Chapter Nine


After the death of Mary, he took care of Rose, never wanting that to happen to them.

He went to the funeral, saying good-bye. Even though he had not really known her, he wanted to be there. Cal was there, too. He didn’t say a word.

Everything was fine after that. They began to get on with their lives. It seemed that tragedy struck them all the time, whether they were at school or away from it. He wondered if they were meant to be. Had he ruined his chances of helping other people who might have needed him? He often wondered.

Rose could see that something was definitely wrong with him. He never looked at her like he used to. She wondered if he was getting bored with her, or if he loved someone else. He didn’t tell her anything nowadays.

She lay in bed by him, feeling that she was sleeping with someone who didn’t want her there.

She got up, put her robe on, got an extra blanket, and slept on the couch.

Jack felt Rose leave. When she didn’t come back, he was worried. He found her on the couch. He wondered why she had left him. Were they pulling apart?

The next few days were even worse. Rose slept on the couch now. She didn’t sleep with him, and he never asked why. He figured he had done something wrong, but never questioned it.

They went to school together, but he never kissed her. She would walk to her locker and pass him by, not acknowledging that he was there. She went to her doctor’s appointments without him, even when he wanted to go. He never figured out what the hell was going on. He hadn’t a clue.

One day she got sick. He tried to help her, but she pulled away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked in anger and frustration.

"Me? It’s you. You’re the one with the problem," she said, rocking herself.

"I never did anything to you." He wanted so much to hold her.

"That’s just it. You don’t do anything," Rose yelled at him.

"What?" He didn’t understand at what she was getting at.

"I lay by your side and you never touch me or hold me, ever since Mary died. Let me ask you a question. When she died, did our relationship die, too?" Rose asked, unable to look him in the eye.

"No, Rose. I love you very much," he said, standing away from her.

"Then why are we pulling apart? Do you hate me or something?" Rose just had to ask.

"No," Jack said, and brought her to sit with him.

"Then why don’t you be your normal self?" Rose wondered what was going on with them.

"Because I have been questioning myself lately, wondering if I was meant to help people instead of being with them," he told her, holding her against him.

"You mean you think her death was your fault?" She felt good being in his arms again.

"I know it was," he said, looking down.

"Oh, no, it wasn’t. She chose to jump. You didn’t push her," Rose said, bringing his face to look at her.

"I know, but why do I feel so guilty? I might as well have pushed her," he said, feeling disgusted with himself.

"Don’t do that. Don’t even think it. Don’t ever blame yourself for her death," she scolded him.

"But I do, Rose. That is why I haven’t been myself lately. I don’t touch you because I see her." He pulled apart from her.

"What?" Rose couldn’t believe her ears.

"I can see her in you, and I honestly don’t know why this is happening." He started to pace the room.

"Do you want me to leave?" Rose asked.

"No. I don’t want you to leave. It’s just something I have to go through," he said.

"I wanna help you, Jack. I really do," she told him, bringing him next to her.

"I am afraid there is nothing you can do, Rose." He hugged her, feeling good just being there.

"If I have to leave and be away from you, I will, Jack. I will do anything--even break up our marriage because of it." She kissed him and held him.

"I don’t even want to think of that. Look, I promise I will be better." He put his lips to hers.

"Okay. Tonight I will sleep with you. I just thought you were mad at me or something." Rose hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Nah, it’s all me," he said, feeling a little better.

That night, when she slept with him, he cuddled next to her and she started to feel the old Jack coming back. She laid there, and that was the first time in weeks that she had a good night’s sleep.

Chapter Ten