Chapter Eight


Rose was terrified. What if the father of her unborn child was dead? She feared the worst. She also wondered who could have done this. Only one name entered her mind--Caledon Hockley. But was even he sick enough to pull an act like that? She had no idea.

They took off the costume he wore and left his chest uncovered. They put oxygen and body sensors on his body to check his vital signs. He was still alive but unconscious.

The doctor talked to Rose.

"Ma’am, does your husband take drugs?" he asked her boldly.

"No, he doesn’t." Rose was puzzled.

"He had a lot of this certain drug in him. Has he eaten anything that you’re aware of?" he asked her.

"No, the only thing he took was this. It was a prop from the play. This vial." She handed it over.

The doctor smelled it. "Yeah, this is it. Where did he get this?" he asked.

"The prop manager. It was supposed to be filled with colored water, not drugs," Rose explained.

"Well, ma’am, someone surely wants your husband dead," he stated, carrying a chart for his next patient.

"It hasn’t crossed my mind," Rose said, and sat by Jack, who was still asleep. "Um…doctor, before you leave, is there any way I could get protection in case someone tries to get in?" Rose was very nervous, wondering if someone would try to harm her husband again.

"Um…sure. I will have guards stand by your door," he told her before he headed off.

"Okay. Thanks, sir. Will he be all right?" She had almost forgotten to ask.

"Yeah, he should be. It wasn’t a lethal dose." The doctor smiled at her.

"Thank God." Rose sighed.

She waited patiently. Being two months pregnant was fairly easy, at least at this point. She had eventually told her mother. She had given her the it’s going to ruin your life treatment. But after she had told her mother that she was married to him, all hell had broken loose. Her mother had thrown a fit at that, saying that he was no good for her, that she should have gotten married to Cal instead, and so on and so forth.

Rose hadn’t wanted to hear it, so she had hung up on her mother. Since then, she hadn’t heard anything from her, but Rose didn’t care. She had hardly ever been there to begin with.

She slept by his side, and when the doctors came in, they told Rose to sleep on the other bed.

She was still in her costume. She hadn’t changed at all. She called her friend Cara.

"Hey, Cara," Rose said, holding a pen in her hand and tapping it against a table.

"Hey, Rose. How’s Jack?" Cara asked, while trying to brush her hair.

"He’s fine. Look, I need you to do me a favor. Go to Jack’s house and get me some clothes." Rose would have gone, but she didn’t want to leave him alone.

"Okay. Do you have a key?" Cara asked.

"Yeah. It’s under a rock at the house. It’s has RJ on it," Rose explained to her.

"All right." Cara put her brush down.

"Thanks, Cara. You’re a big help." Rose was glad that she had a friend like her.

"Sure. No problem. What hospital?" Cara asked, as she almost hung up.

"St. Luke’s. Tell Fabrizio, too," Rose told her.

"All right. See ya soon." Cara hung up and called Fabrizio. Since he was driving now, he was the only one that could help her.

The phone rang.

"Hey, Fabrizio," Cara said.

"Hi, Cara. What’s up?" He hadn’t seen Cara since the incident at the school.

"I need a ride. My friend Rose is with Jack at the hospital and she needs clothes. I was wondering if you could help me and drive me to their house," Cara said, stuffing her wallet into her purse.

"Sure. For Jack, all right? See you in a few." He knew where she lived, even though he had only been there once.

Fabrizio got there quickly. She got in the car, and off they went.

When they reached the house, Cara found the rock and got the key. She went inside and went to Jack’s bedroom, got a suitcase from the closet, and got some clothes, underwear, and the usual personal effects. When she was done packing, Fabrizio helped her with the bag and put it in the car while she locked up.

On the way to the hospital, they talked.

"So, Cara, how’s your classes?" he asked nervously.

"They are fine, and yours?" Cara felt like she had butterflies in her stomach every time she was near him.

"Very well. Um…Cara, would you like to go on a date again? We haven’t been on one for a while." He had only been with her on a date once, and he wasn’t sure if she would accept.

"Okay. I am in." She blushed. He didn’t notice, of course. He kept his eyes on the road.

When they reached the hospital, they asked for the room number and went up. Ahead, they noticed guards. Rose was inside.

"Excuse me. Are you family?" the guard asked.

"No, we’re friends," Cara said.

Rose heard their voices. She saw them.

"Fabrizio! Cara!" She hugged both of them. "Don’t worry, sir. It’s okay. They can come through," Rose told the guard.

"Hey, Rose. What’s up with the guards?" Cara asked, while putting the suitcase down.

"I will tell you more inside. You guys can sit over there." Rose closed the door.

