Chapter Nine

When Jack awoke the next morning, he was filled with an incredible content feeling in his heart. His wife, his whole being, was asleep in his arms. The children they created were asleep in the rooms next to theirs and he was home. Finally home where he belonged. The night before had been a night of lovemaking the two had never experienced before. They had reached heights deemed impossible, each time more then the last. Hell, he wasn't sure how many times they had come together. He knew they had to talk...there was so much they both needed to tell each other, and thanks to Ruth they would have that chance. Suddenly he felt Rose snuggled closer to him, stretching an arm across his bare chest. She looked up at him, an immeasurable amount of love and happiness shone in her eyes. Jack smiled and kissed her. "Morning."

Rose pulled his lips back to hers, kissing him again. "Morning," she whispered, settling back down in his arms.

"Mmm, I could stay here all day..." Jack murmured, hugging her tightly.

"I could too." She agreed. "But, those kids of ours will be getting up shortly and they'll want breakfast."

Jack grinned at the mention of their children. "I'm still in shock at how fast the twins accepted me."

Rose turned her head so she could look at him. "You're their father and they know it. They're young, so they adapt quickly. Give them a few days and they'll love you more than me."

Jack laughed lightly and was about to say something when there was a loud bang on their bedroom door. "Mommy, I'm hungry." Josh announced.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Told you. I'll be out in a minute, honey. Are your brother and sister awake?"

"Yeah. Hurry before we starve to death!"

Rose glanced at Jack, causing them to burst into laughter. "I'm coming, sweetie." She called and turned to Jack. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, give me a minute." Rose nodded and went to start breakfast.


"I'll bring them back around noon tomorrow. Is that okay?" Ruth asked as Rose helped her get the kids into her car.

"That's fine. Thank you so much, Mom. I don't know how we'll ever repay you for this."

"Nonsense. There's no need to pay me back. They're my grandchildren, besides you and Jack need this time to work on your marriage." She paused, embracing her. "I'm just so happy for you." She pulled away, sniffling.

Rose smiled and waved to the kids. "Be good for Grandma. I'll see you in the morning. Thanks again, Mom."

Ruth returned the smile and waved. The children screamed goodbye to their mother as Ruth pulled out of the driveway. Still smiling, she turned and went inside, where Jack was just getting out of the shower. "The kids gone?"


"Good. Come here." Jack said, pulling Rose into his lap.

Rose gave him an amused grin. "You remember the last time we sat like this?" She asked seductively, wrapping her legs around him.

"Hmm. Refresh my memory."

Giggling, Rose kissed him deeply, then rest her head on his shoulder, relishing the feel of him. Jack ran his hand up and down her back, kissing her neck ever so slightly. "We need to talk, you know."

"Yeah, I know." She paused as his lips found hers, continuing after. "Maybe we should do that now."

Jack laughed and pulled away to look at her. "Probably. We're going out for dinner tonight." He stated, removing her from his lap. "I'll be right back." Rose watched curiously as he sauntered into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he reappeared, grinning. "All right. Now where were we?"

"I believe we were going to talk..."

"Ah, yes." He sat down and put an arm around her shoulders. "I want to know everything that happened in these past two years. Everything you can remember. Don't leave anything out."

Rose gave him a weary look. "All of it?"


"Even...your...ah, death?"

"Everything, Rose. I think I deserve to know, don't you?"

Rose sighed and nodded. "All right."


Over the next few hours, both Jack and Rose poured their hearts out to each other. They laughed at some of the things the kids have done and cried together, comforting one another's hearts when they both retold the horrible events. It was around five o'clock when their tales were finished, both of them much happier now that it was off their chests.

Jack glanced at the clock on the fireplace. "We should get ready. Our reservations are for seven."

"Reservations? Where are we going?"

Jack grinned, his eyes glittering mysteriously. "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?"


"How in the world did you get reservations here?" Rose exclaimed as Jack pulled into the parking lot of Anton's, a very elegant and prestigious restaurant.

Jack turned off the ignition and smiled. "I've got my ways."


"This guy I met in Rome. He owns the place and told me whenever I got home to give him a call and he'd get us in."

"Oh. That's really nice of him."

"Yeah, he's a great guy. Come on Mrs. Dawson, our table awaits."

