Chapter Eight

Performance Night
August 2000

It was the second of two performance nights and Rose was a wreck. As far as she was concerned, tonight was worse the last night. Last night had been the opening night; things were expected to go a little wrong. But tonight, the actors were supposed to be over all that. And to make matters worse, almost everyone Rose knew was here to watch her tonight. Her mother, her cousins and aunt and uncle from Seattle, Mollie, Liza, Nick, Sara, Jack's family, Fabrizio, John, Marianne Westmore, and a bunch of people from Rose's old school. Rose was more nervous then she had been the night before, pacing in her dressing room.

Come on Rose, you know this play! Just pretend its dress rehearsal. You won't even notice them once you get out there. Just breathe, Rose. Just breathe, she silently coached herself. Glancing in the mirror, she checked her makeup again and then looked at the clock. Three minutes until curtain. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Rose opened it and gasped when she saw Jack. Jack, who was dressed in his tights and such that went along with his costume. Rose thought he looked adorable, but none the less, she was shocked.

"What are you doing here? You have a scene before I do. You're suppose to be backstage!"

Jack grinned and came in. "Can't I just take a minute to see you before I go?" he asked playfully.

Rose groaned and shut the door. "You know you're not suppose to be here. Now, hurry up. We've got a play to do."

"Come here," Jack said, pulling her toward him. "I just want to kiss you before we go onstage. After that, all the kissing I will do will be in front of the audience."

Rose smiled even though she was worried about being caught. She leaned in and quickly kissed Jack. "Now go," she whispered, motioning toward the door.

Jack leaned down and kissed her one last time. "All right. I'm leaving." He let go of Rose and started toward the door. Once his hand was on the doorknob, he turned and smiled. "Don't be nervous, Rose. You'll do great!"

"Thanks." Rose blushed. "Now go!"

Jack laughed and opened the door. "See you at the party, Juliet!" he called as he left the room.

Rose sighed and glanced at the clock again. "I better get up there," she mumbled to herself. Checking herself over one last time, Rose started out of the dressing room. Her white gown swished as she walked, her heels clicking on the floor. And even though Rose knew that the costume was suppose to be low, she couldn't help feel self-conscious as to how much cleavage the dress showed. Jack had told her she looked great, but Rose still felt weird.

Passing by a few people, who weren’t in scenes until much later, Rose tried to smile and appear calm. They waved and called soft good lucks! But all Rose could hear was the soft sounds of people talking out in the audience. Just as she arrived backstage, the lights in the house dimmed, and Rose heard Kathy start to talk.

"I want to thank you all for coming tonight. You are in for a real treat. Our actors have been practicing for two months, night and day, to bring you this show. And I promise you, you will not be disappointed. While all of our cast members are wonderful, and are truly gifted, I think two people will surely stay in your mind for a long time. And those two people are Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt-Bukater, also known as Romeo and Juliet. These two will draw you into the story in such a way that Shakespeare would have been proud." Rose blushed and glanced over at another cast member, who gave her a thumb’s up sign. Kathy continued, "They will make you want to fall in love all over again, and I promise you, there will not be a dry eye in this theater by the time the night is over." There was a soft laugh from the audience. "I could go on forever, talking about the antics of the cast. About how at times, they were ready to give up and storm out of here. And how Rose and Jack sometimes got carried away with being Romeo and Juliet…ahem!’’ There was another laugh from the audience, and once again Rose blushed as red as her hair. She could tell a few of the other actors were trying not to laugh at the memory. "But I know you are all anxious to get to the show. So, ladies and gentleman, I give you...Romeo and Juliet!" The sound of Kathy’s heels was quickly drowned out by applause and a moment later, Kathy appeared from the stage. "Go get 'em," she whispered to Rose as she came over.

"Thank you," Rose mumbled.

Kathy smiled and walked away, leaving Rose by herself. She moved over to where she could see the play, and sat down in a nearby chair. Watching with awe, Rose saw the play start to gain momentum. The cast was putting their hearts and souls into this play, knowing it was the last night. Rose smiled when Jack first was on stage, looking forlorn and sad. She loved watching him act. It made her heart soar the same way it did when he was drawing. Before long, Rose noticed she was due onstage in a few moments. She took a deep breath and waited for her cue.

"What, Juliet!"

There it was, the line she was supposed to come in on. Rose closed her eyes for less than a moment and then opening it up, saw Jack on the other side of backstage. He caught her eye and smiled at her. Rose smiled back and in that instant knew she could do it. She could perform this play. She could be Juliet. Walking onstage, Rose calmly started her lines.

