Chapter Three


Fabrizio saw the new guy and decided to introduce himself.

"Hello. You are new here, no?"

"Yes. My name’s Jack."


"Nice to meet you."

"Grazie. You like Italian?"

"Food, yes. The language, yeah. Speaking it--I have trouble."

"No problem. I will help you. I am Italian. I am third year Italian student, but I no speak English very good."

"It’s okay, Fabrizio. We will learn together."

The class started, but Jack couldn’t wait for second period.

Class was so boring for Rose. She wanted to go to Jack this minute.

At break time, they met up.

"Hey, Rose. I brought a friend. His name is Fabrizio."

"Nice to meet you, Fabrizio." She shook his hand. "This is my friend Cara." She introduced Cara to Jack and Fabrizio.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Fabrizio."

"Nice to meet you, Jack. Take care of my girl."

"My pleasure, Cara."

Jack held Rose’s hand.

Caledon Hockley passed and pushed him away from her.

"What the fuck?"

"She’s mine, not yours. Remember that," Cal told him.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Rose is my girl," Jack said.

"Your girl? Listen, everyone knows Rose is mine."

"You wanna fight? We’ll fight over her after school."

"See you in the parking lot, Dawson."

Rose was scared.

"Jack, you’re not really gonna fight him, are you?"

"Yeah, Rose. No one pushes me around and tells me what I can’t do."

Rose was astonished by this side of him. He seemed so sweet.

Rose was happy that he would defend her honor, but it wasn’t necessary. She was confident that Jack would win, so she didn’t bother herself with worrying about it for the rest of the day.

In second period, a guy named Tommy tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Jack. You really gonna fight Caledon over Rose?"

"Yeah. She’s my girl. I love her."

"All right, man. It’s your funeral."

"You think?" he joked around.

"Not kidding, man. Caledon is on the boxing team."

"Doesn’t bother me. I learned to fight in the streets. I used to live in Brooklyn. I had to fight all the time there to get respect."

"I see. Well, good luck, man."

"No need, Tommy."

Jack was glad when second period was over, not because everyone was hassling him over Cal, but because he would get to act the love scene in Romeo and Juliet with Rose.

Jack kicked back in drama class and waited until they hit the acting part.

A new student came into the acting scene.

"Caledon Hockley, what are you doing here?"

"I needed an elective, so I chose drama."

"All right, then. Sit, and you can see the first scene to Romeo and Juliet."

There was a small bench for the bed scene.

Jack took his position with Rose.

"All right, Jack and Rose. Whenever you’re ready."


"Ready, Rose?"

"Yes, Jack."

He kissed her lips. They laid down on to the bench. He kissed her neck and made her moan. They skipped the most explicit part of the love scene, but after that they said the dialogue.

"Romeo, stay with me."

"Stay with my love. Welcome, death. Juliet wills it so." He hovered above her and kissed her passionately.

After the scene, Jack and Rose sat down, kissing again, making Cal go insanely jealous.

Jack and Rose sat at the back where no one sat. The theater was dimly lit.

Jack put the jacket he was wearing over her legs. Rose scooted down on her seat. Jack felt Rose. She was wet for him. With that love scene, it had only increased his need for her. He massaged her.

Cal took a look at Rose and saw her reactions in the dark. He knew what they were doing. It then occurred to him that Rose was no longer a virgin. Jack had taken her innocence.

Jack had made Rose come twice in that hour. He had licked his hand when she had, too. He loved the taste of her. It made him get an erection instantly at just the thought. No doubt he would take her when they got to his house.

Jack then remembered the fight with Cal, which was right after this class. The bell rang. Rose went to her locker and put her books that she didn’t need away. She followed Jack to the parking lot.

She held his hand.

"Jack, let’s just go."

"I can’t, Rose. I have to do this."

She feared the worst. She knew Cal and how he fought.

When Jack got to the parking lot, a crowd of people was there.

"Dawson!" Cal called.

Jack positioned himself, ready to fight.

"Come on, Cal. Let’s get this over."

Cal threw a punch and missed.

Jack was fast on his feet.

"Come on, Cal. Give this up. Rose is mine."

"No, Dawson, I will not. I know she won’t have me, but I must try. It’s obvious that you fucked her. Right, Dawson? Was she good?"

"No comment."

"That bad, huh?"

"You’re wrong, Cal. She was the best I ever had."

Jack punched Cal in the nose.

With that, the fight ended. Cal was no longer the champ in this school anymore.

The coach saw and took Caledon aside.

"What’s wrong with you? You could have taken him."

"Pardon me, but it looks like he won anyway." Cal ran off.

Rose kissed Jack. It was obvious that he would get a shiner from the punch that Cal had first thrown. He had hit Jack.

When they got to the car, Rose helped Jack in.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I am fine, Rose."

"Want me to drive?"

"I thought you said you couldn’t."

"No. I said I don’t have a license."

He passed her the keys and she drove to his house.

Jack got out and followed Rose inside.

She went to get a piece of meat from the fridge.

She put it on his cheek.

Jack laid down on her lap.

She brushed his hair with her fingers.

He relaxed and looked at her. The low neckline of her blouse exposed her to him.

He reached up and brought her lips to his.

It was awkward kissing her like that, but he wanted her so much. After what they had done in class, he still wanted her.

When he made love to her this time, he pulled no stops and went all out, making this time very memorable for her.

He loved her. In all honesty, he did not know how to live without her love. They had so much in common.

"Rose, marry me?"

"But I am only sixteen, Jack."

"So? Let’s get your mom’s okay and we will go tomorrow and get married."

It was very crazy, but Rose loved him.

"Okay, Jack. I will be your wife."

Only in certain cities you could get married without your parents’ consent, but he wanted Rose’s mother’s okay before they did anything. He had that much respect for her.

Chapter Four