Chapter Eighteen

It was two days before graduation. Jack glanced at the clock and heard the baby cry. He still had no word from Cal. He got up and picked up the baby. He noticed he was wet and changed his diaper. He cradled him in his arms and put him down for a second to get him a bottle. The baby cried as Jack fixed his bottle. He sang to him, and he started to quiet down. Noah was what they had named the baby.

Rose heard Noah cry. She got up and saw Jack cradling him and giving him his bottle. Jack looked up.

"Aw…Rose, you should have stayed asleep. I’ve got him." He rocked back and forth with Noah in his arms.

"I thought you had left or something," Rose said, still yawning.

"Nah. No school, remember? All I got to do today is pick up my cap and gown." He yawned.

Jack was happy that he was graduating later today. He would be able to focus on more important things, like his family. He still wondered about Cal. What were his plans concerning them?

After Jack fed the baby, he gave him to Rose. He went to his dresser, looking at what to wear for the day. He started to take off his shirt. He could feel Rose staring at him. When he turned to her, her eyes were in awe of his figure. He smiled. "Uh…I am gonna take a shower. If anyone calls for me, I will be right out."

"Sure. Take your time." She smiled at him.

The phone began to ring, and Rose picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, Rose. Is Jack there?" Cal asked.

"He's in the shower. Did you want to speak to him?" Rose wondered what he was up to this time.

"Uh…leave him this message. Friends. Just say that word. He'll understand," Cal said, and then he hung up.

Rose thought it was a weird message. She knocked on the door to the bathroom. When she heard Jack say, "Come in!" she entered.

"What's up, Rose?" Jack stared at her from the shower curtain and shook the water out of his eyes.

"Cal called. He said to tell you just one word. Friends. What's that about?" Rose asked him.

"He really said that?" Jack asked her.

"Yes, he did." Rose went to the door, looking at Noah cooing in his crib.

"Awesome. Rose, when you were in the hospital, Cal got his memory back, so I told him everything he wanted to know. After that, I asked him why he hated me so much. He didn't have an answer, of course. But I asked him where we stood?" Jack turned off the water, preparing to get out.

Rose nodded. "What happened then?"

Jack grabbed his towel and dried himself off. "Well, by that time, he wanted to go home. He said he would tell me in due time if we were friends or enemies. I guess he made a choice."


Later that day, Jack went to get his cap and gown. Rose and the baby dressed up for Jack's graduation day. He was valedictorian, wearing his special robe and medals. He had gotten a scholarship in the field of theater arts. He had had no idea Mrs. Summers had liked his play so much that she had entered him for a scholarship at the film academy of Santa Monica. He was very happy that she had done that for him.

When the time came, Rose and Noah sat in the front row. Jack felt like an idiot, sitting there facing the whole school to give them a speech about their future.

He came forward, looking at the students. He opened his notes and started to speak. "You know, there's nothing more exciting than graduating from high school. But Harrison has left me with a lot of fine memories, and some bad ones, too. I found true love here. And I am hoping you find that, as well, when the time comes. I am an A-plus student. I am proud to be a member of this community. For whether you’re rich or poor, just take things as they come at you. And learn to make everything count! Because these are the best days of our lives. Let no one tell you differently."

Everyone cheered at his speech. He was going to make a fine director, and a very good father, as well. Rose stood up, carrying Noah, and waving to Jack. Caledon Hockley came forward out of the crowd, came up to the stage, and hugged Jack like a brother. The days at Harrison High School were over for Jack, and he and Rose would pick up where they had left off. For all Jack needed was Rose there by his side, his son to carry on his family name, and to make it count!

The End.
