rose began crying again, and she lay her head on Jack’s shoulder. Jack hugged her and began to cry.

"Flight 456 to Iraq is now boarding."

Jack began to cry more. He pushed Rose away softly and looked at her. "That’s me."

Rose closed her eyes and shook her head. "No."

Jack lay his hand on her cheek. "I have to. I’ll be back. I promise." He kissed her. Rose stood there, Josh crying. Jack turned and took Josh from Rose. "Bye, buddy. I’ll miss you." He kissed Josh’s forehead and put him down. He hugged Rose and said his good-byes.

"I’m sorry, Jack, but this is too hard. I have to go." Jack understood. He kissed Rose once more and wiped her tears away.

"I understand. You should go. I love you."

Rose managed to give him another small smile. Jack watched as Rose and Josh left the airport. Tears filled his eyes.

Dear Rose,

I hope everything is okay there. I miss you and Josh so much. I’m here in Iraq. I’ve made some good friends. One of them, though, died yesterday…I’d rather not say how. But don’t worry about me. I’ll be all right. I miss you, my sweet Rose. But I have to go. Tell Josh I love him. Miss you.


Yours truly,

Dear Jack,

Oh, God! You have to come home! I miss you more than ever. I told Josh. He misses you. He says he misses you, too. I put a picture of you right next to his crib. He won’t go to bed without it. It’s really cute. I hope you stay safe out there. I’m glad you made some friends. Oh, Jack, I need to hear your voice. I love you! Come home soon. I miss you, but I must go. Josh is crying now. He probably misses you. Bye.



Dear Rose,

I miss Josh so much. I miss you, too. I hope things are going okay. I wish I had a picture of you guys with me. I actually don’t have much time to write today. We have to eat soon, so I have to finish now. I love you, my Rose. I send you tons of hugs and kisses.

Yours truly,

Rose stared down at the letter. She missed Jack so much. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. Josh had thrown his toy car and started screaming. That wasn’t unusual. He always did that.

"Calm down, Josh!" Rose called to him in the other room. She picked up a pen and began writing back to Jack.

Dear Jack,

I’m demanding you come home now. I really need you. Anyway, I have some news. Cal got married four months ago. He finally has moved on. Thank God. We won’t have to worry about him anymore. Please come home! I want you! Josh is growing up so fast. He’s really stretching his vocabulary. I got him on tape the other day singing a song of Mary Had a Little Lamb! His first song! He picked the words up as I sang them to him every night. It really is the cutest thing. Well, I’m exhausted. Miss you!



Rose was walking into the kitchen when the phone rang. Rose really didn’t want to talk to anyone, but she answered it.



"Jack!" Rose screamed into the phone.

"Oh, Rose! It’s so nice to hear your voice."

"Oh, my God, Jack! It’s been so long!"

"I miss you."

"I miss you more."

"How’s Josh?"

"He’s good. Want to talk to him?"

"Of course!"

"Josh! Your daddy is on the phone!" Josh came running into the kitchen and took the phone.

"Hewo?" Josh said into the phone.

Jack couldn’t help but laugh and cry at the same time.

"Hey, Josh. It’s Daddy."

"Daddy!" Josh jumped up and down. Rose smiled and took the phone back.

"He misses you."

"I miss him, too. Oh…I have to go. I’m so sorry."

"Okay. Stay safe! I love you!"

"You, too!"

Rose waited until she heard the dial tone. She set the phone back down, left the kitchen, and went to the living room to watch TV.

One Year Later

Rose was sitting in the kitchen, looking out the window, when she saw the mail truck drive by. Rose sighed and went outside to get it. She brought it inside and flipped through it. No letter from Jack. Suddenly, she saw one addressed to her, but with no return address. Rose opened it and began to read it.

Dear Mrs. Dawson,

We are sorry to tell you that your husband was found deceased on December third . We are sorry about your loss and would like to let you know that you are in our prayers.

Rose sat there…she stared at the letter, not believing what she was reading. She read it again and again until it hit her. Rose ripped up the letter and ran to her room.

Rose tore her necklace off. It broke, and all the pearls fell to the floor. She picked up her jewelry box and threw it, screaming and crying. "No!" she screamed. She hit her mirror, and it shattered. "No!" she screamed louder. She picked up her brush, threw it, and she fell to the floor and broke out into tears.

Two Weeks Later

Rose was getting ready to move out of her house with Josh and move into her mother’s house. She decided that raising Josh alone would be too difficult. Rose snapped Josh’s seatbelt and loaded the last boxes into her car.

"Okay, Josh. We’re going to grandma’s," she tried to say excitedly. Josh clapped his hands happily. Rose smiled at him, put her keys in the ignition, and backed out.


That night, when Rose had all the boxes in her mother’s house, she put Josh to sleep.

"I’m so sorry, dear…" Ruth told Rose as they sat in the kitchen at the table.

"It’s okay," Rose answered as she blinked back tears. "He said he’d be okay. He said he’d come home." Rose tilted her head down and began to cry. Ruth went over and hugged her daughter.

Five Months Later

Rose was coloring with Josh when the doorbell rang. "I’ll be right back," Rose told Josh as she stood up and went to the door. She opened the door and looked up. The man standing there smiled down at her and wrapped her in his arms.

"Jack!" Rose cried out as she hugged him tightly. She began to cry. Jack held her tightly. Suddenly, Ruth came down the stairs to see what Rose was yelling about.

"Oh, my God!" Ruth exclaimed as she saw Jack.

Jack was crying, and so was Rose. They stood there, hugging and kissing, and wouldn’t let go of each other.

"How?" Rose asked him as she put her hands on his cheeks. Jack smiled, tears streaming down his cheeks. "They couldn’t find me. I got hurt and was in a hospital in a different area, so they didn’t find me. When I healed, I was informed they had sent you the letter and with that, I came here. And I’m back. And here to stay."

Rose kissed him and hugged him. Suddenly, Josh ran into the room, and yelled, "Daddy!" Jack smiled and opened his arms as Josh jumped into them. Jack hugged him, and Rose joined in. They were a family once again.

And Jack was a survivor.

The End.
