Chapter Seven

December 20, 2004

"All right. I'll see you guys later. Be good!" Rose called, as Teddy piled the Dawson children into his car. Rose had asked him to get the kids out of the house for a few hours so she could get their Christmas presents wrapped and hidden. As soon as they were gone, she hurried down to the basement and started bringing up the many bags. She had gone all out this year, spending nearly one thousand dollars on each of the kids. Just knowing Jack was alive brought out her Christmas spirit. Just as she deposited the last bag in the living room, the phone rang. Cursing under her breath, she went into the kitchen to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Rosie."

"Jack! How are you?"

"I'm incredible. I can't stay on the phone too long, though. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Oh." Rose sighed, disappointed that there wouldn't be any two hour conversations between them. "What's up?"

"I was wondering what your plans for tomorrow were."

"Hmm...I'm not doing anything. Just supposed to go over to Tommy's tomorrow night."

Jack sighed, trying to keep his cool. "Oh, I see. Could you do me a favor then?"

"Of course."

"See if he would mind watching the kids instead?"

"Huh? Why would he need to watch the kids? I'm going to be here."

Jack chuckled. "You might want a baby-sitter. I'm gonna need someone to pick me up from the airport."

Rose nearly dropped the phone. "W-what?" she stammered.

"I said I'm gonna need someone to pick me up from the airport. I'm coming home, Rose."

"Oh, God...you're really coming?"

"Yeah, I'm really coming home. You'll be there, won't you?"

"How can you even ask that? There is no way anything could keep me from it."

Jack grinned. "I thought so. You got a pen and paper? Let me give you the information."

Rose grabbed something to write with. "Okay, go ahead."

"Flight two-thirty-nine from Rome. It'll be in around ten at gate ninety-two. You got that?"

"Yes. I can't believe you're going to be here tomorrow. And just in time for Christmas."

"I know. I don't think there could be more perfect timing."

Rose sighed. "There is no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight."

"Me either," Jack agreed. "Just knowing that this time tomorrow I'm going to have you in my arms...I'm never letting go of you again. You can count on that."

Smiling happily, Rose said, "I love you."

"I love you, too. I'm gonna get going. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Bye."



Rose hung up and let out a squeal, which made the dog run over to her. Grinning uncontrollably, she started dancing around the kitchen with the dog. "He's coming home!" Rose sang at the top of her lungs. Sighing contentedly, she went into the living room and flopped down on the floor so she could begin wrapping gifts.


Four hours later, as she put the last gift in the attic, Rose heard the front door open, Teddy and the kids coming in. "We're home!" Teddy called.

Rose came into the living room. "Hey, did you have fun?"

All three kids nodded enthusiastically and insisted on telling her every detail of their day out. After they had recounted their fun, Rose and Teddy put them down for a nap and sat down in the kitchen.

"You got them all done?" Teddy asked, helping himself to some hot cocoa.

Rose nodded. "I just put them away before you came in."

"Good. I don't know how you do it, sis. Every day with them. I've never seen so much energy."

Rose laughed. "It's not always easy." She paused and turned serious. "Promise you won't insist on carting me off to the nearest asylum?"

"I promise. What's up?"

"Jack's coming home tomorrow."

Teddy dropped his spoon and looked at her abruptly. "Rose..."

Rose held her hand up to silence him. "I know what you're thinking, but humor me, okay? Could you come over and watch the kids when I go pick him up?"

Teddy sighed. "All right. What time?"

"Around nine or so? I have to be at the airport by ten."

"Okay, I'll be here. But if you come home without him, you have to promise to go see someone."

Rose smiled. "Promise."


Rose nervously walked into the bustling airport. What was this reunion going to be like? They hadn't seen each other in over two years, and they'd both faced impossible challenges. Would that spark still be there? "Oh, stop it, Rose. You know it will be," she muttered to herself as she stood and waited for her long lost husband outside gate ninety-two.


