Chapter Sixteen

In midmorning, Rose began to feel pain. It was so horrible she couldn't move. She hit Jack on the shoulder. He woke up, wondering what was going on. "Rose?"

"Jack, help me." She lay there, moaning in pain.

He got up quickly and got his clothes on. He moved so fast that Rose didn't even see him put her suitcase in the car. Pain after pain came over her. She wanted to cry, but she didn't. Jack was strong. He carried her to the car. When she was inside, he moved to the driver's seat and put the key into the ignition.

He drove to the hospital fast. They got there in fifteen minutes, if not less. He quickly found a parking space and helped her out.

"Can you walk?" He held her hand.

"Yeah. I think so." Rose looked into his eyes, wishing the pain would go away.

"All right. I am gonna get the suitcase. You start walking." He closed the car door behind her and quickly grabbed the suitcase out of the trunk.

"Okay." Rose walked sort of fast. He kept up with her until they reached the hospital entrance.

Jack put down the suitcase and went to the counter. "Hello. I'm Jack Dawson. I think my wife is in labor."

"All right." One of the nurses quickly grabbed a wheelchair.

"Can I go with her?" Jack was nervous.

"Sure. Here. Take these forms and fill them out." She handed him a clipboard with insurance forms and the like.

"Yeah. Thank you." Jack quickly followed Rose to her room.

She was asked to remove her clothes. She didn't really want to move, so she asked Jack to help her. He lifted her dress over her head, and she did the rest. Through all of this, they had forgotten to tell Cal. Jack didn't worry, though. He still had to tell him about Mary.

Rose pulled Jack's shirt. "Jack, it hurts."

"I know." He went out to the hallway. "We need some help here." He saw Rose's doctor coming his way. "Rose, the doctor is coming." He came back into the room and helped her.

"Okay." She breathed in and out.

When the doctor got inside, he measured her to see how far along she was. "Rose, you’re ready."

"Delivery already?" Jack was in shock. It usually it took hours for the first one, or so he thought.

They gave him some shoe covers for his shoes, a mask, and a paper robe. He put on everything and followed her to the delivery room.


Inside the delivery room, Rose moaned in pain. Jack held her hand every step of the way. Sometimes the pain hurt so much that she couldn't think about anything but the pain. This baby, whether it was a boy or girl, wanted out, and it wanted out now.

"Jack, I don't think I can do this." She looked up at him, crying a little.

"Nonsense, Rose. You're strong. I know that you can do this." He gave her strength, by the look of it. She needed it.

"Okay, Rose. Whenever you’re ready," Doctor Collins said.

"Ready?" Jack held her hand.

"Yes. I am ready." She sat a little forward and gave it her all. She screamed as she pushed out the infant.

She could feel it coming out of her. It was a weird, warm sensation. When the baby started to cry, the pain disappeared like she had never had any pain at all. She saw the infant.

"Mr. Dawson, would you like to do the honors?" The doctor handed Jack a pair of scissors so he could cut the umbilical cord. Jack took the scissors and cut the cord. He didn't even bother to see what it was. He was excited.

"Would you like to hold your son, Mr. Dawson?" Doctor Collins asked.

"Yeah." He took hold of the infant.

The doctor wrapped the infant in a blanket and put on a little long sleeved t-shirt. Jack took the infant into his arms. He was so small. He felt like he would drop him. Rose looked over to see her son. Jack lowered him a little so she could see. "Rose, look at how small he is."

Rose was sweaty. She looked at him as she felt the doctor sew her up. She wanted to rest. Having a baby was hard work.

"Okay. We need to take the baby now. He needs to be seen by a pediatrician, and some tests have to be run," the nurse told Jack.

"Okay." He passed the infant to the nurse. He sort of felt relieved. He didn't want to hurt the small infant.

"Mr. Dawson, Rose is going to the recovery room. She'll be asleep. Why don't you follow us and we’ll lead you to Rose's room?" Doctor Collins asked him.

"All right. Is that okay, Rose?" Jack looked at Rose for approval.

"Yeah. You go. He's right. I am sleepy." Rose felt sleepy.

"Okay. Love you." He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. "I'll see you when you wake up. All right?"

"Okay." She smiled at him and felt her eyes starting to close.

Chapter Seventeen