Chapter Eleven


Cal opened his locker, stuffing his books into it when Jack came up behind him.

"Well, Dawson, haven't seen you for a while," he said sarcastically.

"Been busy." He looked Cal right in the face.

"Really? With what?" Cal ignored Jack as he put the last of his things into the locker.

"Mary Whitney," Jack said.

"Why?" Cal turned around quickly, almost getting whiplash, wondering what Jack had possibly found out.

"I just received some news. The baby wasn't mine. You see, Cal, Mary confessed everything. I really feel sorry for you." Jack told him the news, and the reaction he got was the one he expected.

"What are you saying, Dawson?" Cal looked at Jack like he was talking a bunch of bullshit.

"Mary was pregnant with your child." Jack took Rose's hand, bringing her closer to him.

"You're lying." Cal did not believe him.

"I knew you thought I would be, but here's the letter and the autopsy report." Jack handed the reports over to him.

Cal read everything. He started to feel guilty. He sat down near his locker with an expression that Rose had never seen.

"Dawson?" Cal looked up, almost in a state of panic.

"Yeah?" Jack looked at him.

"I’m sorry for everything. All I ever wanted was Rose. I always thought I could win, one way or another. I guess I was wrong. You won, Dawson." Cal looked at Jack straight in the eye. He knew now that everything was over, and he was not going to jail.

"I accept your apology, Cal. Don't ever interfere in our lives again," Jack warned him.

Jack walked away, holding Rose's hand, and he never looked back.

After all the times that Cal had felt strong, he started to cry. He ran out of the school and went to his car. He cried for what seemed like an eternity. He inserted the key into the ignition. The car came to life. Cal had nowhere to go, so he just drove. He ran red lights and so forth, not caring anymore.


It was late, and Rose started to yawn, but she wanted to stay up with Jack. They sat there watching television.

"Rose, honey, you should go to bed." Jack tapped her on the shoulder.

"I know, but I want to be close to you. Anyway, it's only 10:30 PM." She hugged him, moving closer to him and trying to get warm.

A newsflash came on.

Jack turned up the volume a little higher.

"Breaking news: Caledon Hockley, son of Pittsburgh steel tycoon Nathan Hockley, was killed today. He drove off a bridge in Chippewa Falls into Lake Wissota. More details as they come in."

Rose looked at Jack in shock.

Jack wondered if he had killed Cal. Had he really given Cal his death sentence when he had spilled about the baby being his? The possibility of everything that had transpired between him and Cal was a big mess, but a possibility to the end of everything. If Cal died because he was guilty, it was nothing but his own damned fault for trying to play games in the first place. Jack felt sorry for Cal. He wished that Cal would have been a better man and let Rose go. But he hadn’t been, and so nothing else was left but his fate. His fate to die because he was so stubborn and selfish.

"I can't believe he is dead," Rose said in disbelief.

"I know. It's hard to believe." Jack got up.

"Do you think he died because he felt guilty?" Rose asked Jack.

"I am almost certain." Jack turned around and grabbed her hand to take her to bed.

"Jack, I want to go to the services." Rose felt sorry for Cal, too.

"All right. We'll go as soon as we hear more details. Let's go to bed." He looked for the remote and found it on the couch.

"Okay. I am sleepy anyway." She went into the bedroom, taking off her clothes and getting into her nightgown.

Jack grabbed the remote, turned off the television, and went to bed.

They slept peacefully through the night.


Rose started dreaming about Cal. She could see him holding her baby and taking it away. She ran as fast as she could, until he dropped the baby into the lake.

Rose woke up screaming.

Jack woke up with a quick jerk.

"Rose, what's wrong?" He sat up so fast that he felt light-headed.

"I dreamt Cal threw our baby into Lake Wissota," Rose said in a drowsy state.

"It's all right, honey. He's gone. He's not going to bother us anymore. Now, go back to sleep. We’ve got school in the morning." He held her in an embrace, making her feel safe.

"All right." She moved closer to him and slept peacefully there afterward.

Chapter Twelve
