Chapter Five


"Rose, let’s get married tomorrow. Let’s just go to Vegas and do it. Then we can have the honeymoon and discuss our child." He was serious about this.

"You sure you want me like this?" Rose questioned him.

"Rose, I don’t have a problem with it at all. It was a child created out of love. What more can I want?" he assured her.

"Another girl who isn’t like me," she said as she grinned.

"Are you crazy? You think because I knocked you up I am gonna leave you? Not on your life, Rose. I will stand by you every minute of this pregnancy. And think, Rose, if I had wanted another girl, I would have done this a long time ago to another woman and left her. I don’t treat women like hand-me-downs. I haven’t done it and I don’t wanna start now." He hugged her, letting her know he would fight everything he could to make this work.

Rose had never unpacked, so she put the suitcases in the car. Jack packed as well. By 5:30 PM, they were out the door.

Jack remembered that they needed a marriage license, so he called a few places and found that the only place they didn’t need one was in the small town of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.

He called for two tickets and their flight was at 6:30.

When they got to the airport. Rose went to the restroom and Jack went to the counter to get the tickets.

"Yes? May I help you?" the clerk asked.

"Yeah. I got tickets reserved for Jack Dawson," he said.

"All right, Mr. Dawson." The lady typed into the computer and found their reservations. By 6:20, it was done.

They hopped aboard the flight and within eight hours they got there. They got a pretty nice hotel room suite and settled there for the rest of the night.

Rose laid by Jack’s side, feeling her stomach and thinking about the little life they had created. She thought about school and how she still had two years to go before she even graduated.

"Jack, are you awake?" She was still awake, lying there touching her stomach.

"Yeah, Rose. I am awake." He couldn’t go to sleep. He wasn’t worried about the baby. It was the fact that now he was a daddy that made him stay awake.

"Jack, I was thinking--how are we gonna deal with a baby, since I have two years of school left?" she asked him.

"Well, Rose, the baby won’t be born until next year, and next year I graduate. Maybe your mother would take care of it. Of course, we will pay her for babysitting while I go to work and you go to school." He wasn’t sure if Ruth would baby-sit, but he would find a plan to make it work.

"Sorry, Jack. Not that I don’t trust you, but I am worried here." Rose fiddled with the blanket.

"I know, Rose, especially at the age you are. I feel that we can do this. Unless…" He didn’t even want to think about the unless part.

"Unless what?" she asked.

"You get an abortion." He hated that word. He knew what he had gotten himself into, but he would never allow it--not his child.

"No. That is not an option." Rose was against that option as well.

"I know you are scared. So am I, but we will make it. Nothing on this planet we can’t handle. I just know nothing on earth could come between us, Rose." He assured her that everything would be okay.

"I trust you." She finally accepted it and told him so.

It was Tuesday morning when Jack called long distance from Wisconsin.

"Hello. Harrison High School. How may I help you?" asked a lady.

"Yes. This is Jack Dawson. I just wanted to tell you that Rose DeWitt-Bukater and myself won’t be in today. We are out of town on private business." Private business? It was more than just that.

"All right. I will tell your teachers, Mr. Dawson," the lady said.

He hung up the phone and went back to bed with Rose. Today was the day they would be together as one.

By mid-afternoon, they had found the justice of the peace and gotten hitched. Rose had never smiled so much in her life as she did at that moment.

They had lunch and dinner in bed. Jack was getting better at satisfying Rose. She had never felt the ultimate feeling she had felt than right at that moment which was her first orgasm.

Jack felt her when that happened and he loved her even more. The ring she wore was a pretty, shiny one. Rose could have sworn she had seen the ring on TV before. Besides her engagement ring, she had treasured this ring like the most valuable possession in her life.

The next day, they flew back to Los Angeles. They didn’t go to school because they had arrived late. So they decided to skip it again and play hooky.

