Chapter Sixteen

Over the next thirteen years, the Dawsons would prosper. Adding two more children to their brood, things were never boring. Alicia Marie was born on June 2, 2007, and at Rose's insistence, Jack Jr. was brought into the world on December 22, 2009. These years would prove profitable for the family, as Jack's career as a respected artist began to take off. In 2008, after garnering a lucrative seven hundred thousand dollars for a mere two paintings, Jack was finally able to move his growing family into a larger home, located in Pacific Palisades. The extra finances also helped Rose achieve one of her life long goals--to graduate from college. After doing so, she opened her own interior decorating business, which flourished. As most couples do, Rose and Jack had their fair share of problems, but having faced such adversity so early in their marriage, they overcame every obstacle they encountered. It wasn't until November of 2018 that the emotional tests would begin.


Rose sat next to her youngest child, Jack Jr., or Jay, as most everyone called him, trying to explain why one times any number equaled that number. Somewhere downstairs a phone rang, but was answered quickly. Shrugging it off, Rose turned her attention back to Jay, when Jack's panic filled voice shouted up to her. "Rose, get down here!"

Rose frowned and handed Jay his pencil. "You keep working, I'll be back."

Jack's voice floated back up. "Rose! Now!"

"I'm coming!" Rose called, jogging down the steps, two at a time. She found Jack, pale faced and pacing back and forth in the kitchen. "What is it?"

Jack's head snapped up at the sound of her voice. His troubled blue eyes collided with hers. Reaching out, he took her hand and pulled her into the front hall, where he handed her a coat. "I'll tell you on the way."

"On the way where? What about the kids?"

Jack sighed. "Janelle! Front and center!" he bellowed.

A few seconds later, fifteen-year-old Janelle emerged from her room. "Yeah, Dad?"

"Your mother and I have an emergency, so you'll have to watch your brother and sister. Jay's upstairs, Alicia's out back with Robyn...Kayla will be home around six. If we're not back by then, there's money in my desk, order a pizza."

Janelle nodded. "Okay. Is everything all right?"

Jack sighed deeply. "Pray it is. Come on, Rose," he demanded, pulling her out the door. Once they were in the car and down the street, Rose turned to Jack. "Are you doing to tell me what this is about?" she asked worriedly.

Jack glanced at his wife, his expression pensive. Taking a deep breath, he met her eyes as they came to a red light. "It's about Josh..."

"Is he okay? What happened?" Rose interrupted, her voice trembling.

Jack gave a slight shake of the head. "There was an accident on the highway. Josh was in it."

Rose's face blanched white. "He--he's not...is he?"

"No, but he's pretty bad. The hospital--that's who called--they wouldn't tell me much, except they were doing an emergency surgery and that we should get down there as soon as possible," Jack said, his face and voice working with emotion.

Rose let out a cry. "My little boy..." she choked out.

Jack reached over and squeezed her hand. There was nothing he wanted more then to assure her everything would be all right, but he wasn't so sure that was the case this time.


Ten minutes later, two very concerned and frightened parents rushed into the ER. The receptionist at the desk looked up, startled. "Can I help you?"

"We're looking for Joshua Dawson," Jack said in a rush.

The lady nodded. "He's still in surgery. We'll inform you when he's done. In the meantime, I'll need you to fill these forms out," she said, handing Jack a clipboard.

Rose was enraged. How could this woman expect her to sit and fill out papers when her son was in there--likely fighting for his life? This was absurd. Pushing her way in front of Jack, she glared at the receptionist. "Listen, lady. I want to see my son and I want to see him NOW! Do you understand me? I don't give a shit about hospital procedure, my baby is in there and I demand to be allowed back there with him!"

The woman was taken aback. "I respect your wishes, ma'am, but I don't have the authority to do that--"

"THEN GET IT!" Rose screamed, causing the few people around to stare.

The receptionist was visibly shaking, so Jack put his arm around Rose and pulled her away from the desk. She was panting hard, tears spilling from her eyes. He led her to the sitting area. "Calm down, Rose. They're going to keep us updated. You have to let them do their job."

