Chapter Two


Jack’s room was filled with sport content like baseball, basketball, and items of that sort. Rose was amazed at all the trophies that sat upon the shelf. Not only sport awards were there, but also spelling bees and other stuff like perfect attendance and everything you could imagine. Jack was an exceptional student.

"Wow, Jack. Love the awards. Where’d you get them?" She liked all the shiny awards.

"My last school, Clear River High School. I liked it there. I had fun, too I guess that’s why I have so many of these things lying around."

Rose sat on his bed. Jack joined her.

He made the first move and kissed her. Jack Dawson had had girlfriends before. He didn’t really lie to Rose. He had never had sex or kissed them at all. He accompanied them to dances and school events, but he never took advantage of any of the women in his life. He respected them way too much to cheapen their fun together.

Rose leaned back, making room for him on the bed with her. Her lips were red with the kisses that Jack had given her. She enjoyed his lips on her. She wondered if she should go all the way with him or not. She was very nervous, wondering what would happen to her if she let him. She knew that she liked Jack more than any other boys she had known in her lifetime.

Rose kissed Jack back. She started unbuttoning his shirt. He let her and didn’t say anything.

He was nervous, also. He had no idea what to do. He knew that most of his friends had done it, but he wanted this first time to be special. They had often made fun of him for being a romantic guy. He wasn’t gay, he had told them countless times, again and again; he had just wanted to wait. He often wondered what his friends problems were for him wanting to wait for the right girl. He knew in his heart that Rose was the right girl. Somehow, he could feel it.

He let her do everything from unbuttoning his shirt to unbuckling his belt. He knew that she wanted to see him naked. That much he knew.

Jack was really hard for her, but she didn’t touch him there--at least not yet.

He touched her face and kissed her eyes. She kissed him back, wanting to feel his chest against her skin. She took off her shirt and let him see her lacy bra. She remembered that the bra was somewhat see-through He stared at her and blushed. He touched her breasts, rubbing her ever so softly.

With Jack already in temptation’s heat, he knew that Rose had seen him blush.

He kissed her deeply, touching her feminine parts. She opened herself to him.

"Jack, make love to me," she said, with want in her eyes.

How many times had he been asked that by so many girls and not gone through with it? he wondered. This time, he would go through with it, he promised himself.

When Jack was fully nude and Rose was, too, he offered her a chance to back out.

She didn’t budge. He lay on top of her and put himself into the small opening of her womanhood.

He didn’t want to make her cry. He had often heard that girls who were virgins would cry because of the pain of their first time. So he tried his best not to hurt Rose, but he would not promise it too much, because he knew from the beginning that when he entered her that he was too big for her.

Rose squirmed beneath him. He drove harder into her, loving the feeling of her. She was not accustomed to having him inside her, but she tried her best not to let out the pain and showed him she would be good for his first time. A tear fell from her eye when he drove into her harder than before.

He had seen the tear and licked it with his tongue. He slowed himself, making sure or trying to make sure not to let his release come before hers.

It had taken several minutes before she was accustomed to his size.

"Rose, I love you," he said, going really slow this time and meaning every word he said.

"I love you, Jack." Her voice was shaky and teary.

His final release came, he forgot that he was not using protection, and he came inside of her.

Rose thought that the first time was okay, that she would be fine. Whoever got pregnant on their first time, anyway? None that she knew of. She had loved the feeling of Jack’s manhood pulsing inside her. She was still shaking from the feeling when he got off of her. He noticed the few drops of blood that were from her woman’s seal.

He felt relieved and stretched out beside her.

She lay there, feeling weird and happy at the same time.

They continued to lie there for a few seconds more. Then, Rose went to the bathroom to clean herself and get dressed. Jack was really glad that Rose was here. Not only had they rid themselves of their virginity, but they had become connected well.

When Rose came back, Jack was getting dressed.

"So, Rosebud, what do you want to do now?" he asked.

"Well, Jack, I think it’s time I go home. Got school tomorrow, you know. Tomorrow is Friday," she said, feeling sore.

"Yes, Rose. Come here before I take you home." He took her into his arms and kissed her with all the love he had in himself. "Rose, what we did today was for love, not because I wanted to get rid of my virginity. I want you to know that." He said it and meant it.

"I know that. I love you, Jack," she said.

"I love you, too, Rosebud." He played with her curls.

He locked his house and opened the car door for her.

She sat down, clenching when she did so. She knew that she would lie in the tub soaking and relax when she got home.

She told him where she lived and he drove, looking at her, wanting to never leave her. She felt the same.

She got out of the car and kissed him. "See you tomorrow, Jack. I love you." She got her backpack.

"See you tomorrow, too, Rose. Here’s my number if you wanna talk or something." He handed her a small business card, one of his father’s ideas.

She took it and kissed him again before she got out of the car for the second time, waved good-bye, and saw him off.

When she opened the door, her mother was waiting.

"Rose, do you know what time it is?" her mother asked her.

"No, Mom. I had rehearsal for the play. Remember?" she reminded her mom.

"With the play, or with that boy in the car, Rose?" Ruth was very anxious to see this boy.

"He’s my partner, Mom. He’s playing Romeo at school with me. The teacher told us to rehearse every day after school. Call her if you don’t believe me." Rose swore that her mother worked as an attorney. She asked the same questions as they did.

"It’s okay, Rose. So, who is this Romeo?" Ruth asked.

"His name is Jack Dawson, Mom. He’s new in town," Rose said, putting down her bag.