Rose fell asleep when they got there. She was exhausted. Jack stood up looking over the bills. With paying one hundred dollars for electric, water, and his phone bill, which was sixty bucks, he was pretty lucky he didn’t have to pay rent. The allowance his father had given him was three hundred dollars a month. It wasn’t much--not with the car and the bills, so he decided to look for a job part-time while he went to school.

On Wednesday, Jack and Rose went to school again like their regular routine. They went to their classes.

"Hey, Rose. What’s up, girl? What happen to you last Friday?" Cara was very concerned.

"I wasn’t feeling well. I’m pregnant, Cara." Rose, feeling queasy, eased herself to sit down.

"Oh, my God. What are you gonna do?" Cara was shocked.

"Have it. Jack and I are married now. We married over in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, on Tuesday."

"Wow. So, you’re pregnant and married. Gosh, Rose. You move fast." Cara was scared for Rose.

"Tell me about it," Rose said.

In first period, everything was okay. By break time, Rose was feeling sick. She needed food, or maybe it was the lack of it.

Jack had gone and gotten her something to eat. When he got back, Rose ate the sandwich and the juice he had gotten her like there was no tomorrow.

Mary came by and eyed Jack. She tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Dawson," she said in a sexy tone.

"Hi, Mary." He thought, Oh, no.

"You forgot our appointment. Remember? The interview?" she reminded him.

"Oh, sorry about that. Rose was feeling ill." He was more concerned with Rose than a stupid interview.

"We can do it now if you would like," she said.

"Sure. Rose, will you be okay?" he asked her.

"Yeah, Jack. I am feeling much better. You go on." She smiled and felt much better.

He walked down the hall with Mary. She was a lady with killer lookers. Jack wondered how a girl like her would be so studious as to be working for the school paper.

She walked into her office. It was empty.

"Have a seat, Jack." She directed him to a chair.

He sat down and she closed the door. She sat next to him and held a tape recorder.

"Okay. Let’s start." She scooted back.

"Where was your last school and why did you come to Harrison?" was her first question.

"My last school was Clear River High School. I came to Harrison because I needed to graduate to get my diploma. It’s my last year."

"All right. That was good, Jack. How did you meet Rose and are you together?"

"I met Rose in English Literature. She told me that she needed a Romeo for the school play, so I volunteered. I had only noticed that I had drama, which was funny. I never even chose it. Rose and I are more than together. We are married."

"Wow. Married already. Gosh, you work fast." Mary did not want to do what she had been paid to do when she heard that he was married, but a deal was a deal, even if it was with the devil himself.

"Yeah. Rose is the love of my life. We are going to have a baby," he told her.

Mary made a cup of coffee, feeling majorly guilty about what she was about to do.

"Jack, you want some?" she asked him.

"Yeah," he said.

Mary made the cup and put some kind of drug in it. She had sided with Cal to break Rose and Jack apart.

She stirred the contents and gave him the cup. He sipped it.

"Good coffee, Mary." He liked the taste.

"Thank you," she said, not looking at him.

A few minutes later, he started feeling weird.

"Mary, what did you put in that coffee?" He felt like he couldn’t move a muscle.

"Sorry, Jack, but this has to be done." She felt like an awful person.

She sat on him and unbuckled his pants, giving her access for evidence.

Mary was an expert. She was known for being the best in school, although Jack did not know that.

Mary was astonished at his size. When she put him inside her, she rode him hard and fast.

With Jack unable to move, all he could do was say no.

But with his body enjoying the feeling and thinking of Rose, he moaned.

Mary had gotten all the evidence she needed. All she needed now was to show it to Rose.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack had came in Mary.

Rose wondered what was taking him so long. She got out of class early and walked to the room where Jack was.

Mary left a few of the buttons on her blouse unbuttoned and Jack’s pants still open.

Rose knocked.

"Come in," Mary said.

Jack was barely regaining consciousness. He could move now, and when he heard Rose’s voice, he wanted to scream at her not to come in.

Rose came in.

"Jack, are you almost done?" she asked. She noticed that Jack was flushed and she put two and two together.