"Gosh, he looks awful." Fabrizio was looking at Jack.

"Tell me about it, Fabrizio. Someone drugged him with the prop vial," Rose explained to them.

"Who would do such a thing?" Fabrizio was very concerned about his friend.

"I don’t know." Rose hadn’t a clue.

"Wait--do you think it was Cal?" Cara asked, sitting down near the bed.

"Maybe, or it could be Mary," Rose filled in.

"Has he woken up at all?" Fabrizio asked.

"No, Fabri. He hasn’t. Can you guys watch while I change?" Rose asked.

"Sure. Cara and I will keep guard," Fabrizio said, watching the beeping of the heart monitor.

"Thanks, guys. Be back in a sec." Rose quickly went into the bathroom.

She put on a shirt and shorts and combed her hair. She looked like a mess. Never in her life had she been a walking disaster.

Fabrizio looked at Jack more closely. He started to move.

"Fabri?" Jack asked, in a groggy state.

"Hey, Jack. Glad to see our Romeo is doing okay. For a minute there, we thought you were a goner." He smiled at him.

"I almost was. I mean, I knew that the vial tasted kind of weird, but I thought it was me," Jack said in a low tone.

"Well, Jack, glad to have you back." He backed away from the bed and sat next to Cara.

"Thanks, Fabri. Where’s Rose?" he asked, trying to get up.

"I am here. Sorry, Jack. I had to dress. I couldn’t stay in my costume for two days," Rose said, coming out of the bathroom.

"I’ve been here that long?" he asked, looking a little pale.

"Yes, you have. How are you feeling?" She went closer to him and was glad he was awake now.

"Fine, I guess," he said, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"That’s very good." Rose didn’t bother to tell him about the gun going off. She didn’t want him to worry. When the doctor came in again, he checked Jack over. It seemed that he would be okay.

"Good news, Mr. Dawson. You’re ready to leave today," the doctor said, happy that his patient was in good health.

"Good. I hate being here. No offense, doctor," he said, and his face lit up.

"None taken, son. Some people do not like hospitals." The doctor wasn’t surprised at all at his remark.

Jack got up, feeling groggy, feeling like he had been asleep forever. He put back on the costume, since there was nothing else for him to wear, and they headed home, thanks to Fabrizio.

"Thanks, Fabrizio, Cara. I will never forget this," Rose said, helping Jack out of the car.

"No problem, Rose. If you ever need anything, call me," Cara said, helping her with her suitcase.

"Thanks, Fabri. I really appreciate this, man," Jack said, giving him their favorite handshake.

"No problem, Jack. Anytime." Fabrizio put back on his sunglasses.

When Rose and Jack stepped inside their home, Jack felt ugly. He went to shower.

Rose got him something to eat while he bathed. She looked at the mail she had brought in from the mailbox. It seemed that they wouldn’t be going to school this week, since Jack had been in the hospital. Thanks to the doctor, he had gotten leave, and although she didn’t have an excuse, she just wanted to stay by his side until he was better and could manage.

She checked the letters--nothing but bills. She saw one for a car payment, a computer payment, and finally a Visa payment. There was nothing more frustrating then watching her husband look so dreadfully tired. When he came out, he looked like himself again.

"Jack, are you hungry?" Rose asked, putting her stuff away.

"Yeah, actually. I am. Rose, what exactly was in that vial? The doctor didn’t mention it, and neither have you." He sat on the couch.

"The vial contained Ecstasy." She sat, sitting next to him.

"Ecstasy? Why in the hell would someone give me drugs?" He was angry.

"I have no idea. But someone definitely wanted to kill us that night." She held his hand, glad that he was back with her again.

"Why? Is there something else that happened?" he asked, holding her close to him.

"Well, yeah. The gun that I was to use to shoot myself was loaded with real ammo," Rose finally told him.

"Oh, my God, Rose. How did you manage to do it?" He looked at her, worried.

"I was so nervous that my hand slipped and it shot into the stage ceiling," Rose confessed.

"Thank God, Rose. I don’t know what I would do without you if you were gone." He kissed her forehead.

"Me, either. I was so worried about you. But I knew better. You’re a fighter." She felt happy again.

"Yeah, I am, ain’t I? You can never put me down, even when I am down," he said, smiling. "So, where’s the food? I am starving," he said, starting to get an appetite again.

"Oh, sorry." She got up to get the sandwiches she had made, along with chips and Cokes.

They sat by each other and ate while watching a movie.

Rose was so tired that she fell asleep by his side.

He looked at her, and she was like a glittering angel. He took her to bed and fell asleep by her side.

