Chapter Four

The loud ringing of the doorbell made Rose jump nervously from her position on the couch. She wondered if it was Jack. He was supposed to be here any minute. Giving herself the once over and deciding that she looked all right, Rose ran to the door and opened it. Jack stood there, smiling brightly at her.

"Hey," he said excitedly.

Rose laughed. "Hi." They just looked at each other for a few moments before Jack broke the silence.

"You look nice," he said, looking at her.

Rose had on a simple black skirt and baby doll white tee shirt. Her hair was out and loose and she had sunglasses on top of her head. On her feet were some tall, yet comfortable looking, black shoes and hanging from one of her shoulders was a small black leather purse from Nine West.

Rose blushed and smiled shyly at Jack. "Thank you," she said.

Jack smiled, and then asked, "Ready?"

Rose nodded and started out the door with Jack. "Mother is at a meeting downtown so she isn't around to make you go through the third degree," she said as they walked down the driveway.

Jack laughed. "Too bad, I was looking forward to meeting your mom. I've seen her walking a few times. She looks nice."

Rose smiled. "Oh, she's all right. As long as you get on her good side."

Jack smiled at her. "Then I will just have to get on her good side, huh?" he asked.

Rose laughed, nodded, and then looked toward the driveway. "Awesome car!" she exclaimed, running toward it. Jack drove a white 2000 Ford Explorer.

"Thanks," Jack said, opening Rose's door and helping her in. He walked around to his side and climbed in. "Aunt Maddy and Uncle Robert got it for me for graduation," he explained, as he started the car.

Rose laughed. "That is so cool. I had to half-buy mine. Mom paid for the rest, but still. She said she wanted me to 'learn what it is like to pay for my own things.' Like I don't already. She just thinks she pays for it all."

Jack laughed as he left the neighborhood. "Your mom sounds cool," he said.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Like I said, just get on her good side."

There were a few moments of silence before Jack said, "Ah...the movie starts at eight, so we have a little bit of time. Do you mind if I stop by the store real quick?"

Rose shook her head. "That's fine, Jack. I want to get something anyway."

"Okay, then, it's off to the store," Jack said playfully.

Rose laughed and rolled her window down. Jack switched on the radio and watched as Rose started tapping her fingers against the windowsill, according to the beat of the song. He beamed inside. Maybe he had finally found someone who shared the same interests as him. Maybe he and Rose would have more then a 'first date' relationship. Jack smiled to himself. Maybe he and Rose would have something special.


Rose sat on a park bench in Riverfront Park. She sighed happily as she looked out at the water. The Spokane River was calm and spellbinding in the dusk. Jack had gone to go get two ice cream cones from a riverside booth a few yards away.

The evening had been wonderful so far. After stopping at the store to pick up some more art supplies for Jack, which he said he needed, and some gum for Rose, they had went to the movie theater. Jack had insisted on paying for everything at the movies, even the Dippin' Dots he said Rose had to have. Rose had agreed, as she had never tried the Dippin' Dots, and found that she enjoyed them. They were these little frozen balls of ice cream that you ate with a spoon. Between Rose and Jack, they had about three packets.

All through the movie, Rose had held Jack's hand and had rested her head on his shoulder. The whole experience had been so electrifying that Rose had barely been able to concentrate on the movie. And then after the film was over, Jack had suggested they take a walk along the river. They had walked for a while, then sat down.

"Here," Jack said suddenly.

Rose turned her head and took the ice cream from Jack. "Thanks," she said.

Jack sat down next to her and started eating his own chocolate ice cream. There was a moment of silence before Jack asked, "So, who do you hang out with besides the twins? I mean, I am sure you have other friends."

Rose took a bite of ice cream, swallowed, and then answered Jack. "I only have a few other close friends. Sara is one. She is in Vancouver right now, visiting her Aunt Mary. I am pretty close to my cousin Katie, but she lives in Lake Chilan, so I don't see her much."

Jack looked at Rose. "That's too bad," he said.

Rose nodded. "Katie and I are practically sisters, even though she is two years younger than I am. She's really nice. You would love her." There was another silence before Rose started talking again. "What about you? Who are you friends with besides Tommy?"

Jack took another bite of his cone and then shrugged. "My closest friends besides Tommy would probably be John and Fabrizio. They are both gone now; Fabri is in Seattle visiting his mom and John is in England."

"In England?" Rose asked, excitedly. She had always wanted to visit England, and the rest of Europe for that matter.

"Yeah," Jack said, nodding his head. "He lived in England until he was about fifteen. Then, he and his family moved over here. They go back every summer for a few months to see his relatives. They all live over there."

"Wow! That's awesome," Rose said, smiling brightly. Jack nodded and then, for no reason, started staring at Rose. Rose began to notice this, and asked, "What? What is it? Did I do something?"

Jack took a deep breath and then sat up a little more. "Can I kiss you?" he asked hurriedly.

Rose's mouth dropped open and she gasped for breath. Jack wanted to kiss her! This was a dream come true! 'Oh my God!' she thought excitedly.

"Uh-huh," she mumbled, nodding her head as if she was in a dream world.

Jack gently put her arm around Rose and then lowered his mouth to hers. Rose closed her eyes and gently joined her mouth with Jack's. Before she knew it, they were kissing passionately. Rose moaned softly as their mouths parted for a moment and she moved her arms to Jack's neck.

"Kiss me again," she whispered softly.

Jack smiled and then closed his eyes again. They continued to kiss for some time, forgetting about everything, including their ice cream, which they involuntarily dropped onto the ground.


Ruth was sitting in her living room, watching a late night movie that was on Lifetime. She vaguely wondered where Rose was. It was after midnight. A movie couldn't go that long. But she trusted Rose and decided not to constantly worry about her. Ruth smiled as she watched the movie. Rose had seemed so excited about going out with Jack the whole day. She had even gotten up before seven, something she didn't do unless it was necessary. Suddenly, Ruth noticed headlights pull up outside. She heard two doors slam and then it was quiet. Ruth couldn't resist taking a quick look outside, so she got up off the couch and peeked out the window--just enough to see the front steps. Her daughter's arms were around Jack's waist and his arms were wrapped around her. They were kissing passionately.

Ruth quickly moved away from the window and moved back to the couch. She covered herself with a blanket and made it look like she was sitting there all along. Finally, about five minutes later, Ruth heard the front door open. She glanced over and saw Rose walk in.

Her daughter carelessly dropped her purse on the floor and her body seemed to go limp as she started to walk toward the stairs. Rose had a soft, loving smile on her face and her eyes were shining.

"Hello, Rose," Ruth called softly.

"Hmm," came Rose's soft reply as she started up the stairs.

Ruth stifled a laugh. "Have a good time?" she asked.

"Uh-huh," came another distant reply as Rose reached the top of the stairs.

Ruth laughed out loud this time. "Good night, Rose!" she called.

"Yeah," came another reply.

Ruth smiled and shook her head. "Rose, Rose, Rose," she whispered. She had never seen her daughter act this way over a boy. Ruth sighed, happy for Rose.

Chapter Five