Chapter Ten

February 14, 2005

"They'll be fine, now go. Have fun. We'll see you tomorrow." Karla Dawson said, taking the children's bags from Jack.

Rose and Jack were back in Chippewa Falls for the first time in three years, visiting their relatives. Since it was Valentine's Day and Jack's birthday was only five days away, his aunt had insisted on taking the kids for the night. Especially after they told her they were still trying for another baby. Jack's family had been devastated when they had been informed of his death. And to say they had been shocked when he had called his grandmother on Christmas Day would be an understatement.

"Colin needs his medicine before he goes to sleep. Two tablets dissolved in water..." Rose managed to get out before Karla pushed them out the door.

"All right, two tablets. Got it. Don't worry, I've got it all under control. Go!" She demanded.

Jack grinned sheepishly and pulled Rose down the walk. "Thanks Aunt Karla. See ya tomorrow."


After dinner, movie and going to a dance club in Eau Claire, they headed back to the old Dawson home, one they still owned. "Come on, Rose. Tonight is our night..." Jack urged, finally just picking her up and carrying her inside. "You're too slow in the snow." He teased as he set her on the couch. He moved to get up, but she refused, pulling him down on top of her.

"Put your hands on me, Jack..."


Rose lay contentedly on Jack's bare chest, tracing the outlines of his muscles. Their lovemaking as usual, was fierce but gentle. Intense, but caring. They always managed to take each other to new heights each time they came together. "Hey," Jack whispered, breaking the silence.

Rose glanced up at him. "Hmm?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Jack pulled her up closer so he could kiss her. "Happy Valentine's Day, Rosie."

Rose kissed him again. "Happy Valentine's Day."

Chapter Eleven