Chapter One

It was bad—worse than bad, really—more like horrible. Rose had lost her job. It wasn’t her fault—not really. The law firm she had worked at had closed, something about taxes.

At first, it hadn’t mattered. She had gone out each day and looked for a new job.

But three weeks had passed, and nothing had changed. She was still unemployed. Rose was beginning to think she would never find another job, and would be forced to spend her days in front of the TV, eating, like Cal.

"You know, it’s not that bad."

Rose jumped. She hadn’t known Cal was in the kitchen with her. "What isn’t?"

"My life. It’s quite fun, actually. I do whatever I please all day long."

"What about cleaning? And cooking?"

"I only do that because I know what would happen to you people if I didn’t."

"Pray tell me, what is that?"

Cal grinned. "This household would fall apart."

The Next Day

Rose didn’t leave the house once. Instead, she stayed in bed until after Jack and Fabrizio were gone. She found herself downstairs, in the chair, watching Oprah with Cal.

Chapter Two