Jack sat backstage and watched Rose talk with her Mother and nurse. She was such a wonderful actress, he decided, speaking her lines with passion, and Jack began to think she was really Juliet. The way she moved and spoke made her seem like the real thing, the real Juliet. Well, if Juliet had have been real, Jack thought to himself, Rose would have been her clone. Funny, beautiful, smart, a girl willing to risk it all for love. It made Jack smile just to think of her looking at him.

"Stop it, Jack Dawson," he whispered very quietly. "You'll never get through the play if you don't stop it." He tried once again to watch Rose, but his thoughts just kept going to all the times they had spent together. Jack knew they were both only eighteen, and they were just out of high school. But he loved Rose more then anything. He would do anything for her. He would die for her. Jack looked at her again. And glanced down at her left hand. An idea started to form in his mind and slowly a smile formed on Jack's face.


Rose was trying not to laugh as she listened to Romeo speak his lines. He had an almost funny, adoring look in his eyes that Rose was sure only she could notice and she wondered what was going through his head. They were doing the scene were Romeo left Juliet after their wedding night, standing up on a balcony, Juliet begging Romeo not to leave. Rose smiled, successfully stopping any thoughts of laughing.

"Yon daylight is not daylight, and know it I," she said, going on with the rest of her lines. Her mind kept thinking about what would happen if this were real, she and Jack were talking the morning after their wedding night. Wedding night...Rose almost blushed when she thought of it and forced herself to focus on the play.

The rest of the night went smoothly, Rose even working up real tears for the death scene. As soon as the curtain dropped, the audience burst into applause. Kathy and Terry gave a thumb’s up from offstage as the cast members all came out from various places offstage and all formed a line. The curtain opened again and they all bowed. Then the curtain closed for a seconded time and everyone quickly paired off in twos. Once the curtain was raised again, Rose watched as two by two people's names were announced along with their characters. Finally, it was time for Jack and Rose, who were the very last people.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the stars of our show...Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt-Bukater!" Terry announced excitedly, pride in his voice. Rose grabbed Jack's hand and they walked downstage. The moment they raised their arms and prepared to give one last bow, the audience all stood up and clapped wildly. Some people were whistling and some were shouting things like "Go Rose!" and "Awesome job, Jack!" The couple bowed and when they came back up, Jack pulled Rose toward him and kissed her again. The audience went wild again and with that, the final curtain dropped.


Jack was lying out in the grass, Rose half-asleep next to him. It was past midnight and they had just gotten back from the theater. The play had lasted until ten, and by the time they had helped take the set down it had been 11:30. Since everyone was too tired to think, the cast party had been put off until the next afternoon and thankfully the cast had all gone home. Jack had driven Rose home and they had never quite made it into the house. He had pretty much just parked the car at her house and then they went around back with a blanket and lay down, looking up at the stars. Both were tired as hell, but neither wanted to leave. Jack felt Rose stir and he looked down at her. She was snuggling closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's nice out tonight," she whispered when she saw him look at her.

Jack smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah," he mumbled, yawning loudly.

Rose smiled back and then looked back up at the sky. "I think the play went great," she commented. "You especially were wonderful. God, I have seen you do some scenes a million times and I still get these little goosebumps all over. It's like I am seeing it for the first time." It was dark, but Rose could tell he was blushing.

Jack cleared his throat and pulled Rose closer, kissing her head. "You were brilliant too, you know," he whispered in her ear. "You were magical. You brought that whole play to life. You were Juliet, Rose. You brought her to everyone in that audience."

Rose was blushing now, her blue eyes staring at Jack as though he were a god. "How did I find you?" she asked softly. "I love you so much, Jack."

"I love you, too, Rose," he whispered back.

It was quiet after that, only the soft sounds of the wind and distant crickets. Jack's mind was wandering, though, to different thoughts. To different places. He looked down at Rose again, wondering how to word what he wanted to say next.

"Rose--" He stopped short, thinking again of what Rose might say.

"Hmm...what, Jack?" she asked softly, looking up at him with wonder.

"I...well...Rose, will you come to Seattle with me?"

Rose gasped and sat up. "What?" she asked. "What are you talking about?"

Jack sat up next to her and started to explain. "I am going to Seattle next week to look at the college campus and I wanted to know if you would like to come along. Seeing as you are going to the same college. School starts in just a few weeks and I kind of want to see the place before I just show up there."

Rose sighed and put her hand on her heart. "Dear God," she whispered. "I want to go Jack, its just we've been so busy, and...oh, I don't know. Can I think about this?"

