Chapter Twenty

July 7, 2022

Jack adjusted his tie and smiled as Rose came up behind him. "You look almost as good as you did at both our weddings," Rose commented, smoothing back a lock of his hair. Even at the age of forty years, Jack still posed as handsomely as he did twenty years ago.

"And you, my lovely wife, have never looked more beautiful," Jack murmured, bending down to kiss her.

"Mmm, yes, I know," Rose said, her eyes glowing. For the first time since Josh's death three years earlier, both Jack and Rose were absolutely radiant. For today their eldest daughter was getting married.

"How's Janelle doing? She's not thinking about running away, is she?"

Rose grinned. "No, she's unusually calm. I do think she's waiting for you, though."

Jack turned to let Rose fix his tie. "Then I better get going. Am I presentable?"

Rose leaned up to kiss him sweetly. "More than presentable. Before you go do your father of the bride things, could you bring Taylor in here?"

Jack nodded and set off to find the rambunctious toddler before she could get into anything. He found her doing what she did best--annoying her older sister. Smiling, he scooped Taylor up. "Hey you, your mom wants you."

Alicia shot Jack a grateful look. "Thanks, Dad."

Jack nodded. "You look beautiful."

Alicia blushed slightly. "Thank you."

Taylor began fussing in his arms, so Jack told his daughter he'd see her shortly and took his leave, all the while Taylor wailing her displeasure of being interrupted. She quieted quickly though, when presented to her mother, who held her favorite doll.

"How's my big girl? Giving your daddy a hard time?"

Jack set her down and gave his wife a kiss. "I'm off. I'll see you downstairs."

"Wait!" Rose exclaimed just before he left the room.

Jack turned. "Hmm?"

Rose handed him a velvet jewelry box. "Give this to Janelle for me."

"What is it?"

"Family heirloom. Now go so I can get Taylor dressed," Rose said, pushing him out the door.

Amused, Jack shook his head. "Okay, I'm gone."


Nineteen-year-old Janelle stared at her reflection intently, her nerves gone haywire. Somehow she'd managed to stay calm up until now... now that there was only twenty minutes separating her from the rest of her life. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, causing her to jump.

"Janelle? It's Dad."

Janelle's eyes went wide and she quickly opened the door to reveal her father with a happy, goofy expression on his face. "Hi, Daddy."

Jack sucked in his breath, pride crossing his features. "Look at you! You look stunning."

It was true. With her long honey blonde curls piled on top of her head, tendrils cascading down, her big blue eyes sparkling and the beautiful white dress, Jack could've sworn she'd just stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine. Of course, he was a little biased. She was his daughter, after all. But nonetheless, she looked beautiful.

Janelle smiled. "Thanks. You look great yourself."

Jack shrugged modestly and sat down on the bench in the room. "How you holding up? Nervous?"

Janelle dropped down next to him, "I've never been so nervous. But I've never been so excited and sublimely happy either."

Jack nodded knowingly. "That's how I was when I married your mom. I was so scared I was going to mess up, that she'd end up leaving me. Considering everything we went through those first few years, I'm surprised she didn't."

A pair of blue eyes, so much like those of her father, looked up at Jack in wonder, as if the prospect that her parents' marriage could ever have been to the point they would separate was ludicrous. She'd never seen any two people in as much love as they, especially after twenty-one years of marriage. Of course she knew of the occurrences early in their marriage, but she had been so young then, and couldn't recall ever having seen a tense moment between them since. "Mom would never leave you. I just hope Andrew and I love each other as much as you and Mom do in twenty years."

Jack smiled and took her hand into his. "As long as you remain true to what you stand for today, and respect each other, you will be. I know Andrew will treat you right, and if I've ever seen a rival for your mother and mines relationship, it's the two of you. You'll be fine."

Wiping away a tear, Janelle smiled. "Thank you. That means so much to me."

Jack leaned over to hug his offspring, whispering in her ear. "I love you, Nell."


For the next few minutes, father and daughter quietly discussed the upcoming event, until Jack remembered the box Rose had given him. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled it out. "Your mother wanted me to give this to you."

Janelle stared at the box in disbelief. "She remembered..." she whispered, taking the box from her father and opening it. Inside was a pair of diamond earrings and a matching diamond pendant necklace that Jack recalled Rose wearing on their wedding day. Catching the nostalgic, yet confused look upon Jack's face, Janelle elaborated. "A long time ago, Mom and I were looking at your wedding pictures and I told her when I grew up and got married I wanted to wear these so I could look as beautiful as she did. I was probably five years old...I can't believe she remembered."

Jack took the necklace and fastened it around Janelle's neck. "You'd be surprised what your parents know and remember," he said, chuckling when Janelle looked up at him with a horrified expression on her face. However, before another word could be said, Ruth poked her head in the room.

"It's time."

Jack stood and offered his arm to the bride. "Come on. Let's get you married."


Rose stood beside her husband, tears streaming down her face as they watched their child repeat the words that would unite her with Andrew forever. If there was one trait that Rose was proud that she and Jack had passed on to their children, it was their freedom to love. In her heart, she knew none of her children would ever see a divorce or an unfaithful partner. For when a Dawson loved, it was with their entire heart and soul, and they would not settle for someone who loved them less.

Chapter Twenty-One