Rose sniffled and accepted the tissue Jack held out to her. "I know, but Josh...he's all alone. He's got to overcome this, Jack. He has to."

Jack took Rose into his arms and kissed her head. "He will, I know it. He's got us as parents and we're both survivors. He's got it in him."

"I hope you're right, Jack."


A few hours later, Rose, Jack, and Ruth, whom Jack called once Rose had calmed down somewhat, sat awaiting any news. Finally, a doctor appeared. "Mr. Dawson?"

All three stood immediately and Jack nodded. "Yes?"

The doctor smiled and extended his hand. "I'm Dr. Lovett."

"Jack Dawson. My wife, Rose, and mother-in-law, Ruth," Jack introduced, shaking the man's hand.

Rose, however, wasn't interested in small talk. "How is he? Is he going to be okay?"

The doctor's smile faded and he motioned for them to sit down. "I won't sugar-coat his condition--it's not good. We've stopped the internal bleeding and stabilized him, but there's still other complications. I assume that Officer Vasquez has spoken with you?" At Jack's nod, the doctor continued. "He was shot twice. He also has a severe concussion, four broken ribs, and a broken leg. While the latter will heal, it's the bullet wounds that concern me. The one is a mere inch from his heart and removing it is very risky, but not removing it is even riskier. The second is lodged in his stomach and we haven't been able to remove that one either. And in addition to that, the muscles in his right leg--the non-broken one--aren't responding. I'm not saying that a full recovery isn't possible, but if he does, it most likely means months, possibly years of physical therapy."

Rose stood in her mother's arms, crying softly after learning her son's condition. Jack was in a state of shock. "How much of a chance he'll recover?"

The doctor's forehead wrinkled up in thought. "I'd say a forty-five, maybe fifty percent chance. But I would advise not to count on it. Hope for the best, but don't forget to prepare for the worst is the only advice I can give you."

Jack nodded, absorbing the doctor's words. "Thank you."

"Can we see him?" Rose suddenly spoke up.

The doctor hesitated, but seeing the distress on these people's faces, he relented. "All right. Follow me."

Jack helped Rose up and went to help Ruth, but she shook her head. Though worried sick about her first grandchild, she knew they needed to be alone with their son. "You go ahead. I'll go on over to your place and let the kids know what's going on."

Jack nodded, understanding why she was leaving. "We'll call if anything happens."

Ruth hugged them both. "Okay. I'll keep him in my prayers."


After she left, Jack and Rose followed Dr. Lovett up to Josh's room. Upon entering, Rose broke down, rushing to his side. It broke Jack's heart, not only having his son in a life-battling condition, but to also see his wife in such anguish. Nodding to Jack, the doctor left the room quietly, leaving them alone. Jack took a seat next to Rose, who was calmly talking to their sleeping son. When Jack's arm came around her, she began to weep, gently touching the contusions and bruises all over his face and arms. "He looks so broken..." she mumbled.

Jack nodded, unable to believe this was real. That his sixteen-year-old son was lying here, fighting for his life, and he couldn't do anything about it. That there was no way he could help him. Rose extended her hand to smooth away Josh's hair from his face. As she came in contact with his skin, his sea-blue eyes fluttered open. "Mom?" he whispered, barely audible.

Rose took his hand into hers. "I'm here, Josh. Dad, too. How are you feeling?"

Josh winced as he shifted. "Not too good. What happened?"

Jack sat down next to him. "Car accident. You've been shot, too. Don't you remember?"

"I remember hearing a gun go off, but things go blank from there."

Rose caressed his hand. "I don't think you should worry yourself with that right now, sweetie. Just concentrate on getting better."

Josh yawned. "All right. I just want to sleep right now, though."

"Go ahead. We'll be here when you wake up," Jack said earnestly.

Josh managed a small smile before he lay back down to sleep. Rose met Jack's eyes over his sleeping form. This was going to be a difficult time for all of them to overcome.

Chapter Seventeen