Chapter Fifteen

On the way to the hospital, Jack pulled up to the parking meter and pulled out a ticket. Rose looked at Jack and took the ticket from his hand. They parked in a space and got out and closed the doors. They walked into the hospital, headed towards Cal's room on the third floor. As they entered Caledon's room, they saw that he was ready to go. The male nurse took him out in a wheelchair to Jack’s car. Jack helped Cal inside, and he sat down. "Thank you, Jack."

"You’re welcome." Jack felt awfully bad that he couldn’t remember who he was or what he had done.

Jack looked at Rose. He suspected that Cal’s memory would come back, but when, he had no idea. He would have loved to tell him. But he just couldn’t. Rose stepped inside and saw Cal. He was smiling at her. Jack fixed his baseball cap and got inside the car. Rose opened the latch so he could get in.

He started the car and felt awfully nervous about Cal coming to live with them. He looked back at Cal and drove out of the parking lot. He handed the man his ticket and paid a dollar. The elevated guard rail went up and he went. He drove and put on some music because of the awkward silence. He patted Rose's knee and drove, looking at Cal in the rearview mirror, who stared back at him from the backseat.

"I wanna thank you for all you have done. I appreciate it." Cal looked at him in the rearview mirror.

"No problem. Caledon, my house has a guest room. You will be staying there," Jack said, making small talk.

"Thank you, Jack. When I remember who I am I will give you something for your hospitality." Cal fidgeted, his hands in his lap.

"Thanks, but you don't have to." Jack yawned.

"Yes, I do. I feel as if I owe you for it." Cal knew there was something special between him and Jack. He just didn't know what it was.

"Well, when you remember who you are, I hope you feel the same way." Jack looked at him in the rearview mirror.

"What do you mean?" Cal was puzzled.

"If I tell you who you are and what happened, you might try and wreck this car, and I really don't wanna fight right now, Cal." He would have loved to tell him who he was.

"Are we enemies?" Cal asked.

"Somewhat." Jack didn't quite know how much Cal had hated him.

"Oh. Then I am sorry." Cal looked down.

"Don't be. Rose is the one who suggested you stay with us." Jack looked over at her. She looked at him.

"Well, then, thank you both. Are you two married?" he asked Jack.

"Yes, we are. Have been for seven months." He smiled, remembering that day.

"And she is with child?" Cal asked. He was curious.

"Yes. It's mine. Rose is eight months pregnant," Jack told him.

"Ah…I see." Cal looked down and didn't ask anymore questions. There was nothing more to know than Rose was already taken, and with child, no less.

When they got to their home, Jack helped Caledon out of the car as Rose opened the door. She stepped inside and picked up a few of Jack's shirts that were hanging around. The couch had been cleared, and that was the first thing Cal did. Sit down. Jack went into his room and put his keys down on the dresser. He stretched and yawned. After a hard day at school and Rose with child, he had hardly been out now’a days. He hardly ever saw Fabrizio, or his friend Tommy.

Rose sat down, staring at Cal. She was the first one to speak. "Are you hungry?"

"No, but I am a little tired. Can you show me where I will be sleeping?" Cal looked at her.

"Sure." She got up with a bit of a struggle and started to walk to the hallway.

He got up and started to follow her. She was the prettiest thing he had ever seen, even with child. He didn't remembered a thing. He didn't know who he was or what he had been. All he knew was that he was alive. When she showed him his room, he walked to the bed and lay down. He immediately closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Jack took off his hat and brushed the strands of hair to the side. He looked at Rose as she took Cal to his room. When she came to him, she smiled. She kissed him and led him back to their room.

"Where are we going?" he asked as he yawned again.

"Last night was great, but you didn't finish making love to me. I thought now was a perfect time." Rose looked at him with her emerald eyes.

"With a guest in the house?" He thought she was crazy.

"He's asleep. Anyway, I promise to be quiet." She looked into his blue eyes, begging.

"Uh-huh. You sure about that? You're never quiet when I am around." One of his eyes lifted, and he smiled at her.

"But Mr. Dawson, I was not the one screaming last night. You were." She laughed.

"If I take you, promise me one thing." He pulled her into his arms.

"What?" She was clueless.

"That you'll be in my arms ‘til I fall asleep." He always loved that.

"All right. I can do that." She kissed him and took his shirt off.

He looked at her. He had never found anyone more attractive than her. Tonight, even if it killed him, he would take her to the stars over and over until he couldn't do it anymore. And if everything came out according to plan, he would eventually tell Caledon about Mary. He had nothing to lose, but a lot to gain. If Caledon was still angry with him after all he had done, then he had nothing to lose, but if they became friends, then that was something to gain.

Chapter Sixteen