By the time he woke up, it was early morning. He woke up and it was very dark.

He called his father.

"Hello. Dawson here," his father said.

"Hey, Dad." Jack was eager to hear his father’s voice and to tell him what had happened, but he didn’t want to worry him.

"Hey, Jack. What’s up? Everything okay?" His son hardly ever called. He knew that something was wrong.

"Yeah, Rose and I are fine. I wanted to ask you…um…could I borrow some money for something for Rose?" he asked, changing the subject and not telling him the truth.

"Sure. No problem. What are you gonna get her?" He would have done anything for his daughter-in-law.

"A car. See, it’s her birthday next week, and she probably thinks I forgot, but with my allowance I need an advance. I wanted to buy her something. That’s why I am asking," he explained, trying not to be so transparent.

"Sure. Consider it done. We’ll go all out. After all, she is my daughter-in-law," he said.

"Okay. Thanks, Dad," Jack said, and was relieved to hear his voice.

"You’re welcome, son." He clicked off.

Jack went to his computer, checking his email. Everything was mostly junk mail, so he went back to bed.

In the morning, Jack noticed that it was seven AM. He woke up Rose.

"Time for school, darling," he said, not really wanting her to go, but knowing that she had to.

"Aw, Jack, do I have to?" she asked, in a childish tone.

"Yes, dear. I don’t want you wasting your time on me. I want you to get that education." He felt like his father when he said that.

"All right. I will go, but I ain’t gonna be happy about it." She did not really want to go. She would rather have stayed in bed.

"I know. I won’t feel happy without you, either. Tomorrow, I will go with you. I just need to take care of some things," he explained.

"Okay." She got up, feeling like she had slept forever.

When she headed out the door, Jack drove her, even though he wasn’t supposed to.

He kissed her good-bye, and she got out and waved.

She felt lucky to have a husband like him. Who would want to ruin her life?

Caledon Hockley, her mind answered.

Rose walked into school, searching for Cal. He stood there, talking to his friends.

She pushed him aside.

"How dare you interfere in my life? You had no right to drug my husband!" she yelled at him.

"Whoa, Rose, wait. I didn’t have anything to do with this, and I am telling you the truth this time," he said, not looking at the sweet, innocent girl he used to know.

"Swear, Cal," she said, wondering if he was trying to deceive her.

"I swear, Rose. I was just as shocked as you were." Cal really was in shock.

"If I find out you had anything to do with this, you are finished, Cal," she told him, and left.

Cal was shocked at Rose. She had never done anything like this before.

She headed toward class, and inside, Mary was just staring at her. Rose had an odd feeling that Mary didn’t like her or something from the way she just stared at her.

Rose brushed off the feeling and went to study her math. She hated math with a passion.

When class was over, she put her book into her locker, and while she did that, someone pushed her.

Rose looked, and saw that it had been Mary.

"What the hell? What is your problem?" Rose asked, putting her bag down.

"Apparently you." Mary looked at her with a grin on her face.

"Why? I haven’t done anything to you," Rose said, looking at her.

"No, but your husband did," Mary said, filling Rose in on the details.

"What? I don’t understand." Rose was not getting what she was trying to tell her.

"I’m pregnant, Rose, with his child," she filled in the rest.

"Oh, no, you’re not." Rose could not believe it.

"Yes, I am. Remember that day you caught us?" She remembered that day well.

Rose looked at her, unable to believe her, but then, they had done it, and she didn’t know what to think.

"Well, Mary, it’s not my problem," Rose explained, picking up her bag and closing her locker.

"No, but your husband is responsible. He should have died for doing this to me." Mary was full of hate, and yet she didn’t know why.

"Him doing this to you? As I remember it, it was a certain little slut who couldn’t say no to Caledon Hockley," Rose said sarcastically.

"You bitch!" Mary pulled Rose’s hair.

They fought, scratching and pulling each other’s hair. Rose punched her in the face. She backed up with a bloody nose.

"Mary, I am so sorry." Rose tried to show mercy by backing away.

"Like you care, Rose. I am glad I almost killed you and your husband," she said flat out, confessing to the crime.

"What? You did that? You put that ecstasy into that vial?" Rose was in utter shock. Never had she suspected her.

"Yes, I did. I wanted you both to die." Mary ran off.

She knew that she was in trouble now for confessing that she had treed to kill Jack and Rose, and she refused to go to jail, so she ran away.

Rose now knew who the culprit was in their little play, so she went home early.

She started to call Jack as soon as she was on her way home. She had gotten Fabrizio to help her after hearing that Mary had put the drugs into the vial.