"I see. Quite handsome, isn’t he?" Ruth asked, giving her daughter a look.

"Mom!" She blushed.

If only her mother knew what she and Jack had done but one hour ago.

Rose ran upstairs and pushed the speed dial for Cara’s house.

"Hello. Cara here." Cara relaxed in her chair, writing an e-mail to Fabrizio.

"Hey, Cara. You’re never gonna guess what happened," Rose said.

"What? Tell me." Cara stopped typing and listened.

"No. Guess." Rose was waiting to see if she could ever guess what she had done.

"Jack asked you to run away with him and get married," Cara joked.

"No, Cara, but close," Rose said.

"You’re getting married?" Cara had taken Rose seriously.

"No, silly. Jack and I made love," Rose finally told her.

"How was it, Rose?" Cara was interested. Now she was the only virgin.

"Well, it hurt for a second. Gosh, Cara, he is so huge. You wouldn’t believe me if you saw it," Rose said, astonished still at what she had done with Jack.

"Really, Rose? I did not need to know that, but thanks for telling me." Cara laughed. "So, did he ask you to be his girl?" Cara asked.

"No, not really, but I know that he hinted at it. We’ll see tomorrow," Rose said.

"All right. Hope everything goes well for ya." Cara wished her luck.

"It will, Cara." She hung up the telephone.

When Rose hung up with Cara, she drew herself a nice and refreshing bath. The water felt like such a comfort. She took off her clothes and got in. About fifteen minutes later, she heard a knock on her door.

"Rose, it’s Mom. Jack said you forgot your jacket at his house. He’s waiting for you."

She got out, dried herself, and put on her robe.

He was sitting there on her bed, waiting for her, when she finally came out.

"Hey, Jack. Thanks for bringing my jacket to me."

"No problem. Rosie. When I was cleaning up, I found it on the chair."

Her mother left and closed the door.

"I was just taking a bath."

"Yeah. I can see that."

He looked at her with his charming smile.

She sat next to him and hugged him. He put his arms around her.

"I wish we could stay together like this, Jack. Forever."

"We could if you would marry me, Rose."

"Marriage, Jack? We haven’t even decided that we are a couple yet."

"I know, Rose. Would you be my girl?"

"Yes, Jack. I would love that."

"All right. I gotta go. My father is coming tomorrow and I need to get some stuff cleaned up so he won’t think that I didn’t do anything."

"I understand, Jack."

"I will see you tomorrow at school. Want me to pick you up?"

"Yes. I would like that."

"All right. See you then, my goddess."

She kissed him before he left her.

He loved her kiss so much, he wanted something from her before he left.

"Rose, can I have something before I go?"

"What can you possibly want?"

"If I told ya, you wouldn’t do it."

"Well, tell me. I might."

"Touch me, Rose."

She went to him and massaged his manhood. He instantly felt like singing and jumping for joy as the woman he loved took him inside her mouth. He had heard that this was one of the joys of sex. Boy, was he missing out on a lot of stuff!

Rose’s mother interrupted them.

Jack quickly buckled his belt and sat on the bed while Rose’s mother brought in some milk and freshly baked cookies for them.

"I thought you guys might want a snack."

"Mrs. Bukater, you read my mind."

Rose laughed at his sexual innuendo.

"Well, Jack, you look a little red. Maybe I should open a window."

"Oh, no. It’s fine, Mrs. Bukater."

"Please call me Ruth, Jack."

"All right, Ruth."

"Well, enjoy the cookies, Jack, Rose."

"Okay, Mom." She closed the door.

"Rose, I had better leave before your mom comes back." Jack’s heart was beating fast.

"Oh, no. Don’t go. Please let me finish. Okay?"

"Okay, dear." He unbuckled his pants, but this time he bent her over and fucked her from behind.

She moaned as Jack thrust into her. Almost on the verge of screaming, she came and Jack released himself inside her again.

The next day, Rose couldn’t wait to see Jack. She had worn a tight skirt and a low-cut blouse just for him, hoping that after school they would get to do what they had done the day before.

Rose waited for him when she finished dressing. She called him to make sure that he didn’t forget.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Jack, are you ready to come and get me?"

"Yeah. I was just on my way out the door."

"All right."

She hung up and waited for him to get there. About five minutes later, he arrived. He had worn a nice blue shirt with tan-colored pants. Rose ran out the door, not even saying good-bye to her mother.

She hopped inside the car and they sped off to school.

When they arrived together, everyone stared at them. Rose walked proudly down the hall with Jack’s hand in hers.

"Well, Rose darling, I will see you in second period. I have Italian right now, my lady."

He kissed her hand.

"Okay, Jack. Bye." She kissed his lips before he left.

Rose almost ran to her first class.

When Rose walked into her first period math class, she saw Cara.

"Hey, Cara."

"Gosh, you’re looking good, Rose."

"Thanks, Cara."

"How are you feeling?"

"Great. I feel like a new woman."

"That’s good to hear. Where’s Jack?"

"He’s in his first period class. He has Italian."

"Oh, okay. Did he ask you, Rose?"

"Yes, Cara."

"Did he give you something of his to wear?"

"Cara, that is so old-fashioned. However, he might give me something later today."

"I am so happy for you, Rose. You think Fabrizio will ever notice me?"

"I don’t know. We’ll see."

Jack sat down in his first period Italian class. He had missed it yesterday after registration had taken so long.

Jack looked around. He could tell that this would be a boring class. Not that he hated Italian--after all, it was a part of his heritage.

Chapter Three