Jack nodded. "Of course," he promised. "I am not forcing you to go, Rose."

She nodded as she stood up. "I'll talk to you tomorrow," she whispered. "Good night, Jack."

And with that Jack watched her run across the backyard and then disappear inside the house. He sighed and slowly stood up, thinking about Rose's reaction. She seemed almost scared. Jack reached down and picked up the blanket, folding it over his arm. A moment later Rose's bedroom light turned on and he watched as she came to the window. She looked down at him and blew a soft kiss. He blew a kiss back and then started toward his car.


Phone Conversation Between Rose and Sara
10:00 AM The Next Morning

Rose: Hello?

Sara: Hey! You sound funny. Are you okay?

Rose: Hey, Sara. You woke me up.

Sara: Oh, sorry. I forgot you were out late.

Rose: It's all right.

Sara: So how drunk were you and Jack?

Rose: Sara!

Sara: Geez, it was a joke. I guess you are awake now, huh?

Rose: It's not how was I last night?

Sara: You were great, really. I loved that one scene you did, you know, where you demanded the poison. That was great!

Rose: Thanks.

Sara: Yeah, no problem. So how late did you get home?

Rose: Um, around twelve.

Sara: The play got over at like 10:30...

Rose: Yeah. So?

Sara: Where were you and Jack all that time, huh? I saw you up on stage. I know you two are getting pretty serious.

Rose: Sara, come on, we were taking down the set and stuff. It takes a while. And anyway, Jack and I aren’t like that yet.

Sara: Really?

Rose: Yes, really. I told you that last week or whenever.

Sara: I know, but I figured, you know, I guessed you would have by now.

Rose: Well, we haven't. So drop it.

Sara: Okay, sorry.


Rose: He asked me to go to Seattle with him.

Sara: Oh, my God! Really? Why?

Rose: To look at the college, get a feel for the campus. Makes sense, actually.

Sara: Monkers...

Rose laughed.

Rose: Monkers? I haven't heard you use that word in a while.

Sara: Yeah, you're going?

Rose: I don’t know yet. I haven't given him an answer.

Sara: You haven't! You have to go. I mean, how many people get a chance like this to go away with their boyfriend, no parents, no siblings, no anyone around.

Rose: There will be lots of people around.

Sara: Yes, but none that you know.

Rose: True...and I really do want to go. I love Jack. I can't imagine being away from him like that for a week.

Sara: See! You want to go bad. You're scared of what your Mommy is gonna say.

Rose: I am not!

Sara: Yes, you are. You are afraid Mommy will hate you for going off to the big city with your boyfriend.

Rose: I'm eighteen, Sara. My mom can't forbid me to go.

Sara: So does that mean you are going?

Rose: Why do you want me to go so bad?

Sara: No reason. You just need a vacation is all.

Rose: Yeah. Okay, I know what you mean.

Sara: So you're going?

Rose: Yeah...

Sara: Don't sound too excited.

Rose: I'm just tired.

Sara: Gotcha. I'll let you go, I guess.

Rose: Thanks...

Sara: But I'll be calling you this afternoon to make sure you've called Jack.

Rose: Okay.

Sara: I'll talk to you soon.

Rose: All right. Bye.

Sara: Bye.


Phone Conversation between Jack and Rose
Eleven AM

Jack: Hello. Dawson residence.

Rose: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Oh, hey Rose. What's going on?

Rose: Nothing much.

Jack: Yeah, me either. I am so tired. Aaron woke me up at like eight with stupid Spongebob Square Pants. You know I hate that show.

Rose laughed.

Rose: Yeah, I know.

Jack: There should be a law...

Rose: Hmm, yeah.

Jack: Yeah...


Rose: Um, look Jack. The reason I was calling was to say that I wanna go to Seattle with you.

Jack: Really! Great! Wow, I was worried you would say no.

Rose: No, I really want to go. It will be fun. We can go hang out at the waterfront and go to the Space Needle and all that jazz.

Jack: Yeah, sounds great, doesn’t it! We could take a ferry to Bainbridge Island if you wanted to. Or maybe up the San Juan’s.

Rose: Okay. Awesome. Ah, look, I gotta go talk to my mom about all this. So I'll call you back later. Oh, yeah, when are we going?

Jack: The, ah, fifth. So, Saturday.

Rose: All right. I love you.

Jack: Love you, too.

Rose: Talk to you later.

Jack: Bye.

Rose: Bye...

Chapter Nine