Chapter Four

Rose awoke the next morning with a broken heart. She was genuinely surprised to see all three of her kids snuggled up next to her. Her, rather, their kids were her only reason for living. Had it not been for them, she'd gladly let herself die. She just wanted to be with Jack. Sighing, she carefully climbed over the sleeping toddlers and went to shower.

After she was clean, she went to start breakfast, knowing the kids wouldn't be sleeping for very much longer. And she was right. Five minutes later, a sleepy Josh wandered into the kitchen, followed shortly by the twins. "Good morning, Mommy," Josh greeted politely, making Rose's heart lurch. What she would give to hear Josh come in during the morning and greet a good morning to his father.

"Pananacake?" Colin asked.

Rose smiled as she lifted the twins into their high chairs. "Yes, pancakes. You want pancakes or eggs, Josh?"


"You want sausage?"

Josh nodded as he greedily drank the milk Rose had given him. "Okay, sausage it is. Give your brother and sister their plates, would you, sweetie?"

"Kay, Mommy."


"Rose, you here?" Teddy called, opening the back door of his sister's house. Hearing no tiny pitter-patter of his niece and nephews' feet, he stepped into the house. "Rose?" She had to be there. It wasn't like her to leave the doors unlocked. Suddenly, there was a low cry, something that sounded more like a wounded animal than human, but he instantly knew it was his sister. Rushing into the living room, he saw the TV was on, showing a wedding. At a closer glance, he saw it was the tape of Rose and Jack's wedding. Shaking his head, he switched it off and headed down the hall to Rose's room. "Rose?"

From behind the closed door, she shakily replied, "Go away, Teddy."

Teddy sighed. "Come on, Rosie. Open the door." Silence. Then the door flew open, and he couldn't help but gasp at the sight. He'd never seen his sister so distraught, not even at Jack's memorial service. "What's wrong?"

Rose's shoulders sagged, and she motioned for him to come in. As they sat down on the bed, Rose exhaled. "Someone's fucking with me. Either that, or I'm losing my mind. Don't rule out the possibility of that completely."

"What are you talking about?"

Rose handed him an envelope. "This."

Teddy eyed her and reluctantly opened the letter.

September 16, 2004

My Dearest Rose,

I'm not sure how to go about writing this letter, as it's been more then a year since I've been in contact. I know you've probably been worried sick and a part of you probably hates me for making you worry so, but please believe me when I say there were reasons beyond my control. Those reasons, however, are not something I want to discuss with you on paper, but face to face.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, how are you? I hope you and the kids are good. My heart aches to be with you. Every night, I dream of nothing but you, my beautiful Rose. Please don't think I'm not coming home--I am. There is no way I could stand to be away from you for another anniversary. This past one was absolutely horrible. The only thing that kept me going was knowing you're out there, waiting for me. I think once I come home, the two of us should take a vacation--just us. A second honeymoon, if you will. I can hardly believe we've been married three years. It seems as surreal now as it did then. When I get home...I swear to you, with every breath in my body, I'm never letting you go again. Never.

I bet the kids are huge now. Josh is nearly three and I haven't even see a picture of him since last summer. And the twins! I've missed every step of their lives so far. Something that breaks my heart continually.

God, Rose. I need to hold you. How I long to kiss you, feel you, make love to you. More than that, I need to see your face when I tell you I love you. Because I do. I swear I do.

Although I hate to say it, I must be going. Take care of yourself and give the kids my love. Write back soon.

Love Always,
Your Husband,

Teddy looked up in complete shock and confusion. "What the hell?"

"I don't know! Why the hell would someone do something so mean? Someone out there likes seeing me suffer."

Teddy hugged her. "Some people are just sick, Rosie."

Rose nodded, somewhat numbly. What she didn't voice, something that confused and scared her, was the writing. The handwriting, while a little shaky and rushed, was Jack's. There was no mistaking the achingly familiar JD signed on the envelope. But part of her wondered if that was just her imagination. She so desperately wanted the letter to be from him, she literally imagined the writing to be his. Sadly, she supposed, that was the case.

Rome, Italy

October 23, 2004

"You got mail, buddy," Rasheed announced, waving an envelope around as he came in to visit.

Jack's eyes lit up. "Finally! Give it to me!"

Rasheed chuckled and tossed the letter to his friend. Quickly, he tore into it, expecting a long, relief-filled letter and maybe a few pictures of the kids. Instead there was a single sheet of paper, one that was barely half written on. The hopeful expression that he wore vanished immediately as he read the letter over.

To Whom It May Concern,

I do not know who you are, or why you would do such a cruel thing as to impersonate my husband. My husband, who in actuality, has been dead for over a year. I'm deeply sorry that your life is so pathetic that you have to go to such lengths to drive a poor widow such as myself to the brink of a nervous breakdown. I beg for you to not reply to this note, as I have three young children who need me. I cannot lose it because of an immoral, vicious bastard such as yourself.

Rose Dawson

Stunned, Jack let the paper slip through his fingers and fall to the floor. Dead? Rose thought he was dead? What could possibly have possessed her to think that? She hasn't heard from you in a year. What the hell do you expect her to think? his mind screamed. Unknowingly, a few tears escaped from his eyes. God damn, what she must be going through. Then, as though a light bulb went on in his head, he knew what he had to do. Besides going home, there was only one way to let her know he was really alive.

Chapter Five