Jack watched as the world below him changed from ocean to land. California. He was finally coming home. To Rose, his beautiful Rose. They had a lot to work out, that he knew, but he was confident they could. After all, this was he and Rose, soulmates from the beginning. Before he left, he swore to her that this war wouldn't tear them apart, and he wasn't going to let it start now. Not when they were so close.


The announcer had just said that Jack's flight had arrived, and Rose's emotions were on a roller coaster ride. How did she react when she saw him? Would she run into his arms or would he run to hers? Or would they be strangers to each other? But then there was no more time to think. There he was.


Jack stopped short when he caught sight of her, her gorgeous red curls framing her beautiful face. And by the looks of it, she spotted him at that same instant. Suddenly his feet would no longer move. Just like that day so many years ago, he froze, his soul tormented by the sight of her. All of a sudden he felt something slam into his leg and he looked down to see a little girl, looking a bit frightened. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

Jack smiled. "That's okay." Then he glanced back at Rose, who had a worried expression on her face. Unable to take it any longer, he picked up his small bag and began walking towards her.


Rose's heart fluttered as Jack came closer to her. Somehow, under all the fear she was feeling, she knew that their reunion wouldn't be anything less than perfect. Then he was in front of her. No words were spoken. Their hearts spoke for them. Jack scooped her up in his arms and kissed her. Kissed her with every emotion he felt at that moment. Kissed her for every kiss they hadn't shared in two years. And she returned it, met his intensity and power head on. This was how it was supposed to be. The two of them, in their own little world. Finally, Rose pulled away, panting. She lovingly put her hand on his cheek. "It's really you," she whispered, as tears found their way out of her eyes.

Jack gently wiped them away and smiled. "It's really me. God, I missed you," he said, crushing her against him. They stood there, unknowing and uncaring of how much time passed or who was looking at them. They just stood, clinging to each other. Eventually, they became aware of where they were and Jack smiled sheepishly. "Let's go home." Rose smiled and nodded. Jack took her hand, and together they walked out of the building.


Just before they got into the car, Jack pulled Rose into his arms, kissing her hungrily. "I love you," he murmured, breathing in her scent, something that had haunted him since he left.

Rose looked up at him, her emerald eyes shining with love. "I love you, too." Smiling, he leaned down to kiss her again.

Giggling lightly, Rose gave him an amused look. "You need a haircut."

Jack ran a hand through his shoulder length blonde hair and laughed. "Yeah, I guess I do. Mind stopping somewhere before we go home?"

Rose shook her head and indicated that they should get going. Reluctantly they let go of each other and got in the car.


"Well, what do you think?" the barber asked Jack, turning his chair towards the mirror.

Jack smiled and nodded. "Just what I wanted. Thank you," he said, paying the man.

"You're welcome. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Jack replied and went out into the waiting room, where Rose was absentmindedly flipping through a magazine. "Hey. All done."

Rose glanced up and broke into a huge smile. "You look great. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Stepping outside into the cool December wind, Jack wrapped his arms around Rose. She, in turn, tilted her head back and kissed him passionately. After a few minutes, she pulled away, laughing. "We sure know how to make the most unromantic places fun," she commented.

Jack chuckled. "Hmm...the middle of the airport, the airport parking lot, and in front of a barber shop. Yes, we're really cutting edge."

Rose smiled and tugged on his arm. "Come on, we better get home. The kids are already mad enough that I wouldn't let them come."

"All right."


The ride how was quiet, both of them just happy to have the other there. Pulling onto their street, Rose sighed. "For people who didn't believe me, they sure didn't waste any time getting here."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone's at our house." She pointed out a few cars. "Sam and Helga. Greg and Gina. My mother. Fabri. Tommy. Teddy and Leanne."


"Oh!" Rose gasped. "I can't believe I didn't tell you. A week before we thought you died, I was at the supermarket, and I quite literally ran into him."

Jack chuckled and shook his head. Grinning, she pulled into the driveway. "Let's go prove everyone wrong, shall we?"


Inside the house, everyone was getting antsy. This was the deciding moment. Either Rose had gone off the deep end, or Jack was really alive. A hush came over the group as a car pulled into the driveway. A few seconds later, the front door opened...

Chapter Eight