The phone rang, and he answered.

"Jack, are you okay?" she asked, very concerned.

"Never better. I am feeling okay. Why?" he asked, looking at some television program.

"Mary was the one who put the drugs in that vial," Rose said.

"Mary? But why on earth would she do such a thing? I never did anything to her." He wondered what had made Mary so desperate to hurt him.

"She claims you got her pregnant," Rose said, starting to feel sick to her stomach.

"Oh, my God, Rose. Where are you?" he asked.

"On my way home. I should be there shortly. Fabrizio is such a helpful person," she told him.

"Tell him I said thanks," Jack said, getting up and looking out the window.

"All right. See you soon," she said, feeling more sick.

She clicked off her cell phone and put it in her purse.

"Thanks, Fabri. I really appreciate this. I hope I am not being a nuisance," she said, as the clean air started to make her feel better.

"Not at all. I am okay with it. I love driving," Fabrizio told her.

"Cool. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask Jack or me. We owe you," Rose said, backing away from the car.

He pulled out of the driveway and headed back to school. When Rose got inside, Jack stood there on the phone. He was arguing with someone.

"What do you mean, it’s my fault? You drugged me twice," Jack said, pacing. "Look, don’t worry. I am sure that we can get through this. I will help. Just don’t you go anywhere," he said, and saw Rose. "I promise I’ll be there as soon as I hang up with you. All right. Bye." He clicked off and mouthed the word Mary to her.

Rose understood.

"She’s at her apartment. I convinced her not to go anywhere. She was going to leave town, but thought I should know that she was pregnant," Jack said, getting his car keys. "I am gonna go see her. I am afraid she might try to commit suicide or something, and I don’t wanna have that on my hands, so I am gonna go see her," he told her.

"All right. I will stay here, unless you want me to go. Although, I don’t think she will want to see me after I beat her up," Rose said, sitting on the couch and feeling guilty.

"You guys fought?" Jack was surprised at her.

"Yes, we did. I didn’t mean to punch her, but I had to defend myself." Rose tried to feel better about it.

"All right. I am glad you can do that. I am gonna go, okay? See you in a while," Jack said, kissing her good-bye.

He drove toward the apartment and went to Mary’s room. the one she had told him about over the phone. He knocked on the door and she answered.

She ran into his arms crying.

"I am so sorry for what I did to you. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t want you to die. I was just hurt that I loved you and I couldn’t have you. You never looked at me like all the others had; you didn’t give a care at all except for her." Mary was in utter distress.

"Mary, I love her because she is my wife, and I never cheated because of that. I am sorry if I ever led you to believe otherwise." He tried to comfort her.

"You never did. That was the problem, and I am sorry for drugging you, not once, but twice. And I know that this baby is because of me, not because of you. I took advantage of you, and I shouldn’t have. Now I am going to hell because of it." She felt like she wanted to die for everything she had done.

"Mary, don’t say that. Look, you’ll be fine. I will be there when you have it," he told her.

"You will?" She was astonished. He was not only a man of honor, but of truth, which she had never experienced before.

"Yes." He looked at her, feeling sorry for her.

"How can you forgive me for all the hurt that I have caused you?" she asked him.

"Easy. I am a very forgiving person." He truly was.

"I wish I had met you first," Mary said, wiping her tears.

"Aw, I am nothing special," he said, looking at her.

"But you are. You care so much for people, without asking for anything in return." She had never felt anything, but she did for him.

"That’s just the way I am," he explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe someday I will find someone who loves me the way you love Rose." Mary felt like crap for hurting him the way she had.

"Never lose hope, Mary," he told her.

"Are you gonna press charges for the drugs?" she asked.

"Only if you don’t promise to never do it again." He really should, but he didn’t want her to go crazy on him, so he told her in a matter of words. "No."

"I promise that I will never do it again," she said, realizing what was going on.

"Then we have a clean slate. If ever you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask," he said, noticing that something weird was going on. The look on her face was priceless.

"All right. Thanks for coming. I know it was hard for you because of what I did," she said, looking into his eyes, knowing that this would be the last time she would ever see him.

"I would have come anyway, knowing that my child was at stake." He let it slip.

"Is that all you care about? The baby?" She was angry.

"Well, yes," he confessed.

"Wrong answer," she said, looking at him in a strange way.

"Mary?" He called her as she started to back away.

She turned and threw herself out a window. Jack ran after her, but it was too late. She fell down ten stories. He knew she was dead, and so was their baby.

Jack stood there in utter shock, unable to believe that she had done that after all they had talked about. He couldn’t move.

Chapter Nine