Chapter Thirteen

August 12, 2005

"So, what are you and Jack doing for your anniversary?" Fabrizio asked, as he helped Rose move the last box into the kids' new playroom.

Rose wiped a curl out of her face and ran her hand over her stomach. She was six months along now, and happier then ever. For the first time since their first anniversary, she and Jack would be together. "My brother's going to take the kids. We're just going to spend the day at home, I guess. He hasn't really said anything. But I'm sure he has something planned."

Fabrizio shook his head. "He's been going crazy. I never imagined any guy, let alone him, go so crazy over his wedding anniversary. He sure loves you."

Rose smiled. "He's always been like that. Anniversaries, birthdays...he always plans something special. And every year it's more extravagant than the last."

"He's pretty excited about having another baby, huh?"

"Yeah. He wants to be involved in every aspect of their lives. It hurt him so much to miss the early stuff of Josh and the twins' lives."

"So this was his idea?"


"What are you two yapping about down here?" Jack asked, coming down the stairs.

Rose smiled and kissed him lightly. "Oh, nothing. Just discussing our plans to run away together."

Jack shook his head. "I should've known. And so close to our anniversary. How will I ever explain this to people?"

Fabrizio rolled his eyes. "In that case, she's all yours. No offense."

Rose smiled as Jack's arms came around her. "None taken. You guys get some work done. I'll go get dinner started. You staying tonight, Fabri?"

"Yeah. Count me in."

"Okay. I'll call you when its done." And with that, she disappeared up the stairs.


After dinner, Jack walked Fabrizio outside while Rose finished giving the kids their baths. "Is everything set for this weekend?"

Fabrizio nodded. "Yeah. You're sure she'll agree with this?"

"I know Rose. She's going to love this. Did Ruth get the cake and everything settled?"

"Yeah. She needs you to get the figurine or whatever. The after party is set. Have you talked to the church guy?"

"Yep. He'll be here on Thursday. Rose will know by then, so it'll all work."

"All right. Well, I'm going to get going. Ma's expecting me."

"I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"Later, Jack."

"Bye, Fabri."

August 14, 2005

"Come on, Rosie. It's time to get up..." Jack whispered, poking her side. Rose grumbled and pulled the blanket over her head. "Rosie," he sang, pulling the blanket off her head.

Rose opened one eye and glared at him. "What could you possibly want at this ungodly hour?"

Jack chuckled. "Ungodly hour? It's almost one in the afternoon."

"Why didn't you say so!" Rose exclaimed, sitting up.

Jack rolled his eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Rose deepened it, moaning when he pushed her back down on the bed. It was some time before Jack pulled back, laughing. "I think baby Dawson is wishing us a happy anniversary."

Rose sighed. "Baby Dawson kept Mommy Dawson up half the night with its incessant kicking."

Jack moved behind her and started massaging her shoulders. "You complain and complain, but we all know you love being pregnant."

Rose smiled. "I do. I just don't enjoy being kept up all night. You know me. I need my sleep."

"Or you turn into the Wicked Witch of the West."

Rose slugged Jack in the shoulder. "Watch it, mister. You're riding on a fine line."

Jack grinned and laid his head on her shoulder. "Why don't you go shower? I'll make you some breakfast."

"You're too good to me," Rose said, kissing him and then heading into the bathroom.


A few hours later, the two were relaxing in the living room, watching some random romantic comedy on TV. Rose sighed happily and looked up at her husband. He smiled down at her and glanced at the clock. "Hey, I want to give you your gift now."

"Jack, you give me too much."

"Nonsense. Besides, it's our anniversary. Stay here. I'll be right back."

"All right."

Jack got up, went down to his studio, and came back with a few wrapped boxes. He sat down on the floor and helped Rose down next to him. "Open this one first."

Rose took the box from him and shook it curiously. "What is it?"

Jack shook his head. "Just open it."

Rose grinned and ripped the paper off it. Inside the box was a gorgeous white cashmere sweater she had been wanting for months. She looked up at him excitedly. "I can't believe you remembered!"

Jack grinned. "I remember everything you say. And I saw the look on your face when you saw it."

Rose threw her arms around him. "Thank you."

"There's more. Here."

Rose opened the next box to reveal a simple gold chain with a diamond shaped JR intertwined hanging from it. "Oh, Jack..." Rose gasped, taking it out of the box. "This must've cost a fortune."

"You deserve millions, Rosie. I'd pay anything to make you happy."

"You don't have to. You're the only thing that can do that."

Jack gave her a goofy grin. "I got one more thing." Standing, he helped her up. "Sit on the couch."

Rose eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

Flashing her a sheepish smile, he took her hand and reached into his back pocket. Then he knelt down in front of Rose, who had a mystified look on her face and trying not to laugh at the same time.

"Rose...four years ago I asked you to be my wife, and you made me the happiest guy in the world by agreeing to do so. Today, it's been exactly four years since you became an official part of me. We both know that we've gone through hell since then, so I'm asking you to do it again. Rose, will you marry me?"

Rose's mouth dropped open. "Are you serious?"

Jack nodded and opened the box he was holding. A gold ring with a small diamond resided there. "We deserve it, Rosie. Today will always be our anniversary, but I want us to renew our vows. The past three years, we've had to push those vows to the extreme. We owe it to ourselves to do this."

Rose broke into a huge smile and embraced him. "Of course I will."

Jack grinned. "Whew. This weekend, us, our kids, and two hundred of our closest friends will meet us at Saint Joe's. Then we'll make our way over to Sam and Helga's for our reception. Then next weekend, my grandmother will take the kids while we go spend four days--alone--in Hawaii."

Rose's eyes grew wide. "Wow...you planned all that?"

"Yeah. I had a little help from everyone, though. Your mom had your dress copied so you'll have something to wear. We're doing the whole deal. All our friends and family are coming in Wednesday and Thursday."

Rose shook her had. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"Why don't you come here and let me show you just how amazing I really am?" Jack teased.

Rose rolled her eyes and allowed herself to drown in his love.

Chapter Fourteen