"Jack, you didn’t, did you?" She looked for a reaction from him.

"Rose, it’s not what you think." He wanted to move, but he hardly could.

She slapped him hard in the face and stormed out, crying.

Jack tried to run after her, but with the drugs still in his system, he was kind of slow.

"Rose, wait!" he yelled down the hall.

Rose ran and closed the door to the girl’s restroom. He caught up with her.

"Rose, open the door!" he demanded.

"Go away!" she yelled.

"No, Rose. You don’t understand at all," he pleaded against the door.

"Oh, Jack. I understand way too well. You screwed Mary. How could you?" she yelled through the door.

"I didn’t, Rose. Please believe me. Please, just let me explain." He was crying, too.

She opened the door. He came in and tried to get close to her.

"Don’t touch me, Jack. Just stay right there," she warned him.

He obeyed her instructions.

"Rose, I am so sorry, but it wasn’t my fault. You see, she was interviewing me and she asked if I wanted some coffee. I said sure, I would like some, and she drugged me, Rose. That’s the truth," he confessed.

"How come you didn’t go out the door?" Rose asked.

"It was because I couldn’t. The drugs made me limp. I couldn’t move. Honest to God, Rose. I love you. Why would I do that, huh?" he asked her.

"I don’t know, Jack. Why would you? Did you come inside her?" she had to ask.

He turned away from her.

"I thought so,". Rose commented in anger.

"Please, Rose. Forgive me." He bent down on hands and knees.

"Was she good, Jack? Was she worth losing me?" Rose asked him.

"What? What are you talking about?" Jack was worried. He didn’t want to lose Rose.

"I’m sorry; I just can’t handle this right now." She turned around.

"Can I at least take you home, Rose?" he asked.

"No, Jack. I need to walk." She didn’t want to be around him right now.

"Will you be at home when I get there?" He had to ask her.

"I don’t know." She walked out.

"Rose, please!" he cried to her.

"All right. I will be home then, but I am not sleeping with you tonight. I just can’t," she said, crying.

"Okay. That’s fair. Let’s go home now." He hadn’t bothered to touch her. He was so angry with Mary he would kill her if he saw her. No doubt this was Cal’s handiwork. Tomorrow would be judgment day, Jack vowed.

When they got home, Rose sat on the sofa.

He didn’t bother to even sit near her. He knew what she must be feeling.

Rose sat there, still crying. He brought her a cloth to clean her eyes. She took it.

"Jack?" she called.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Come here." She wanted to get out her anger.

He bent down near her. She slapped him again.

"Rose, get it all out. Beat me if you have to. Come on, Rose. Fight," he challenged her.

She got up and started hitting him. He took it. She slapped, scratched, and punched him.

He took all she had within her. A tear rolled down his cheek. He felt guilty.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"Yes. Much better." She sat back down.

He didn’t bother to clean up the blood that ran down his face. The wedding ring had left gashes on his skin.

Rose saw the blood and used the cloth to clean it.

"Don’t bother, Rose. I deserved it."

"You did, but not this much." She cleaned every wound she had made until the bleeding had stopped.

He looked at her, his eyes red with so much hurt and disappointment in himself.

"Jack, I am sorry," she said.

"Don’t be." He didn’t want her to be sorry for what she had done.

He sat there until she got his hand and led him to the bedroom.

She undressed him and herself.

He looked at her, but didn’t move.

"Jack, you’re gonna make love to me so much tonight that you will forget every little thing she did to you, and I won’t let you stop until everything in your system is gone. No doubt there are still drugs in your system." She loved him, but she wouldn’t let anyone get in her way.

"I love you, Rose," he said.

She didn’t answer back.

For the rest of the night, he made Rose feel good, and when he knew the drugs where gone, he still kept going until he couldn’t go any further.

His breathing had gone ragged toward the end. The wounds hurt now and he had paid for it.

Tomorrow he would get Cal for sure. There was no doubt in his mind that Cal was behind this.

Chapter Six