Chapter Fifteen

November 17, 2005

Rose exited Josh's room once he was tucked in for his nap. He called for her to come back. "Mommy?"

Rose went to him, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Yes, sweetie?"

Josh looked up at her with his big blue eyes and touched her stomach gently. She was now nine months pregnant, and expecting any day. "Mommy, when the baby comes, will you still love me?"

Rose's heart lurched and she bent down to kiss him. "Oh, Josh, I will always love you. You were my first baby and even if I have a hundred more, you'll always be the first. Do you know how special that makes you?"

"How special?"

Rose smiled. "That makes you the most special little boy in the world. Why would you think I wouldn't love you anymore?"

Josh crinkled his nose. "Cause when you had Colin and Nell, you were always with them. You didn't play with me anymore."

Rose pulled him into a hug. "I know, I know. Babies need a lot of attention. But your daddy will be here this time, and it'll be so much better, I promise." She paused to kiss his head. "Now, you get some sleep. I'll see you later."

"Okay. Love you, Mommy."

"I love you, too. Sleep tight."


After taking a short nap herself, Rose went into the kitchen to start dinner. Jack was out at an art convention in LA, but should be back soon. Taking a pan out of the cupboard, she gasped as pain coursed throughout her body. "No. God, no, not now." She whispered, grasping the sink to hold herself up. After a few moments, the pain passed and she continued with dinner. Just as she put the roast in the oven, warm liquid trickled down her leg. "Shit!" she cursed. Her water had broken. Clenching her teeth, she called Jack.



"Jack. Jack, you have to come home."

"Rose? What's wrong?"

Rose winced as another shot of pain hit her. "M-my water broke. You have to get home. It's...it's coming fast, I can feel it."

"Shit! Okay, I'm leaving now. Call your mom...I'll be there as soon as I can."


"I love you. Don't forget that."

"Love you, too."


After they hung up, Rose promptly called Ruth, who was on her way before Rose could ask her to come.


"Come on, dammit!" Jack yelled as the traffic on the highway came to a halt once again. Today, of all days, there had to be problems. Becoming agitated, once he reached the off ramp, he took it, resigned to taking the service drive instead.


When he arrived home, twenty minutes later, Jack found Rose on the couch with Ruth acting as her breathing coach. Not even bothering to speak a word, he scooped her up and took her out to the car. Before he got in, he turned to Ruth. "I'll call as soon as there's any news."

Ruth nodded and watched them speed away.

Two Hours Later

"All right, Rose, one more big push. You can do it!" the doctor urged.

Jack gripped Rose's hand and she pushed as hard as she could, screaming in agonizing pain. But among the screams, a baby's cry rang out. Rose fell back on the bed in exhaustion. The doctor looked up at them and smiled. "It's a girl!"


Once the baby was cleaned up, a nurse brought her over to Rose. Rose shook her head vehemently. "No. I want Jack to hold her first."

Having dealt with Rose in three births already, the nurse knew better then to argue. So, she turned to Jack and held out the little bundle. Jack glanced down at Rose, who smiled encouragingly. Gingerly, he took her from the nurse and sat down in his chair. The nurse smiled and excused herself. Overcome with emotion, Jack pulled the blanket away from his daughter's face. There lay the most beautiful creation in the world. "She's perfect..." Jack whispered in awe, counting her fingers and toes.

Rose moved closer to the edge of the bed to get a better look. Glancing up at her husband, she nodded. "She is. Because you're her father."

Jack rolled his eyes, the smile never leaving his face. "She looks like you. She's going to have your hair." He predicted, gently touching the few wispy red curls on top of the baby's head.

Rose smiled weakly. "Well, it's about time. I thought all of them were going to be your twins."

Jack chuckled and kissed the baby's forehead. She opened her eyes long enough to see her parents smiling down at her and then settled back into her father's arms.

Rose reached out to touch her. "She's got your eyes, though."

"I thought all babies had blue eyes?"

"I don't know about that. All I know is all the kids eyes looked the same when they were born. It's a pretty safe bet to say she'll have your eyes."

Jack smiled at her before handing her to Rose. "We still have to decide on a name."

"You decide."

"Are you sure?"


"I think Kayla fits her, then."

Rose grinned and looked down at the bundle in her arms. "You like that? Kayla Rose Dawson?"

The baby cooed and Jack nodded. "I think she likes it."


After another half hour with Kayla, Rose told Jack to call home and have Ruth bring the kids. Jack hesitated, worried it might wear Rose out too much, but she was adamant. So Jack went to call Ruth. A half hour later, they arrived.


Ruth poked her head in Rose's room. "Can we come in?"

Rose glanced up and broke into a huge smile. "Of course! Come on in."

Ruth opened the door. Then, three energetic children burst into the room. "Mommy! Daddy!" they exclaimed in unison.

Jack smiled. "Shh. Don't wake the baby."

Janelle looked up at her father. "Don't be silly, Daddy. The baby's not sleeping. It's in Mommy's tummy."

Josh pulled her ponytail. "You dummy. The baby was born. Grandma told us in the car, 'member?"

Janelle glared at him, waving a clenched fist in his face. "Shut up, Josh, or I'll punch you!"

Jack picked Janelle up into his lap and unclenched her fist. "Stop it, you two. Do you want to meet your baby sister or not?"

Janelle mumbled sorry and scrambled onto the bed where her brothers were sitting, watching the tiny person in their mother's arms.

"Guys, this is your new sister, Kayla. Kayla, that's your big brothers, Josh and Colin. And that's your big sister, Janelle," Rose said, smiling.

The baby stared at her siblings with big eyes before yawning and falling back asleep. Colin gave his parents an accusing look. "She don't do nothing."

Jack chuckled and ruffled his hair. "She was just born, Colin. She'll start doing more as she gets older."

"You sure?"

"Yep. Positive."


Ruth, who had stood by, watching this whole exchange, cleared her throat. "Do you mind if I take a picture of all of you?"

Rose rolled her eyes. "Only you'd want to take a picture of me two and a half hours after I gave birth."

Ruth smiled. "You look beautiful anyway."

Sighing, Rose gave in. Jack slid onto the bed next to her, Josh in his lap. Janelle sat on the other side of Rose and Colin squeezed in behind her. Baby Kayla slept peacefully in Rose's arms, surrounded by her adoring family, as Ruth picked up her camera. "Okay, everyone. Smile!"

Chapter Sixteen