Chapter Eighteen

The next afternoon, Jack and Rose arrived at the hospital, both terrified and relieved. Terrified because they didn't know what awaited them, and relieved because no matter what state he was in, their son was coming home. Dr. Lovett greeted them, along with a middle-aged woman.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, this is Anita Samson, the home nurse I was telling you about."

Jack smiled tensely at her and nodded. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to do this on such a short notice."

Anita smiled warmly. "It's my pleasure. We've got him all set to go home. I believe there's only the release papers to be signed," she said, glancing up at the doctor to confirm this point.

Dr. Lovett nodded. "Yes, that's all. Mr. Dawson, if you'd follow me..."

Jack glanced at Rose, who'd remained silent during this whole exchange. "You gonna be okay?" he asked quietly.

Rose forced a small smile. "Yes. Go. I just want to get him home."

Jack squeezed her hand reassuringly, and turned to follow the doctor. After they had disappeared into the doctor's office, Anita turned to Rose. "Your son has been asking for you. Maybe you could help me help him get into his wheelchair?"

Rose cringed upon hearing those words. Wheelchair. Oh, how Josh hated not being able to fend for himself. "He's awake?"

"For now. He's been waiting for you to come."

Rose smiled weakly, and opened the door to her son's room. "Josh, sweetie?"

The figure on the bed shifted slightly, and blue eyes met Rose's emerald ones. "Hey, Mom."

Rose's heart cracked at the frail sounds that came out of his mouth. For the umpteenth time, she wondered how this fragile young man could possibly be her once vibrant, outgoing, and carefree sixteen-year-old son. How could God be so cruel as to bestow this pain on him? He had never been anything but a good kid...certainly not deserving of this torture. Josh noticed the tears in Rose's eyes, and reached for her hand. "Don't cry, Mom. It'll be all right. I'm coming home now."

Rose managed to smile, wishing she had the same optimistic outlook he had. Even knowing that most likely his time on Earth was coming to an end, Josh still could find the silver lining in every cloud. "I know, sweetie, I know. And I'm glad. Everyone misses you so much. Jay can hardly wait for you to get home so he can show you his new model airplane."

Josh smiled at the mention of his little brother. Even with almost eight years between them, the two had always been close. Building models was an activity they'd done together for years. "How is he?"

"He's good. Misses you like crazy, but he's been doing okay."

Josh's face darkened. "Does he know...?"

Rose nodded. "Yes. Your father and I agreed it would be best not to sugar-coat the truth for anyone. We didn't want to raise any false expectations."

"I understand. Where is Dad, by the way?"

"With the doctor, signing the release papers. He'll be in shortly and then we'll take you home," Rose said, as the door opened and Anita, followed by Jack and Dr. Lovett, entered.

"Hey kiddo," Jack greeted Josh. "How you feeling?"

"Tired." Josh yawned, as if to prove his point. Josh's eyes brightened at the thought of sleeping in his own bed. "Can I go now, Doc?"

Dr. Lovett nodded and motioned for Jack to come help put him in his wheelchair. The scene before her proved to be too much for Rose. To see her son unable to do anything for himself broke her heart.

March 8, 2019

Dear Journal,

Today I did something I never thought I would. Today I buried my son. He seemed to be getting better since we brought him home in late January, being with his family, but it wasn't enough. He held out just long enough to see his seventeenth birthday on the third, however when he closed his eyes on the fourth, they weren't meant to reopen. The pain of losing a child is one I cannot even begin to explain. It's as if someone has reached into my chest and literally ripped my soul in two. I'm grateful Josh is no longer suffering, but I don't know how to go on from here. How is one to go on living after losing someone they brought into the world? I have to remain strong and sane, though. I have five other children to raise. Jack, as usual, is the rock we all lean on, but I know this is killing him as well. I wake up in the middle of the night to hear him cry softly into his pillow. As I don't know how to comfort myself, I'm not sure how to comfort him, so I just hold him. He said just that helps and having had him just hold me, I know he's not lying. The kids are in shock, which is to be expected. They all walk around, not really comprehending that their big brother is gone forever. Jay's taking it the hardest. They were so close. The only comfort he takes in all of this is that he has all the models they've built together over the years to remember him by. I fear for the day the twins start driving. I may never sleep again once they do. Janelle is weary of it now and since the accident, is considering not taking driver's training quite yet. Colin, however, is adamant on taking it this summer. He definitely has Josh's stubborn spirit. I just pray that history won't repeat itself.

Rose stared down at what she had written, unable to believe Josh was gone. The words began blurring together, as for the hundredth time that day, she began to cry, her tears smearing the ink. Jack came into the room to find his wife sobbing quietly at the desk. No words needed, he embraced her from behind and together they wept for the loss of their son.

Chapter Nineteen