Rose giggled as he opened the door for her and offered his arm. As they made their way to the door, Rose noticed a young dark-haired woman casting her an envious glare. Rose smiled and glanced up at her husband adoringly, suddenly very aware of just how handsome he was at the moment. Jack opened the door and ushered her inside.

"Jack! Its good to see you again." A rather large man with a heavy Italian accent exclaimed, hurrying over to them.

Jack broke into a huge smile and embraced the man. "Anton! You're looking good!"

Anton returned the hug. "Its so good to see you up and about. And who is this lovely creature?" He asked, kissing Rose's hand.

"This is Rose, my wife."

"Ah, this is the lovely Rose you worry so much about. Its a pleasure to meet you."

"You, too. Thank you so much for getting us in with such a short notice. It means a lot to us."

"Oh, its my pleasure. Come on, I got a special table just for the two of you." They followed him to a small secluded table away from the rest of the restaurant goers. After making sure they were okay, he disappeared into the kitchen.

Jack turned his attention to Rose and smiled warmly. "Is this okay?"

Rose nodded enthusiastically. "More than okay. Its beautiful here." She said, taking in the wonderful decor.

"Good, I'm glad you like it. I have something for you."

"You didn't have to get me anything, Jack. Just having you home is enough."

Jack squeezed his hand and reached into his pocket. "I know. I bought this before the bombing...I was going to give it to you for our anniversary...but, anyway...I didn't want to wait until Christmas." Rose took the velvet box he was holding out to her and looked up at him. "Open it." Slowly, she lifted the top to reveal a delicate gold chain with a diamond pendant hanging from it. She let out a little gasp.


"You like it?"

"I love it. Its gorgeous." Rose said, lifting her eyes to his. "Thank you."

Jack came around behind her and hooked it, kissing her gently. "It looks amazing on you."

Rose blushed slightly and took a sip of her drink. "Having you here...I don't know how I ever survived without you."

Jack turned serious when he sat back down. "I know. You're my breath of life...without you, its like I can't breath. I love you so much, Rose. I don't think I'll ever be able to tell or show you how much."

Tears sprouted in her eyes, making them sparkle even more than before. "You don't have to show me, Jack. I know. I'm just afraid I'll never be able to show you."

Jack smiled and rubbed her hand with his thumb. "You still being here when I came home is enough."

"I'd wait forever for you. I hope you know that."

"I do. And that alone makes me the luckiest guy in the world."

"I love you, Jack."

"I love you, Rosie."


After a lengthy dinner and possibly a bit too much wine, the two were too giddy to go home just yet. So they decided to go to their old spot, a secluded section of the beach a few minutes from their house. Rose ran after Jack, heels in hand, laughing hysterically. Finally she caught up to him, playfully slugging him. He grabbed her wrist and turned her around so he was standing behind her, arms wrapped around her waist. They stared out at the ocean that had separated them for so long, content with their surroundings.

"Mmm...I missed this." Rose murmured, leaning up against him.

Jack tightened his grip on her waist and kissed the top of her head. "Me too. Moments like this...I would dream about over and over again, but I never got bored with them."

"Promise we'll stay like this forever, Jack."

"I promise. Come here though, I want to talk to you about something." Jack said, pulling her over to where there was a bench. They sat down and Jack took her hand, gazing at her with those piercing blue eyes of his. "I want to ask you something. I've been thinking about this since I came out of the coma. But its totally up to you."

Rose looked up at him wonderingly. "Okay."

Jack took a deep breath, his gaze holding steady on her. "I want us to have another baby."

Rose blinked. "Another baby?"

Jack nodded. "I want to be able to at least watch one of my children grow, from the time they're born to the day they leave home. I was there when Josh was born, but I missed so much. And the twins...I missed everything in their lives. But like I said, its up to you."

Rose stroked the side of his face affectionately, her eyes filled with tears. "There's no way I could deny you that, Jack."

"So that's a yes?"

"Yes. If you want another baby, we'll have another baby." She paused, winking coyly. "And since we're children free tonight, we might as well start trying when we get home."

Jack grinned and pulled her into his lap. "I think we got a head start on that one last night, Rosie."

Rose blushed and giggled. "Race you home."

Chapter Ten