
September 1, 2032

Today all of us finally got the nerve to go to the old house and start sorting through Mom and Dad's things. I know most of us are still in shock after Dad's death...but it was a fitting death. He died in his bed, on what would've been my parents thirty-first wedding anniversary. While the doctors claim it was natural causes that took him, we all know that he died of a broken heart, not wanting to go through another anniversary without Mom. That's just how their love was, unable to go on without the other. We all take comfort in knowing that they're together again and that they watch over us, probably laughing that we worry so much.

Today there were tears and there was laughter. Surprisingly enough, there was more laughter than tears, especially when Taylor came across some rather erotic drawings Dad did of Mom. It was hard, going through all those familiar things...things that are a part of who they were, of who we are. A part of our pasts, our childhoods.

After Mom passed away some six years ago, none of us had the heart to get rid of any of her stuff. I highly doubt Dad would've let us anyway. But now we all have the task to clear the house out, take what we want, and discard the rest so the house can be sold. I don't know how we're going to throw anything away. All of the things are reminders of our past and of our late parents. Even the box of long forgotten chocolates we found hidden under Mom's side of the bed.

To tell the truth, I don't know where our family is going now, and especially after the house is gone. I'm sure we'll remain close, as we always have, but there will always be that void. Our parents. Now we have this impossible task of cleaning out everything our family stands for, of selling off the one place we could always run to when the world got too cruel, that would shield us from the outside world. And even though we're all adults now--except Taylor, who's only eleven-and-a-half...I took her in after Dad died--it's so incredibly hard to say good-bye to our safe haven. But we have the spirits of Jack and Rose Dawson running within us all, and like they did--we will prosper. It's the Dawson motto, after all--to live each day to the fullest and make each day count. Mom and Dad did it, and so will we. In their honor.

Kayla Mankowski-Dawson

The End.
